under fire

Chapter 619 The first joint

Chapter 619 The First Connection

Captain Huang, the leader of the traitor, stood outside the village and watched from a distance.

A group of his subordinates dispersed for a long time, but no one came back to report. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It was almost dark, and there was no point in waiting any longer, so I raised my hand to look at the most expensive watch on my body.

It wasn't until the gunshots came that Captain Huang finally laughed.

"Hey, Captain, there's gunshots." It was a traitorous captain next to Captain Huang who spoke.

Captain Huang has already turned around: "It's fine if there are gunshots, let's go, let's go back to the city now!"

The small captain followed behind Captain Huang and suggested: "Captain...do you want to send reinforcements here?"

"Just one shot. If we have to send reinforcements even to deal with the guerrillas, our brothers have been training with the imperial army for so long, isn't it a waste of work?"

"It seems to be in the direction of Wang Mazi and the others, why don't I take someone to see?" Wang Mazi is Captain Huang's brother-in-law, so he dare not be careless.

"That's all right. I'll take a few brothers back to the city first. Just keep an eye on them. You won't be able to get valuable information if you catch those guerrillas during the New Year's Eve." After Captain Huang finished speaking, he suddenly had a strange expression on his face. Warning: "Remember not to do anything, try not to do it, just keep these guerrillas close and don't lose them!"

The team leader hurriedly agreed: "Don't worry, I understand the truth of doing it after the Chinese New Year."

In the ravine.

The three detective teams crouched behind the cold stone, watching two blurred figures run towards the mountain in the nearly pitch-black night.

The leader Wang Mazi hesitated for a moment: "Is this guerrilla really planning to go down the mountain?"

The traitor on Wang Mazi's left murmured, "It must be so. The gunshots just now were probably caused by the guerrillas who were exploring the way ahead and found us."

The traitor who fell behind asked, "Shall we catch up?"

The traitor on the left immediately objected: "Wang Mazi, this black light is blind, and the guerrillas will easily catch up with them if they catch up. Anyway, they can't escape in the mountains. I think we should go back to the village maintenance committee and go to the president Wang's house to drink. "

The traitor behind immediately asked: "Hey, Wang Mazi, why don't you speak?"

In the dark, Wang Mazi finally spoke again: "What the hell, the 30 or so guerrillas that I saw this afternoon seemed to be carrying swords and spears, but I didn't expect that the guerrillas had rifles! It's weird."

"The gunshot just now sounded like dripping water. I said, maybe it wasn't these two people you saw this afternoon?"

The traitor on the left suggested again: "I don't think it matters whether it is right or not. Nothing is as important as our lives. Just leave someone to watch the way out of the mountain."

The traitor behind thought it was a good idea: "Hey, let's talk about it first, I won't do the job of guarding the Tao in the middle of the night."

Wang Mazi didn't dare to be careless: "You two are so cowardly. If this is the case, then let's go back."

"Brother Wang, let's go back and ask President Wang to arrange two guards to guard the mountain road. If someone comes out of the mountain, report it to us, and the three of us go drink. What do you think?"

Wang Mazi immediately got up from the ground: "Your method is good, boy, hurry back."

"Wang Mazi, do you want to go back and talk to Captain Huang?"

"When you are the captain, you can't hear the gunfire? The report has traveled several miles back and forth."

"That's right, they will definitely come over to ask about the situation when they hear the gunshots. Let's just wait."

After entering the gate of the county seat, the traitors of the two detective teams turned a corner and went up to the gate tower, and had to pay the entrance fee collected today!
Several security forces are still busy collecting the suspension bridge and closing the city gate.

Xiao Hongying followed closely beside Hu Yi.

Looking back at the darkness in the distance behind him, he asked Hu Yi who was walking in front in a low voice: "Fox, this time it's just the two of us going to the city, where will we stay tonight?"

"I said, can you stay away from me first?" Hu Yishun walked a few steps forward, and said again at the intersection: "The wonton seller is my own."

Hu Yi has never done joint work before, but he has done a lot of reporting to different troops. He dragged the girl to the steaming stall: "Hey, how does your wonton taste?"

"Big Brother, from what you said, I consider our braised noodles the second in the whole city, and no one dares to say that they are number one!"

"Then help cook two big bowls of braised noodles."

"Okay, do you want to add more vinegar?"

"No, just add more salt."

The middle-aged man raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow: "Just now I saw the security forces closing the city gate, and I thought you wouldn't be able to enter the city today. Hey, why are you two alone? Where are the others?"

Hu Yi didn't answer his question: "Find us a place to stay nearby first."

"It's been arranged in advance. After you have eaten noodles, go west along this street, turn south at the second intersection, and find the house with lanterns on the left side of the door and Spring Festival couplets on the right side. Knock four times and one short." As the middle-aged man spoke, he grabbed two small handfuls of noodles, lifted the lid of the pot, and threw them directly into the steaming boiling water.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and poured more than a dozen wontons into the pot again before covering the pot: "Be careful, this is the time for the Royal Association Army to change the guard."

Turning around the intersection, I finally saw a few people still walking hurriedly on the road.

Hu Yi and the girl looked at each other as they walked unhurriedly.

The inside of the city is no better than the outside of the city, and wearing the black clothes of the detective team may not be able to act like a god, and the two continued to walk on the street.

"Hey, Fox, I just saw sweat on your forehead."

Eat hot noodles.

Hey, you sweated before eating.


Seeing the lanterns and Spring Festival couplets, and the girl watching the wind vigilantly, Hu Yi cautiously stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The door creaked open.

A young woman's face appeared with an oil lamp in her hand: "Who are you looking for?"

"Don't look for anyone, beg for saliva!"

"If you want water, go to the next door and ask for it."

"I came all the way from my old uncle's house, and I haven't eaten enough for half a year, can you do me a favor?" Hu Yi carefully finished the connection code taught to him by County Magistrate Liu word for word.

The woman didn't ask any more questions, and opened the door. After the two of them entered, she stretched out her head to look around on the street outside, then retracted her head and closed the door, leading the two to the backyard.

Hu Yi looked at the environment carefully with the oil lamp in the woman's hand.

The floor is simple and simple, with muddy wooden boards and fence walls. There is a wooden table facing the gate. There is a picture hanging on it, with a few crooked words on it: Heaven, Earth, King, Parent, and Teacher.

Hu Yi and Xiao Hongying looked at each other, without saying a word, they walked into a dark room without hurrying.

After the woman opened the door, an oil lamp was placed on the kang. With the oil lamp in the woman's hand, Hu Yi had a clear view of the situation in the house.

Mottled walls, more than a dozen people were sitting or lying on the kang, and the ground was covered with grass. Seeing Hu Yi coming in, more than a dozen eyes were full of surprise, because they all saw Hu Yi's pistol hanging on his shoulders.

Finally, a figure said: "Brother Hu, I didn't expect you to really sneak in!"

Hu Yi knew him, he was a platoon leader, he didn't answer his knowingly asked greeting, and asked indifferently: "Where is Staff Liu and the others?"

The platoon leader hesitated for a moment: "The staff officer and the comrades from the county government went to the restaurant to inquire about the news.

The woman who brought Hu Yi in finally spoke: "The last time Staff Liu went to the city, he only stayed in the city for one day. He is not very familiar with the terrain of the city. We arranged for someone to take him to familiarize himself with the environment around the restaurant."

Hu Yi hesitated for a moment: "Then, can you take me to see it too?"

(End of this chapter)

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