under fire

Chapter 630 Almost a Miracle

Chapter 630 Almost a Miracle
Lin Yi stood in the darkness behind the window, his pistol loaded.

Finally, the light on the window in a certain room in the distance flickered three times in a row, and someone deliberately blocked the light.

Immediately afterwards, shake it regularly three times again.

She knew very well that the action had already begun.

Immediately afterwards, footsteps sounded on the street, and a group of ghostly figures ran into the alley.

Then, they began to search from house to house, hearing the sound that the police force was searching for the suspect overnight.

"I'm a member of the detective team. Your mother's poor policeman dares to attack me. I want you." There was a muffled bang between fists and eye sockets in the opposite room, and then there was no sound.

Not long after, a black figure slipped out from the opposite door.

The same sound came from the room next to it.

It's almost time for the curfew.

Lin Yi checked the contents of the room carefully, then went to the next door and blew out the lamp.

Her figure walked firmly into the darkness, taking the shellgun from a shadow that had been waiting there, and now, she was going to meet her battle...

Hu Yi brought Li Huanzhang, who had changed into black, to the gate of the restaurant.

Li Huanzhang went straight in, and yelled at the hall on the first floor: "Everyone in the room listen to me, the curfew time is up, if you don't want to cause trouble, hurry up and get out."

Several almost drunk people were helped to leave, when they passed by the door, they saw Hu Yi dressed as a detective team, they quickly smiled and handed cigarettes
Hu Yi didn't answer, nor did he stop.

Seeing the friendly reminder at this late hour, everyone who was eating couldn't help sighing secretly that the shopkeeper has a good backer.

Those who went out didn't care that the faces of these two people were so unfamiliar, they had to quickly avoid the patrolling police force and go home early.

The customers swarmed towards the counter, and the shopkeeper was surrounded by the sudden checkout crowd.

It was too busy to settle accounts and collect money.

He finally raised his head after almost everyone in the hall on the first floor was gone.

Looking at the two detectives standing at the door, they should be performing official duties, and suddenly found that the two of them didn't seem to know each other.

Xindao: Captain Huang of the detective team seems to be bullying the rookie again.

Those on duty at the thirtieth year are either newcomers or unpopular.

The shopkeeper has been busy all day, and thought he could finally take a break.

The sophisticated shopkeeper didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly picked up two greased paper bags from the counter, walked up to Li Huanzhang and handed them over: "Brother, thank you for your hard work!"

After the shopkeeper delivered a large hunk of beef, he walked to the door, intending to pass the remaining oiled paper package to Hu Yi.

Suddenly, I saw a small body and a middle-aged woman standing in the cold wind behind Hu Yi.

In the darkness behind the two of them, there seemed to be many shadows.

The shopkeeper didn't understand what the situation was like. Could it be that the investigative team that was carrying out the mission was still dragging the family?What does it mean that so many people come?
Just as he was about to ask questions, there was a sound of ping-pong-pong-pong stools falling to the floor and hitting the floor upstairs.

There seemed to be countless footsteps.

The shopkeeper frowned and turned around. There was the door leading to the kitchen, and he told the guy leaning against the wall: "God, go upstairs and see if the princes are going to leave after eating, and take good care of them!"

Suddenly, he found that the guy who was invited temporarily did not move, as if, he was still looking at him sympathetically.

Suddenly a big hand stretched out from behind him to cover his mouth, a burst of coldness came from his back immediately, the coldness penetrated into his body, and seemed to come out from the front again.

What a strange feeling.

Looking down, a silver light with red lines flashing coldly appeared in front of the abdomen.

The detective in front of him suddenly drew his pistol and exited the restaurant.

Hu Yi came to the girl and the middle-aged woman: "Girl, you go into the hall and guard the stairs to the second floor."

He had to get back on the street in case someone jumped out the window and escaped.

Goudan fled from the stairs to the backyard, and he also had to prevent devils from jumping out of the window from behind.

The air tensed immediately.

Hu Yi didn't plan to go up to the second floor. If the secret service team couldn't even deal with the drunk devils, he had to run south, because he had to cooperate with the student team outside the city to take down the east gate of the county.

This is very different from the plan, and I have to let the girl guard the stairs!
Hu Yi chose to believe the middle-aged woman next to the girl with a pistol.

Upstairs began to hear plates falling and loud yelling, mixed with constant oops and strange yells.

Li Huanzhang, who came to Hu Yi's side, asked, "When shall we attack the city gate?"

Hu Yi stood on the street without answering, his eyes fixed on the ever-changing shadows on the windows on the second floor.

The shell gun was held in his hand, and the cold wind passed through his fingers.

Bang, a stool flew out of the window, and the night was immediately torn apart by the light emitted from the window.

