under fire

Chapter 629 The bloody case caused by the plate

Chapter 629 The bloody case caused by the plate

The main gate faces the west restaurant, and on the counter to the north is on the left, there are several large jars of brand wine, and a long cabinet against the wall.

The middle-aged shopkeeper in a black silk gown, with a weathered face, checked the accounts for the day with his abacus.

Liu Manhe jumped up to the second floor from the old staircase at the gate of the restaurant.

A quick glance at the layout of the second floor and the situation of the guests eating.

There are not many people on the more than 30 tables, and the curfew time is approaching. Those who have no identity are caught by the police. Not only will they have to pay a fine, they may even be locked up for a few days.

Those devils were located in the corner near the window. On four tables, dozens of devils were drinking hotly and sang ditties.

Goudan led Liu Manhe and his party to find a good place: "Guest officer, what kind of food do you want?"

Liu Manhe looked back at the group of devils who were drinking, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and told Goudan: "Bring me all the special dishes and ten catties of wine."

This uncle pretended well enough, Goudan gave a thumbs up: "Okay, guest officer, we have all kinds of dishes today, cold dishes will arrange a sauced beef for you, and then a small steamed red dates and millet sandwich meat, sweet and sour Carp jumping over the dragon's gate, a large plate of hot dishes with fried pork, sauced plum meat, and astragalus mutton soup for you as an example soup."

Liu Manhe shook his head, "I don't eat fish, so I'll add other dishes, plus a roast chicken, and a big bowl of braised pork.

Goudan sneered: "I'm sorry, Keguan's shop doesn't sell braised pork, and the price of that stuff has dropped. Would you like a plate of white-cut mutton?"

Staff Officer Liu was stunned for a moment: "Okay then, let's pick a little bit of fat and cut it on the mutton, and then a few sheep's hoofs, and ten big pancakes."

"Yes, guest officer, please wait a moment, the little one is the master, old tea and peanuts are not charged." After Goudan sang the name of the dish, he went straight downstairs, opened his voice in the middle of the stairs, and went to the floor. Report the name of the dish in the backyard kitchen below.

After Liu Manhe sat down, he pretended to look around on purpose.

The devils from the advancing team occupied almost a quarter of the second floor not far away.

Captain Matsui looked at the people coming up again, and habitually looked at them a few times. It seemed that this group of diners looked a bit like small businessmen in the county town.

Eating and drinking with these shabby street vendors, Matsui couldn't help frowning.

The restaurant in the small county town didn't even have a private room, and the original screen was moved by the shopkeeper to the entrance of the restaurant to keep out the wind for the waiting guests. There was no way to get angry about it.

Fortunately, the quality of those who just went upstairs is not bad, they are not as noisy as those of the Imperial Association Army just now, and the environment is still quiet with so many more people.

There is no need to drive the guests out. After all, this restaurant has some relationship with Okazaki, and if we give each other face, life will get better, right?
However, if these bastards are going to drink and scream later, they must make them look good.

As for my subordinates, they drank a lot of wine now, but they have always maintained their civilization.

Of course, what does it matter if the imperial elite speak a little louder when they drink?
This is the area occupied by the imperial army, shouldn't it be a bit arrogant?
Seeing those vendors sitting at the table, not even daring to look at him, Matsui looked back in satisfaction.

Within 2 minutes, footsteps were heard on the stairs again, and the guy who just went down brought seven or eight young people with him.

These people were also dressed in tatters, and there were even patches on their clothes.

After these people went upstairs, they were taken to a place close to the corner by Xiaoer, and they also sat quietly.

It looks a bit like some rich man, please take care of the nursing home or eat New Year's Eve dinner with Dianhu.

Thinking of these poor ordinary people, who should have waited for two or three hours, and the second round arrived after those famous people had eaten, Matsui, who squinted his eyes slightly, couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority in his heart.

Before Matsui could think for more than ten seconds, another person walked up the stairs in his sight.

But it was the waiter who served the food, carrying a large wooden tray with a large stack of cinnamon bowls, two plates of Anke peanuts, one plate of beef, and a large jar of old Fen wine.

The clerk strode toward the table of the first-comers.

A sergeant next to Matsui stood up and chirped: "Captain Matsui, thanks for your care, cheers!"

Matsui withdrew his gaze, stood up and held up his wine glass: "You've worked hard too!"

After speaking, he covered the wine glass with both hands and drank it down.

Seeing that the captain's cup was empty, Sergeant Cao immediately poured wine for the captain with the pig's mouth that he brought with him.

Matsui smiled and raised the glass, watching the sergeant pour slowly, speeding up in the middle, and finishing slowly at the end, he couldn't help but admire: "The technique of pouring wine has improved, and the glass won't be spilled with a single drop."

