under fire

Chapter 621 Distress in the dark night

Chapter 621 Distress in the dark night
Searchlights swayed left and right on the gate tower at the entrance of the city gate.

After the light diverges, a very faint part returns to the county street.

The city of three miles, the country of seven miles, the county seat is actually not big.

The location of Dadexing Restaurant is good, at the end of the horizontal street from west to east to the south of the gate of the county government.

The gate faces west, there is no back alley, and there is a troop transport road between the city wall.

Not far from the city wall, more than ten meters.

At this time, the first and second floors were still brightly lit.

There was a lot of people in the restaurant, and it seemed that the plaque was emitting fragrance.

The second floor was full of people, businessmen in all kinds of clothes, county magistrates of the pseudo-government, and heads of various yamen were almost all present, and the voices of changing glasses and drinking orders were endless.

The traitors from the maintenance association who made a special trip to the city to pay for the dinner were toasting a few devils, and the translator was so busy that he was sweating profusely that he had no time to translate the language of the two sides.

After being coaxed by a few ghosts and pinching his nose to drink a few glasses of wine, he couldn't even straighten his tongue.

However, toasting on the wine table does not require words at all, and the skillful maintenance of holding the glass and pouring the wine will keep the traitors persuading.

After finally being able to drink with the Taijun, he was able to get on the stage, and those who couldn't get on the stage all smiled shyly and got acquainted with the devil.

The waiters shuttled between the tables carrying dishes.

A 17-year-old boy saw these necks dangling in front of his eyes and his hands were itchy.

A devil who was drunk suddenly grabbed the dog who served the food: "Your, drink!"

The maintenance president next to him saw that the young man was very energetic, and immediately booed: "Hey, the Taijun asked you to drink, you boy don't know how to flatter you, drink it quickly."

Although he looked down on the maintenance president from the bottom of his heart, Goudan quickly let his tense muscles relax, and put on a smiling face: "I'll drink it, thank you Taijun for rewarding me!"

He was about to reach out to take the wine glass, but was caught by the devil next to him. The dog was dazed, and was about to exercise his energy. Thinking about it, these little devils must want to drink, and the muscles relaxed again: "Hey, Taijun, I I have to serve you food!"

The ghost next to him stretched out his hand to pinch Goudan's nose and lifted it up. When Goudan raised his head and opened his mouth, the other devil immediately put the wine glass next to Goudan's mouth and poured it all in.

Seeing Goudan struggling with choking, a devil next to him got excited and directly lifted the small wine cup and poured it into Goudan's mouth.

It wasn't until the half-jar of wine was emptied, and seeing the boy in the hotel "collapsed" to the ground, that he laughed maniacally and turned around to continue having fun.

The other waiter who was serving the food kept his eyes open, and when serving the food, he only dared to throw the food on the table from the maintenance members, turned around and ran away, causing all the devils to laugh loudly: "Drinkers, no!"

The ten or so tables downstairs are much quieter, perhaps because businessmen invite guests to talk at the end of the year, and the voice is much quieter.

Hearing the commotion upstairs, occasionally raised his head to despise those people upstairs, the person next to him shook his head: "Don't talk about state affairs."

A middle-aged man in a long shirt with red eyes: "In this world, I really don't know when I will be tall."

Outside the gate of the restaurant, a team of patrolling policemen walked past the gate of Dadexing Restaurant with torches in the cold wind.

A few black-clothed police officers could not help swallowing when they heard the sound of cups being pushed and changed from the restaurant.

Those who can eat in Dadexing Restaurant are all big shots, and they can't be provoked.

The patrol team smelled the fragrance and gradually moved away.

After a while.

A petite black shadow flashed on the roof of the long row of small buildings opposite the restaurant, the street below was parallel to the city wall.

Under the shaking of the searchlight on the city wall, if you get closer, you can see that pair of beautiful big eyes wandering around stealthily. They are dressed in short clothes and covered with black scarves. Look at the south street intersection and look at the wall city. The security forces who were walking back and forth looked at the houses on the opposite side where the light was shining through, but the windows were all tightly closed.

A loose braid on the top of the head swayed back and forth in the fierce north wind.

After confirming that the patrol team had gone far away, there was a cat meowing from the roof, and the little thief cat ran northward on tiptoe with the little mouse on tiptoe.

The slight sound of footsteps immediately caused a burst of shouting and cursing from the people in the room below, and the footsteps continued to go north.

The two shadows downstairs pricked up their ears to listen to the meowing of the cat, followed the patrol team just past the base of the street wall, and sneakily followed the shadow on the roof to move northward.

The small body deftly climbed over a firewall and came to the roof of another house.

Ba, there was a sound of tiles cracking, and the thief hurriedly imitated meowing, lying on the ridge of the roof, not daring to move.

Another shout came from the room below: "The cats in this house don't stop in winter."

The braid kept turning.

The door of Dadexing Restaurant in the distance suddenly opened, and then the curtain was lifted, and the door was brightly lit.

The two devils who had finished drinking were helped out of the restaurant.

"No need to give it away, get out!" The devil scolded the person who helped them back.

The two drunks did not walk west along the illuminated gate of the county government, but walked southward along the street crookedly.

"The situation is not good!" The two shadows muttered in the darkness.

The distance between the two of them is only fifty meters from the restaurant in the north, and the street is not wide, about ten meters away.

Did not venture to hide in the darkness under the porch.

Li Huanzhang and the police officer had to retreat in the shadows.

Just as the two turned around, there was a call from the south gate.

The two quickened their pace.

Someone scolded a few times on the tower, and then someone entered the cave in the city gate.

The city gate was opened a crack, and several security forces came out of the city gate laughing and laughing.

It looks like it should be a suspension bridge to take people into the city.

One minute later, the sound of creaking the suspension bridge in the dark came.

Li Huanzhang and the others did not dare to walk too fast. Just as they were approaching the south street intersection, a group of traitors returning to the city entered the city gate.

The flashlight was flickering on the west street, and the footsteps went straight to the west.

The two were in a hurry, and regretted that they didn't run faster just now.

Now if you go south again, you will definitely be exposed to the traitors, and the two devils from the north are humming a little tune and coming south.

The two were stuck in the middle!

The public security soldiers looked at the crooked two devils, their hearts were jumping in their throats, and they quickly lowered their voices and calmly analyzed: "Brother Li, you've got into trouble, you can't go south, you can only go back north, let's pretend to go to a restaurant for dinner, Pretending to be a good citizen, see if you can fool those two devils."

"In the middle, if it doesn't work, kill those two devils."

"No, even if we are caught, we can't do anything."

"What are you afraid of? Even if you kill the two devils, as long as you deal with it well, they may not be able to find out immediately."

"Don't forget, the importance of this mission, I really regret bringing you here."

The two had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked quickly along the street towards the restaurant. When they were approaching the two devils who were drunk and drinking a soft ditty, the traitor who entered the city just arrived at the intersection, and habitually turned the flashlight to both sides. shake.

Suddenly finding someone still on the north street, the traitors stopped immediately.

Watching the four black shadows swaying left and right on the street to the north.

Li Huanzhang moved quickly, with the bayonet hidden in his sleeve, ready to stab the two drunk devils in the stomach at any time.

What about the recommended ticket?Let it grow mold and don't throw it out
(End of this chapter)

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