under fire

Chapter 617 A Successful Exercise

Chapter 617 A Successful Exercise

The law and order model county is different from other places, and the thoughts of the traitors are of course different.

The security forces practiced at the foot of the mountain, forming formations and killing loudly, occasionally firing two shots, and tossing until it was almost dark.

The Chinese New Year is almost here, and the security forces have long wanted to return to the city, but the head of the regiment doesn't seem to have that intention at all.

A platoon plus a dozen or so reconnaissance teams, thirty or forty people finally began to practice reconnaissance into the mountains.

After advancing two miles, it was getting late.

A group of people walked vigilantly on the trail in the ravine, and there were strange rocks everywhere on the mountain ridges on both sides. It would be fine if they didn't know that there were guerrillas in the mountains. Up to now, they haven't seen any guerrillas.

The company commander of the public security army called to stop the traitor who was the leader of the investigation team: "Hey, brother, let me tell you something..."

"Hey, I want to tell you something too."

"Then you talk first." The company commander knew at a glance that this guy had almost the same idea as himself.

The traitor looked around: "I don't understand one thing. There are guerrillas in this mountain. Why don't we really go in and suppress it? But we are conducting exercises at the foot of this mountain?"

Company Commander Zhi smiled mysteriously: "Think about it, if these Tuba Road guerrillas are wiped out, where will our regiment leader and your captain make money in the future?"

The traitor hurriedly pretended to understand: "Uh, so it is like this, brother really understands people, and younger brother finally understands."

You pretend, I will see how long you can pretend, you are entangled with the guerrillas outside the city every day, do you know about this?

Company Commander Zhi was speechless for a long time, and finally came to his senses: "This is what you want to talk about?"

The traitor smiled wickedly and approached Company Commander Zhi: "You and I are the pillars of the family. In order to survive in this troubled world, we have to do things for the prince. It is a last resort, but our lives are our own. If this is a drill that kills your life, then the mother-in-law and aunt at home will have to take advantage of others if they don’t have children, don’t you think?”

Company Commander Zhi immediately responded: "You're right. But, you're a bachelor, since when did you have a wife?"

The traitor smiled awkwardly: "Hey, didn't I think about you?"

"Then I. Do I still have to thank you for thinking about my brother, or if we go around and trouble you like this, let's just speak up if we have anything to say?"

The traitor immediately looked serious: "Look, the footprints on the ground go all the way to the deep mountains. Maybe those guerrillas are hiding in the mountains and want to make trouble. I think... if we go further into the mountains, we will probably be killed by the guerrillas." Ambush."

The company commander was secretly refreshed, and looked contemptuous: "Why, you kid is afraid of death?"

"My mother-in-law and aunt haven't even found one. If I die like this, it would be too bad for the ball. Our brother opened the skylight to tell the truth: This is a fake exercise, and there is no need for us brothers to take that risk !"

Company Commander Zhi happened to borrow the donkey from the slope: "Okay, since you said so, let's go back now?"

The traitor suddenly remembered: "By the way, just now you said that you also have something to say, what is it?"

Company Commander Zhi is honest and upright, he doesn't fool around: "Hey, this is what I want to tell you."

The traitor immediately beamed with joy: "Could this be called a hero who sees and agrees? Well, let's marry a brother of the opposite sex later on?"

"Well, I just caught a few chickens this afternoon. I'm going to buy two bottles of Fenjiu. I'll go to my house tonight."

"Big brother?"

"Little brother!"

The two knots in the barren mountain were reached in a few words.

The traitor turned his eyes around twice: "If we go back directly now, it may not be easy to deal with. Or, let's fire a few shots before leaving?"

Company Commander Zhi immediately became serious: "I said brother, do you think bullets don't cost money?"

"Hey, it's the eldest brother who has become a family member, so he knows how to be diligent and thrifty in managing the family, so let's just shout a few times?"

Company Commander Zhi shook his head again: "It's not right, I have accumulated some bullets, if I keep it at home, it might be moldy, brother, you go outside every day, someday you take some time to see if it can be used Change some vinegar money."

Will bullets grow moldy?The traitor was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted. He didn't expect to come out to hold a drill and make a sworn brother for no reason, and now he can get such a big benefit!
If you can sell bullets today, maybe there will be scrapped guns tomorrow!

Buying and selling bullets and guns is much more profitable than collecting three cents and two cents from the poor at the gate of the city. Rich people need it for housekeeping and nursing homes, and they will definitely sell for a good price."

