under fire

Chapter 618

Chapter 618 Back to Mother's Home

The sky could be seen slowly turning black.

Time passed quietly, and in the half-dark bushes in the ravine where the cold wind was howling, there were two figures lying on their stomachs.

Tang Dagou was extremely tormented. Ever since he found out that several groups of criminals from the detective team had entered the mountain, Captain Liang didn't know what was wrong. He let Hu Yi and the girl go to the city, and let him and Erniu go to attract the detective team.

Of course, the two of them were not the only ones who were going to attract the detective team. Practitioners were squatting on almost every road entering the mountain pass, with only one purpose: to show the enemy weak.

The traitors of the investigation team had to be attracted to the mountainous area. Staff Liu led his people and left with County Magistrate Liu. Although he didn't say where they were going, everyone knew that they must find a way to sneak into the city.

It is necessary to reduce the number of all-pervasive traitors in the city, so as to ensure that the secret service team entering the city has more opportunities to attack the advancing team.

The reason for his torment was the second girl next to him, because this female militia captain was once Tang Dagou's superior!

"Hey, why don't the big dogs shoot them?"

"Why don't you do anything if you don't want to do something bad."

"How can you attract without shooting?"

"The guerrillas have already appeared in the mountains. The first task of the traitors is to find out the whereabouts of the guerrillas. They can't go back today."

"If some of them go back, how do you know so clearly?"

"What the hell, I did that when I suppressed the bandits."

"So you've done bad things before?"

"No." Tang Dagou immediately became serious: "Absolutely not."

"Tch, you are not a good person, honestly, how many outrageous things have you done?"

"If fighting devils counts, I have indeed done a lot."

"I'm asking, have you ever called Eight Routes before?"

"Why, when I beat the little devil, I didn't have eight ways."

"Come on, three"

In the darkness of the valley, there were three figures walking ghostly and chongchong: "Wang Mazi, be careful, don't go so fast!"

"Fart, I'm afraid he's a bird. I just came here in the afternoon, and those guerrillas are hiding in the ravine ahead."

"Could it be that the team the captain mentioned are those in the mountains?"

"Certainly not, the captain said, those people are all wearing military uniforms, who can carry a few clothes when they walk such a long distance? Do you think Balu is so rich?"

"Then what are we going to do to stare at these guerrilla people? They want the cat to drink the northwest wind in the ravine this winter, so he can do it."

"You know what a fart, the captain wants us to hang this group of guerrillas, and wait until the New Year is over before mobilizing people to catch them all."

"Didn't the Imperial Association Army come out today, how about killing them directly?"

"Let me ask you, if you want to wipe out the Eighth Route Army in the mountains, can you kill them all within three to five days? After that, you have to go door-to-door in the nearby villages. Can't you make it through this year?"

"Anyway, whether we fight or not, we little characters have to drink the northwest wind in this broken ravine. Maybe we can get some bacon or something during the search of the village during the Chinese New Year. Why don't we come with the guerrillas?"

"You're fucking looking for death, don't pull me in."

Wang Mazi curled his lips: "Those guerrillas are full of big knives and spears in their hands. It's amazing that they have a few blunderbusses and bring ordinary people with them. The three of us can kill thirty of them. Why wait?"

"Do you think you can outrun the guerrillas in the mountains? What if they still have short guns?"

"Short guns? Even if they have short guns, can they have as many bullets as us? Besides, as soon as the gun is fired and the brothers around him surround him, where else can he go?"

"You still don't admit that you are a stick? So many security forces came to help in the afternoon, but the captain didn't let him do anything. Do you think you can be smarter than the captain?"

"That's because if the security forces move into the mountains, those guerrillas will run deep into the mountains."

"I warn you again, if you want to die, don't drag me into the water."

"You coward, when did you become so timid? A few guerrillas who can't even defeat bandits can scare you like this?"

"It's getting dark today, I think it's better to go back first."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, as long as we can kill this group of guerrillas, what will we lose if we go back to get promoted and get rich?"

