under fire

Chapter 620: Restless Night

Chapter 620: Restless Night

In some respects, the detective team is also well-trained, and the control of ordinary people in the model county of public security is unprecedentedly strict.

There was no careful inspection of the people who were also members of the detective team entering the city.

The traitors of the two investigative teams finished paying their bills and were walking down the tower.

Talking while walking: "The guy who entered the city just now looked like a stubble."

"I see his eyes turning around my neck at any time, which makes me feel scared. I see his eyes as a ruthless person. He must have killed a lot of people."

"Aren't there fewer desperadoes in our detective team?"

"Hey, you didn't use that word to describe yourself, did you?"

"Go away, by the way, he didn't seem to say who the relatives he took refuge in were?"

"No, I was so scared by him that I forgot to ask."

"Do you think he will have problems?"

"I've read it carefully, and his certificate is absolutely genuine. I have obtained so many certificates, and no one can make it fake. He must be a member of the detective team. The time of issuance on the certificate is quite long."

"Then is he a deserter?"

"In these years, where have you heard that deserters appeared in our detective team? Everyone has sharpened their heads to get into the detective team."

"I always feel that something is wrong. At this night, according to our management regulations, no matter who he is, he has to report to the police, right?"

"Well, I think they should really seek refuge with their relatives, maybe just stay in the city for one night, maybe they will leave tomorrow."

"No, seeing that they didn't even bring their luggage, the place they're going to is definitely not far away."

"I remember his name, why don't you report it to the higher authorities?"

"We have to call the provincial capital to verify this report, and then we have to go all over the city to find the two of them to fill in the information. At least it will be tomorrow when the news of the verification comes back. If the brother leaves early tomorrow morning, Isn't this old man looking for trouble?"

"You also know the trouble? Our captain hasn't come back since he left the city. Don't look for trouble."

"But, he doesn't seem to have paid the fee for entering the city! The imperial army said that no matter who it is, except the imperial army, they have to pay the fee for entering the city."

"Your mother's brains were kicked by a donkey? Then do you pay the toll when you go to the city? You're all from your own family, what the hell, anyway, even if you pay, it won't fall on our brother."

Turning a corner, the voices of the two traitors disappeared in the cold wind and could no longer be heard.

A model county for law and order certainly has the majesty of a model county.

After dark, with the help of the afterglow of the searchlights on the city wall, the police team began to patrol the streets of the county town at night. The team with torches questioned and checked the documents of everyone who was still wandering on the street, and then issued a stern warning.

After being threatened by the patrolling police for a while, there were almost no pedestrians on the street.

In the alleys behind the streets, there seemed to be no one in the darkness.

The north wind was rushing vigorously in the alley, making a whining sound.

In the seemingly peaceful night, in the slight whistling sound of the north wind, several dark shadows were hiding.

From the lit courtyard on Qianjie Street, the sound of drinking wine wafted to the street from time to time.

There was a faint sound of footsteps in a dark alley, causing a barking of dogs.

After the people in the yard scolded a few times, the barking turned into a low whine.

A thief covered his face, and next to him was a young man in black, who kept a distance from the shadow walking in the front, and sprinted in the winding alley.

The man in black in front suddenly stopped at the entrance of the alley, holding a pair of singles in his hand. The broken iron block could not see the color in the dark, and whispered to the two black shadows following: "Hey, the house with the lights on in front , is Chief Lin’s residence.”

The little thief huddled next to Hei Ying, holding a pair of big-eyed tweezers in his hand, asked in a low voice, "Then what shall we do now?"

Hei Ying lowered his voice and said, "We have figured out the deployment of the security forces on the other side of the city wall. Tomorrow night after dark, the task of the three of us is to meet the people in the room with the light on in front and retreat over the city wall."

"You said we will fight tomorrow night, so we won't have anything to do with the team?" The braid on the little thief's head is quite conspicuous, who else but Xiao Hongying?

Heiying hesitated for a moment: "Assassin Liu said that this time the assassination operation will be carried out by the secret service team. They have prepared for this day for half a year, and they have practiced many times earlier. It is really nothing to do with us."