"You're too much!" Juncao bent down, expressing his gratitude to Matsui for his praise.

A ghost next to Matsui kept half-closed his eyes, looking at the situation in the restaurant boredly,
Even if he had an occasional glass of wine, he was still very vigilant.

The devil suddenly shook his head, opened his eyes and saw the virtues of those who just came up to eat, it is really indescribable!

That's purely like a country bumpkin grabbing shit with a dog for a meal!

The dishes brought by the guys will definitely not exceed 1 minute after they arrive on the table, and they will be snatched up immediately.

Is that dish delicious?
The devil in charge of vigilance and observation couldn't help but lifted his chopsticks, picked a piece of beef from the plate and put it in his mouth. The chili taste was completely different from the mustard taste, so spit it out quickly!
When I looked up again, I was dumbfounded. A dish had just been served on the table over there, and it definitely didn't take more than a minute before it was all gone!

I can't help being interested, carefully observe the way those guys eat!
Bang, another plate smashed on the table, the devil could see it clearly, it's too oily!
Those meat slices didn't seem to be steaming at all, because they were wrapped in thick soup and sweat, the meat inside was definitely hot!
The eight people around the table didn't care whether anyone was looking at them, let alone talking, and the waiter who was waiting for the food just retracted his hand.

The eight pairs of chopsticks immediately moved together, and the back and forth never took more than three seconds. The plate was full of oily meat again!
The ghost watching the excitement was stunned, who can eat so fast?Isn't it hot?

Then, realizing that the matter was not over yet, one of them held a plate and stuck out his long tongue to lick the soup!

Feeling cold for a while, the devil lowered his head and glanced at the plate in front of him, wondering if someone had licked this plate too?
There was an immediate contraction in the stomach.

But the one who licked the plate acted like no one was around, and didn't even notice that there was an elite next to him who was about to vomit because of his licking the plate.

He retched for a while, and swallowed back the sourness pouring into his mouth.

He pulled Captain Matsui who was next to him, and pointed to another diner not far away who was dealing with the plate.

Several devils noticed that the captain's face was turning black, and quickly followed his gaze.

Like a dog, sticking out his long tongue, he was licking the plate to the end. His disgusting movements stunned all the elites present.

A sergeant stood up immediately, with a grim face, raised his finger and pointed at the disgusting person: "Hey, don't do such a disgusting thing!"

From the corner of his eyes, Liu Manhe had been paying attention to the movements of the devils next to him, and now he was listening to the devils speaking familiar Chinese.

Heartbroken, a smile appeared on his face, he picked up his wine glass, and walked straight to Sergeant Cao.

The ferocious Jun Cao Lu narrowed his eyes, suddenly changed his face, and began to show a smile. Obviously, this person should come to make an apology!
His smile was because he suddenly had an idea, and was going to wait for this young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old to come to him.

His idea was to slap him in the face!
So I calculated carefully to see if I could slap this guy a dozen times
Sergeant Cao couldn't help moving his shoulders, looking at the young people who were getting closer, he was secretly proud, his fingers were clenched into fists, and then opened into palms.

Suddenly, he realized that the young man who came over was a head taller than himself!

This slap in the face doesn't seem to be very easy to slap.
Because of the shortness of the man, the hesitant Sergeant suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something in the young man's sleeve that flashed his dog's eyes.


Juncao shook his head, trying to clear his head, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Enemy attack!"

As soon as he finished yelling, he saw the young man throwing the glass full of wine in his hand directly on his face.

Then, a sharp bayonet appeared in the young man's hand.

Juncao's face was overjoyed, he dared to use a knife in front of a certain swordsmanship imperial elite?
This guy's head was definitely caught by the door!

Looking at the bayonet, Sergeant Cao's face darkened, even with a hint of expectation!
The sergeant didn't care about the other places on the second floor at all. Those who were eating were in a mess as if they had been fried.

They didn't even know that there were more than 20 young people who couldn't care less about wiping their mouths. They had already drawn their bayonets and came around the corner of the advancing team.

Captain Matsui, who has rich combat experience, immediately realized that there was a problem, and habitually reached for the pistol in his pocket.

After digging out one, I was startled, most of the wine was sober, and the Nanfang pistol with its holster was hanging on a nail on the wall behind him.

Immediately turned around and stretched out his hands to pick it up. Although his head was temporarily awake, he suddenly found that his body was not controlled by his brain. After being knocked over by the stool, his body tilted and fell immediately.

The mind cannot be calm at all.

 Shanxi (the area around Taihang Mountains, but not all) does not eat fish, there are no more toasts when devils drink, and the small bottle of sake is really "pig's mouth"

(End of this chapter)

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