"Hey, to be serious, these guerrillas stay in the mountains in the winter. What do they want to do?"

"What else can there be? It's Chinese New Year, let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together."

"You can really think, don't go to the village at the foot of the mountain to eat the New Year's Eve dinner, run in the mountains and drink the northwest wind, do you think it is possible?"

"Why is it impossible? Most likely want to leave the mountain after dark."

"Then wouldn't it be better for us to wait outside the mountain?"

"Then what if they don't leave the mountain?"

"Are you fucking carrying it on purpose? Why don't you catch two guerrillas and ask slowly?"

"I'm fucking you old."


A clear and clear gunshot sounded in the valley.

"What the hell are you doing shooting?" Tang Dagou, who was startled by the gunshot, spoke.

"Can't I be nervous?" Er Niu gasped and muttered in a low voice.

"What the hell are you going to shoot?"


"Why, if this scares the traitors of the detective team back to the city, I'll see how Captain Liang will deal with you."

At the gate of the county seat, the company commander of the security forces guarding the city yelled on the tower: "What are you still doing there, quickly close the suspension bridge and enter the city."

After all, after closing the city gate, the day's work is basically over.

A horse-faced traitor in charge of the inspection ordered the security forces next to him who were about to hang up the suspension bridge: "Wait a minute, our captain hasn't come back yet!"

A security squad leader murmured, "Damn it, you're the only ones who have a lot to do!"

On the dark road in the distance, two figures were approaching quickly.

A short and fat traitor next to him looked carefully at the person coming from a distance: "Hey, that doesn't seem to be the captain!

The horse-faced traitor who spoke at the beginning also saw that it was a large and small figure, and was a little surprised: "Who is this person? It's almost dark and still on the road?"

The squat traitor immediately smiled sarcastically: "Whoever he is, he has to give them a good fortune."

Finally, I could clearly see the two figures, one big and one small, walking to the side of the suspension bridge.

The horse-faced traitor saw that he was dressed in black, he was clearly of his own kind, but he didn't recognize him, so he couldn't help but get discouraged: "Where did you come from?"

After crossing the suspension bridge, Hu Yi looked left and right, and there were only two traitors guarding the gate of the city, plus more than a dozen security forces who were watching him, expressionless: "Go to relatives."

The chunky traitor saw that this guy was carrying a slung shell gun on his shoulder, and that the score was bigger than his immediate boss, the captain. He felt a little uneasy: "Hey, what part is yours? How come I haven't seen you before?"

Hu Yi glanced at the traitor, reached out and took out a small book from his jacket pocket, and handed it to the traitor with a horse face in front of him.

The horse-faced traitor hesitated for a moment, and had no choice but to reach out to take the certificate handed over by Hu Yi. With the light from the fire that had been burned by the security forces outside the city, he took a closer look: the photo and seal were correct.

The horse-faced traitor felt that he still had to ask: "Are you from Mei County? Uh... your accent doesn't sound like a local?"

"The imperial army is not a local!" Hu Yi still replied coldly.

The horse-faced traitor was choked to death by these words, the short and fat traitor next to him hurriedly rounded up the situation, looked at Xiao Hongying next to him: "This is..."

"Auntie is his mother-in-law! Go back to her mother's house." The small breasts stood out.

The horse-faced traitor seemed to be a bit weird when he heard the voice of that small body. It was a bit like a person from the mountains: "Brother, with this small body, you can do it?"

Hu Yi turned cold and stared at the traitor in front of him: "Be good at your job, don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

"Hey." The horse-faced traitor seemed to be stared at by a poisonous snake, and smiled and returned the certificate to Hu Yi.

Then I turned my head and glanced at Xiao Hongying, who was staring at the clear and big eyes, and didn't even bother to check the good citizenship certificate she was holding in her hand: "If you come here later, the suspension bridge will be closed and the city gate will be closed. You have to wait until tomorrow, let's go, brother, you are lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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