"I have a gun." Xiao Hongying stared wide-eyed unwillingly.

"The action team didn't intend to use guns at all." Sombra replied seriously.

"Aren't they stupid if they don't need guns?" Xiao Hongying felt a little lonely.

Heiying couldn't help but secretly excited: "Using a knife can make the enemy more afraid. Think about it, if the enemy's most elite troops are assassinated in the enemy's heavily guarded security model county lair, the enemy won't be scared out of their wits."

"The devils have searchlights on the city wall, and the enemy is still patrolling with wolf dogs. How can we find out?" Xiao Hongying asked suddenly.

"Comrade Li Huanzhang, the sharpshooter, is responsible for solving the searchlight. We have our own way to deal with that wolf dog!"

"Are you really a sharpshooter?" Xiao Hongying suddenly turned her head and asked the man in black next to him named Li Huanzhang.

"You don't believe it?" Li Huanzhang replied coldly.

"What's the point? It stinks in the county town. You don't even have a gun now. You're considered a sharpshooter. There's something for you!" The girl said carelessly, but she was telling the truth.

Li Huanzhang had black lines on his face: "You? A girl, your little pistol is good for self-defense, but it's also useless in battle."

Xiao Hongying suddenly suggested: "Hey, why don't we go to the security forces to get two guns?"

Li Huanzhang immediately objected: "No, Staff Liu has issued a strict order that no one is allowed to act without permission before dark tomorrow."

"What a coward. In such a big county, what does it matter if the security forces throw a gun or two?"

"Then you really should be in charge of this mission, so as not to bury your ability."

"Hey, I'll let you know how great my aunt is tomorrow!"

"I think with your bragging ability, you can definitely blow all those devils to death."

"You idiot, don't you believe that I killed a devil?" The girl was so angry that her stomach would explode.

"I believe that our student team is all grassroots commanders, and I believe that everyone has killed devils!" After Li Huanzhang finished speaking, he added confidently: "If we want to get guns, it won't be too late after the operation starts tomorrow night! "

Xiao Hongying was speechless.

The cat was at the base of the wall, with a straw in its mouth that it didn't know where it came from. It blinked its big eyes in the dark, looking at the room where the light was still on in the distance.

After a long while, he whispered to the black figure in front of him: "Hey, you said that Chief Lin was discovered by the detective team on purpose, really to attract people from the scout team here?"

"There are only more than 100 investigative team members in the county seat. Half of the traitors have asked for leave a few days ago, and there are only fifty or so left. Today, there are more than 20 out of the city, and there are seven or eight of them guarding the city gate. For the seven or eight people attracted by Section Chief Lin, the traitors have to change shifts at night, and there are almost no detective team traitors in other parts of the city, do you understand?"

"In that case, why don't we go to Dadexing Restaurant to have a look?"

"I really admire you. Let's take such a big risk to toss for half a night. How come you are still so energetic?"

"Don't you know that you need to reconnaissance before the battle?"

"We can't get involved in things over there."

"Tch, don't you know that if the operation fails, our troops will storm Qi County?"

"so what?"

"Since we're going to attack by force, if Staff Officer Liu and the others fail, do you think we shouldn't be responding in the city? In this case, is it necessary for us to go out of the city?"

"Think about defeat before winning, what the girl said seems to make sense." Only then did Li Huanzhang fully understand the cause and effect.

"You don't have eyes, you can call me a girl?" Xiao Hongying subconsciously stared, but unfortunately no one could see it.

"How about we vote, I agree to go to Dadexing Restaurant for reconnaissance!" Li Huanzhang didn't care about the little girl's anger.

"You two, don't make troubles, I won't take you there!"

"Turn two streets south from the front street, pass through the alley next to the county government, and there is a restaurant not far from the city wall. Do you think I can't find it without you leading the way?"

The shadow leading the way was stunned: "You just entered the city today, how do you know so clearly?"

"Don't you know what a map is?" Xiao Hongying smiled triumphantly in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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