under fire

628 The Plan Has Changed

628 The Plan Has Changed
time flies.

After a while of footsteps.

Staff Liu went up to the second floor, frowning: "Judging from the current situation, the devils have no idea that someone is going to attack the advancing team."

Even in the middle of winter, Hu Yi's hands were covered with sweat, and he had rubbed it on his body many times.

Through the gap in the window, the two looked at the lanterns at the entrance of the Dadexing Restaurant on the opposite side swaying in the cold wind, and the scenes of people reflected on the windows.

The sound of pushing cups and setting lamps can be heard from far away.

There were always people who were full of wine and food coming out of the restaurant in a crooked way.

Those who can go to Dadexing Restaurant to eat are almost all famous people.

Hu Yi watched Goudan occasionally appear at the gate of the restaurant in the distance: "I think you can pretend to be a businessman and enter the restaurant directly."

Liu Manhe said calmly: "We have already entered twelve people."

"The devil's curfew is about to begin. I don't think there's any need to wait any longer, lest you have long nights and dreams."

"The advance team will never be finished tonight if we don't drink until twelve o'clock."

Hu Yi frowned: "What is the basis for your judgment?"

Liu Manhe didn't seem to be worried at all: "According to the inside information, the wine the devils drink is a little special. The wine they bring is very low in alcohol. Judging from the dishes they ordered, if there is no accident, they will definitely drink until late at night. .”

Hu Yi shook his head: "I don't think your judgment is reliable, so you can't wait any longer."

Liu Manhe suddenly smiled: "No, you don't know this group of devils. The news is very reliable. Our people work as cooks in the training camp of the devil's advance team. According to the information they got, as long as this group of devils have a drink, they will die within twelve years. The point will never end."

Hu Yi hesitated for a moment: "Are you leaking secrets?"

Liu Manhe looked resolute: "If I can't go back this time, I hope you can bury me in the headquarters mountain."

Hu Yi was expressionless: "I usually just kill and don't bury. Besides, I don't have time. I think you'd better go back and dig a hole yourself."

Liu Manhe laughed again, breaking the dull atmosphere: "Don't be so pessimistic. So far, the plan has not deviated a bit. Maybe we can create a miracle."

He took out his pocket watch and went to the window, it was half past nine.

Only half an hour left until curfew.

However, the restaurant has not yet issued a signal to act.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The second floor of the restaurant.

Goudan once again brought a plate of stewed vegetables to the table of the enemies who were basically shorter than himself.

Wearing a military uniform and talking birdsong, the rifle is neatly leaning against the wall.

In the corner next to it, a soldier from the secret service team who understands bird language accompanied the two soldiers, drinking and chatting slowly.

By eavesdropping on the conversations of the devils, the identity of this group of devils was confirmed very early.

There were only two plates of braised vegetables and three plates of almost empty peanuts on the table.

It looks a bit out of place with the table full of dishes on the table of the county government who is busy drinking and drinking.

The other tables on the second floor were overturned, but unfortunately those traitors and security forces were still booing.

Suddenly, the hustle and bustle on the scene became smaller.

A middle-aged man at the head seat at a table got up and held up his wine glass: "Hey, everyone, listen to me, this year, thanks to the big brothers who think highly of us, next year, brothers, if you have something to say, you will To put it bluntly, if it can be done, our bank will support the brothers, if it can’t be done, let’s go to the gendarmerie to support everyone, we still have to do a prosperous business.”

"Okay, as long as your money is in place, the goods that the imperial army wants will not be a problem at all! The people next to you immediately agreed.

"Haha, I will rely on the strong support of my friends in the future. Today, my brother is too drunk, so I will retire first."

The person next to him immediately got up: "In the coming year, we will continue to live with Shopkeeper Wang. Come on, I propose that we all give a cup to Shopkeeper Wang together."

All of you, who were drunk early, staggered to and fro holding cups and talking about the scene.

Now that the God of Wealth is gone, we have to hurry up!
A burly man in black was obviously drunk, and was helped to follow the shopkeeper Wang who was in charge of the bank and his party to go downstairs.

Walking to the table where the few people in the county were drinking happily, kicked a certain stool, and immediately tilted it, but this guy vomited, and a sour smell of alcohol came out of his mouth.
Unbiased, he rushed straight to the tables of the county government, and the soup even splashed on the table next to him.

Now, everyone present was dumbfounded.

After a long while, a middle-aged man in a long gown stood up: "Your surname is Wang, your mother is trying to throw me off?"

The shopkeeper Wang next to him couldn't laugh or cry, and bowed in embarrassment: "Masters, accident, this is definitely an accident! This year's [-]th, I will apologize to all my brothers, and everyone wants to be safe. The account is all on the brother's head! Hey, seeing that we are all working for Okazaki Taijun, how do you guys feel about the arrangement like this?"

"Unlucky, this table has been sprayed, what's the point?"

"Damn, so many good dishes, what a fucking waste."

"Forget it, this fucking smells too bad. I'll go to the kitchen and cut up two catties of beef, and drink it myself when I go home."

The crowd couldn't laugh or cry, and stood up angrily cursing, this was too stinky, how could they be in the mood to eat and drink?

This scene was watched by everyone in the advance team next to them, and they were overjoyed for a while, laughing and rolling forward and backward.

A certain prince who was too drunk even got under the table directly.

The Goudan standing next to him had bright eyes, and immediately yelled at two middle-aged people downstairs to come up to collect the bowls and sweep the floor.

He led those merchants and county government officials downstairs.

Send it directly to the gate, inadvertently playing with the lantern hanging at the gate.

A group of drunkards were talking at the door.

A group of businessmen in gray clothes and black trousers suddenly emerged from a certain shop in the south.

Liu Manhe folded his hands in his sleeves, and led the group of similarly dressed people behind him straight to the entrance of the restaurant.

Goudan immediately raised his voice: "Master Liu, you guys came here so late, please hurry up, upstairs please."

The people who were still talking next to them laughed when they heard that these people would be led to the second floor.

"Brother Liu, poisoning from wine or food is impossible. These guys spend most of their time drinking and rarely eat food, and they bring their own wine."

Walking through the tables, Liu Manhe lowered his voice and asked, "How is the enemy's condition?"

"Most of them are drunk. Upstairs there are four tables for devils, and there are only three tables for individual customers to eat. They are all ordinary merchants. The other three tables are surrounded by devils. It is a good time to do something."

Liu Manhe stepped up the stairs: "Okay, let's throw the wine glass as a sign later, everyone be careful, and try to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time."

"If a stranger comes upstairs, the devil will definitely be vigilant. How about waiting for them to relax their vigilance before attacking?"

Liu Manhe's head protruded from the floor of the second floor: "Alright then, go to the kitchen and get us something to eat."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. There is a machete in the kitchen, and the dough bag is ready for me to get it."

"It will be hard later. When we start, the first class and the second class will go first, and the third class will be the reserve team. By the way, all the guests at the three tables will be controlled. And, later, you will close all the windows." Death, absolutely no one can jump out of the window."

"Okay, I'll arrange two more soldiers to guard the stairs to prevent people upstairs from going downstairs."

"At present, the situation is very favorable. You should immediately notify Company Commander Hu and ask him to come for reinforcements. He is wearing the clothes of the detective team, so let him guard the gate for me, and no one is allowed to let go."

"It didn't mean that after the gun was fired, Company Commander Hu's task was to meet the comrades outside the city to occupy the east gate. If he came here, how would we evacuate?"

"Don't be naughty, execute the order immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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