The stool fell on the street, right next to Hu Yishen.

Hu Yi's heart immediately tensed up.

A figure quickly appeared by the window, roaring loudly in Niaoyu, Hu Yi raised his hand, and when the trigger stroke reached the critical point, the roaring figure was dragged back.

Someone kept smashing holes in the windows of the back door, and the movement attracted the attention of security forces on the outer city wall 200 meters away.

A security guard poked his head out from the upper room of the city wall and listened suspiciously to the strange sounds coming from afar.

Hurry back and report the situation to the squad leader who is warming up.

A group of security forces began to hang up their equipment and carry guns, preparing to go to the city wall near the restaurant to check the situation.

Tables, stools and the floor are constantly smashing together, thinking about it, the dull sound of people's bodies colliding with the floor, the crisp sound of broken cups and plates, rapid and violent, and the endless stream of strange screams that stop abruptly , fleshy arms, constantly staged on the second floor.

As the number of holes in the windows continued to increase, the intensity seemed to gradually ease, and the sounds from upstairs also gradually decreased and became smaller.

Hu Yi stood in the cold wind, staring at one hole after another upstairs. So far, no body has fallen from the window.

The sound of fierce fighting must have attracted the attention of the nearby residents. Some people looked out and looked at the light from the restaurant covering the detective team members with pistols on the street, and quickly retracted their heads.

Hu Yi stood firmly on the street. He knew that there must be many peeping eyes behind him.

With many years of experience, the common people are absolutely afraid of the detective team. As long as they stand here with Li Huanzhang, no one will go to report to the traitor. After all, the detective team is here.

The cold wind continued to enter the hall on the first floor through the gaps in the doors and windows, and then swirled up to the second floor.

The girl raised her big eyes and her hands were sore, the upstairs turned upside down, and until now there was no movement at all on the first floor.

Except for the corpse of the shopkeeper whose blood had been frozen.

Time passed quickly, within 10 minutes at most, and the movement upstairs suddenly became much quieter.

Footsteps were finally heard on the stairs, accompanied by rapid panting.

"God, hurry up and bring the machete up to me from the kitchen." The man didn't go downstairs, he turned around and went back after speaking.

The girl turned her head and glanced at Section Chief Lin next to her.

Section Chief Lin looked at the girl a little nervously: "You go to the back to find Goudan, I'll go upstairs and have a look."

Most of the tables in the lobby on the second floor had been reduced to fragments of wood, and a group of ordinary people who were eating opened their mouths wide and huddled together in the corner of the room, shivering.

Twenty or so figures were rummaging through the corpses all over the ground.

Liu Manhe looked at Section Chief Lin, and smiled triumphantly: "Hey, they're all killed, not one left!"

There was no gunfire, and the scene was controlled almost perfectly.

Lin Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart, and according to the plan, the heads of these devils were going to be cut off now.

Because devils have a tradition of bringing back the corpses or ashes of the dead, it is said that only in this way can the soul return to the shrine.

Of course, the devil's head has other uses.

Not long after, footsteps came from the stairs.

The little girl struggled to carry a basket of various types of knives she found from the kitchen, and went upstairs, tiptoeing among the corpses.

With a bang, he threw the basket in front of Liu Manhe.

Liu Manhe tilted his head, signaling to the soldiers next to him to do something.

The city wall beyond the back door.

Along the city wall, the patrol team of security forces who had just arrived near the restaurant stopped and looked at the hole in the window of the restaurant not far away.

A security guard on patrol muttered: "Squad leader, the restaurant has been smashed again?"

The squad leader didn't care much: "It's probably because the princes got drunk and went crazy. It's not the first time."

"Why is there no movement now? Shall we go and see?"

"Look? Good idea, hurry up and go down from the city gate now, and go to the restaurant to find out." The squad leader sneered.

"Hey, I don't want to go. Niu Er went to see the excitement of the imperial army last time. He lost eight of his big teeth. Now he can't even speak."

"Then your mother, you still bring this up, are you short-sighted?" The squad leader scolded.

"In the middle of the night, there was such a commotion, we don't know anything about the situation, if the higher-ups ask, it's hard to explain?"

"Then it's all right if you just ask?" Most likely to scold, the squad leader made a suggestion to the questioner.

"That's right." After the security guard finished speaking, he bit the bullet and yelled at the hole in the back window of the restaurant that had not been repaired for a long time: "Hey, the people at the restaurant heard you making such a big commotion in the middle of the night, Is there anything wrong?"

"Fuck your mother, the imperial army is happy to drink, don't care about your mother's business, get out of here." A figure leaned out of the hole and cursed at the security forces on the city wall.

The foresighted security forces on the city wall couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing at the talkative idiot.

 Writing scenes from the side has a special flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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