under fire

Chapter 631 Bloody Smell

Chapter 631 Bloody Smell
The door curtain was raised, and a braid appeared at the door, and blinked at Hu Yi in a daze: "Hey, what are you still doing in a daze? Come in quickly, the action team is going to retreat through the back door."

Hu Yi suddenly showed a bewildered expression, looked up at the window on the second floor, and asked in disbelief, "Is it over?"

"Hey, all the devils have been killed, there is no need to fight the county seat now." After the girl finished speaking, she waved to the darkness behind Hu Yi.

Several black shadows immediately ran out of the darkness, passed by Hu Yi, and entered the restaurant directly through the curtain.

A strong smell of blood filled the lobby on the first floor.

The action team members are carrying bags and walking to the kitchen at the back. Judging from the round shape of the bag on the back, there is no cantaloupe in winter. Could it be the head of a devil?
Most of the people were covered in blood, and nearly half of the wounded were wrapped in bandages and supported each other. There was a small courtyard behind the kitchen, and the back door on the courtyard wall was facing the city wall.

The county government action team members dressed in black rushed to the stairs and saluted excitedly in front of Section Chief Lin.

Section Chief Lin was trembling with excitement, and quickly said to Hei Ying: "The mission has been completed. Except for the necessary intelligence personnel who continue to stay in hiding, the others are ready to retreat immediately."

Soi Ying couldn't believe it, and excitedly confirmed: "The operation really succeeded?"

"The advance team in Qi County has all been wiped out. In order to maintain a deterrent to the enemy, I once again remind everyone to pay attention. Try not to fire guns tonight. We must let the enemy know that our Eighth Route Army can be silent among thousands of troops. Take the enemy's head without any breath, completely scaring the enemy!"

"Yes!" Soi Ying finished speaking and was about to turn around when Section Chief Lin added: "Wait a minute!"

The shadow stopped.

Chief Lin's expression was cold: "Get rid of all the traitors who have met with you, and leave no one behind. The seized shell guns are reserved for comrades lurking in the city. Comrades without weapons will replenish their guns and ammunition after leaving the city."

"Yes!" Soi Ying saluted again, turned around and left the restaurant, and walked into the darkness.

Section Chief Lin turned his head to look at Liu Manhe who was being helped downstairs and asked, "How is the injury?"

"I was hit by a table, nothing happened!"

"Is everything done upstairs?"

Hearing this, Liu Manhe stopped in his tracks and grinned: "All the devil's heads were cut off, 29 of them were quite a few, and those ordinary people were all gagged and tied up."

Section Chief Lin instructed: "The moat has been frozen a few days ago. Everyone disperses immediately after climbing over the city wall. Comrades from the county government will cut off the wires at that time, and everyone will leave while the searchlights are off."

"Don't worry, I have arranged for soldiers to guard when everyone goes up the city wall. Now that we have guns, we won't be afraid even if their patrols come."

"This operation is well done, try not to fire the gun, let's go."

The lights on the second floor of the restaurant went out.

In the backyard of the restaurant, more than 30 people crowded inside the courtyard wall, carefully looking at the outer city wall. A group of security forces with torches were patrolling routinely in the cold wind on the city wall.

"Hey, I seem to smell blood." A security guard sniffed.

"I smelled it too"

"What's so strange about the smell of blood? Isn't there a restaurant over there? I think it's probably killing sheep. Tomorrow is the new year. Brother Ming'er invites the brothers to drink mutton soup!"

"I really want to stay here until tomorrow morning, and my mouth is watering just thinking about that mutton soup."

"Hurry up, there won't be a ghost in sight this winter, go back to sleep and come out to patrol."

The patrol on the wall gradually moved away.

A long wooden ladder was silently carried out from the backyard of the restaurant and leaned against the city wall
Captain Liang, who was lurking outside the county seat, was very anxious, but until now, the city is still as calm as ever.

In the darkness, the high city wall looked like a recumbent monster, and the searchlights on it illuminated the dark land outside the city.

There were no shots, and no sign of the planned arson.

The searchlights on the city wall suddenly went out.

Captain Liang was stunned for a moment, unable to suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and lowered his voice: "Everyone listen carefully, the secret service team's operation has succeeded! Prepare to respond, no one is allowed to shoot without my order!"

There is only one staircase, and you have to climb up the city wall one by one. The action team was more or less injured in the fight with the devils.

The soldiers who were the first to go up the city wall immediately half-run and raised their guns to guard the north and south.

Those who were slightly injured were fine, but those who were seriously injured went up the city wall very slowly.

Not far away, two security forces came out of the city gate. Seeing that the searchlights in other directions were also off, they had to go down the city wall after muttering to the soldier who controlled the searchlights for a long time.

According to the requirements of the devils for the city guards, if there is a power failure or equipment failure, they have to open the city gate and go to the city gate to burn the bonfire that has been burning since dark. Qi County is not short of coal, so add a few shovels of coal to it Even if it's over.

There are frequent power outages, and the security forces don't even bother to call the gendarmerie to ask.

After pouring some coals into the bonfire built of bricks, the flames that were still shining not only did not grow stronger, but became much darker. Burning coal is different from burning firewood. It's a lot smaller.

Amidst the howling of the cold wind, not far from the two security forces, black shadows continued to slide down the city wall while grabbing ropes.

Back on the tower, a security guard who yawned habitually looked outside the city.

Borrowing the light from the bonfire at the gate of the city, they suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a dark shadow moving on the moat.

He quickly raised the back of his hand and rubbed his eyes, but he didn't expect that his hand was stained with coal dust at some point, and after rubbing it, he couldn't see anything.

Quickly wiped his hands on the clothes, rubbed them again, and finally saw clearly that a large group of people climbed up the bank from the ice of the moat.

The security guard opened his mouth wide, and his back was instantly drenched in cold sweat: This black light is outside the city, who are these people?

When I looked at it again, those black shadows seemed to have never appeared before.

He quickly shook his head, could it be that his eyes were dazzled, or did he see a ghost?

The cold wind was whistling, and the security forces had a bad feeling in their hearts. They whispered to the soldier who was about to enter the city gate: "Hey, there is a situation!"

The security forces in front turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Just now I saw someone running on the moat." After finishing speaking, the security guard added, "There are dozens of them!"

"Damn it, the ice on the moat is only a little thick. Only those who can run will see hell."

"It's been cold these days. I think it might be possible for people to leave. My eyes keep twitching, and I always feel that something is wrong."

"Did you son of a bitch use a shovel to shovel coal just now, and then smashed his eyes with his hands?"

"How did you know?"

"You take a piss yourself and see, your face is all made of soot."

In the restaurant counter.

Hu Yi opened the drawer and fixed his eyes on the familiar brown leather box. The familiar shape indicated...

After participating in the Anti-Japanese University study, there are very few opportunities not to touch this thing.

Open it, the familiar 13-year-style six-power telescope, leather strap, black lacquered brass mirror body, holding it in your hand, as if seeing the distance again.

The action team had already left, and he, who was in charge of attacking the city gate, was ordered to leave behind the cover brigade to evacuate. So many people came out over the wall, and there were also wounded fighting with the enemy. At this time, there should be no accidents.

It's very abnormal for this kind of thing to appear in the restaurant!

Standing next to Hu Yi was a busy girl, who was carrying the paper bags and pots from the restaurant for gifts.

Li Huanzhang was stuffing banknotes into his pocket.

A few dark shadows are moving wine tanks!
The restaurant must be controlled by devils. Does this have anything to do with the defection of the county magistrate of the democratic government?
(End of this chapter)

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