Only then did Company Commander Zhi let out a sigh of relief: "However, you must let the commander outside the mountain and your captain listen!" Company Commander Zhi immediately shouted at the orderly waiting not far away: "Let the brothers prepare for battle immediately!" , assuming there are guerrillas in the hills ahead, let’s make a fortification.”

"Ah, can't this bullet be sold for money?" Hearing the inconsistent words of the elder brother, the traitor was a little confused.

Company Commander Zhi shook his head and smiled mysteriously: "After such a big battle, if you don't fire a few shots, how can you report the loss of ammunition to the higher authorities after you go back?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of intensive gunfire in the mountains.

When Company Commander Zhi came back, he winked at the head of the regiment, and directly saluted and shouted: "Reporting to the head of the regiment, after careful search and fierce attack by our department, a group of guerrillas were defeated by our department and fled into the mountains. Eight trails!"

Head Ma tilted his neck and returned a serious military salute: "I announce that the mission of the special exercise before the Chinese New Year has been successfully completed, count the results immediately, and withdraw troops!"

Captain Ma didn't plan to spend the night in a nearby village at all. The pig was slaughtered in the regiment today, and he had already made an appointment with the police chief. He had to go back quickly, drink a good drink to warm his body, and maybe the bonus would be collected today. arrive.

The team under him started to line up, two columns, and several soldiers under him carried the few rebel chickens they found on their rifles, ready to go back to the city immediately.

Captain Ma got on his horse and said, "Hey, Captain Huang, look, the guerrillas must have fled when we made a fuss. If there is nothing else, I have to go back."

Captain Huang was muttering to his subordinates who had just returned, and he was frowning at this moment: "That Captain Ma, I may not be able to leave yet. The brother who reported back just now brought news from the gendarmerie, saying that an unknown gun was found in a neighboring county last night. The identity team entered our county from the east, and maybe they are also in this mountain."

Head Ma's face darkened: "Huang, I sold your favor and promised to sing this play with you. Don't make trouble for me! If you want to earn performance with the imperial army, don't go with me."

Captain Huang was in a hurry: "I said, this matter is really weird. If the imperial army blames it for not doing it well, none of us will be able to get better."

Head Ma is not happy anymore: "Hey, it doesn't matter about our security forces to inquire about news. If you want to make meritorious service, then go inquire quickly and see who is bold and desperate, and dares to come to our territory to make you uncomfortable. , I killed him in minutes."

Captain Huang also felt unlucky: "There are still more than ten miles to go back to the city, why don't we brothers stay in the village overnight and come back tomorrow?"

Captain Ma sneered: "Don't, it's almost Chinese New Year, brother, I have an appointment today, so, I'll say hello to the brothers in the nearby gun tower, if you find any traces of the guerrillas, let them fight immediately Call back to the city to report, tomorrow morning I will assemble a team to support you, what do you think?"

"That's all right, you go first, I will arrange for the brothers to disperse first, and I must find out the whereabouts of that team."

Head Ma suggested: "Don't be so serious, can you? Didn't your brothers discover the guerrillas and ordinary people? Why don't you report it directly?"

Captain Huang couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Hey, if I really report and find a large number of guerrilla traces directly, you have to stay and wipe them out now, and you still want to go back to the city to drink?"

Head Ma raised his voice: "I promised to help you, and now the matter is over, don't make me feel uncomfortable at the critical moment of the Chinese New Year!"

Captain Huang thought about it, this guy surnamed Ma was a ruthless person if he could become the head of the regiment, and he asked him for help, but it was just a couple of days before the Chinese New Year. Or ask him to help with some private work in the future, and he won't be able to hire him without spending a lot of money.

And seeing that it's getting dark, even if we find out the news, it will be tomorrow to arrange the mopping up: "Well, when you go back, please say hello to the brothers in the nearby blockhouse and take care of my life." Brothers who are suffering, I have to arrange to collect those brothers who stayed in the village from Shilibaxiang to see if they have received any news."

"You're smart!" It was the task of the detective team to find out the news, and the head of the horse rode on the horse against the cold wind and stopped talking, and immediately ordered his subordinates who had assembled to go back to the city.

The ten-mile journey back to the city is not very easy. It is estimated that it will be almost completely dark in the city.

Maybe the chief of the police force is already waiting in the barracks, so he has to go to the front blockhouse and call back to the barracks to say something, and then let his men go down and ask the two girls to come out to accompany him.

(End of this chapter)

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