under fire

Chapter 632 Dark Red Pendant

Chapter 632 Dark Red Pendant
The second floor of the restaurant.

More than twenty black shadows broke free from the ropes, supported each other and climbed up the carpeted stairs to the first floor.

Naturally, there is no lack of boldness in troubled times, and the leader led the discussion for a while.

After a while of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, everyone finally left from the gate of the restaurant and disappeared into the darkness.

No one noticed that the blood seeping down from the cracks on the second floor was frozen into ice as soon as it seeped out of the cracks suspended from the roof of the lobby on the first floor with straw mats, and more liquid seeped down. , and finally slowly turned into an ice shuttle.

The people who can go to Dadexing to eat are naturally not ordinary people. With so many princes dying in the restaurant, who would not know that the seriousness of the situation is far beyond imagination!

After being tied up upstairs, some brave people saw those eight roads climbed over the city wall and left. No one dared to stay in the restaurant, and few people in this world were fools.

Simple deliberation result: Escape!
Concerned about the discomfort of their wet trousers, most people hurried home to pack up. Now, there is no other way but to drag their families and climb the city wall overnight to leave the county. Staying here is absolutely waiting for death.

As for reporting to the police?Forget it anyway.

Even if the princes knew that the Eight Routes were responsible for this incident, none of the people present at dinner tonight felt that they could get away with such a big incident.

If you really wait until dawn, the list of people who eat here will definitely appear in the Devils Gendarmerie Command.

With the devil's cruel and easy-to-kill character, he will inevitably be used by those jackal-like devils to vent their anger.

And all of this was caused by those Tubalu who killed thousands of knives to kill the Taijun!
Everyone couldn't help but hate Ba Lu together.
In a certain yard, the windows were covered by quilts, and under the dim light, a dozen people gathered together.

The middle-aged man who sold wontons said, "Commander Hu, you'd better climb over the city wall and leave the county before the devils find out about the restaurant!"

Hu Yi shook his head: "I must get rid of the two traitors who saw us."

The middle-aged man's face changed: "Why? As long as you leave here, you don't have to worry about anything else."

Hu Yi looked calm: "This is related to the safety of an important intelligence personnel."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment: "Commander Hu, are you talking about the traitors of the two detective teams at the east gate who are in charge of inspection?"

Hu Yi nodded: "Yes, my certificate is real, they have seen my certificate, it is related to a person's safety."

Li Youcai never thought that something would have something to do with him thousands of miles away.

Hu Yi felt that Su Qing had managed to develop Li Youcai into an insider, so he shouldn't be ruined in his own hands.

All this happened because of me. If those two traitors could remember their names, they would definitely be able to track down Li Youcai.

Faced with this action, it was definitely an earth-shattering shock for the devils.

The middle-aged man pondered for a while: "I don't want to inquire about more things, but I set up a stall at the east gate every day, and I know where the two traitors who entered the city with you last lived."

Hu Yi looked at the middle-aged man calmly: "Tell me the location of their home and arrange for someone to lead the way."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "There's no time. If this group of devils who eat at the Dadexing restaurant don't return to the camp at twelve o'clock, sooner or later the military police will come to check on the restaurant. You can't stay in the city now. I'll let you I will send you off first, and I will arrange the rest."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

At night in the county town, nothing changed because of what happened at Dadexing Restaurant.

In the darkness, the two traders who took their lives did not intend to leave.

With luck in mind, I took advantage of the night to go to Tang Bei, who was in the detective team, and ask him to help me figure out a way out.

The two of them were playing tricks, and when they came to the cousin's courtyard, they found that the door was ajar.

The two looked at each other, and were overjoyed: there is no need to knock on the door to waste time.

It's all my brother's yard, the two gently opened the door, and amidst the creaking sound, the two quietly entered.

A familiar smell of blood entered the nostrils.

There was a churning and convulsion in the stomach. I was so scared that I vomited up in the stomach on the second floor of the restaurant. Now, I can't even vomit out the sour water.

The two entered the wing room.

A match was struck.

Dumbfounded: The younger brother who works in the detective team is staring at the two elder brothers with big eyes.

However, there was a big gap in the neck.

There was blood all over the bed, but the blood didn't spray everywhere.

It seems that the murderers are veterans.

This time even the two of them were stunned again. Are those eight ways crazy?

Not only do you want to kill devils, but why do you even kill Chinese people?

No, my brother is a traitor in the eyes of Ba Lu!

According to the usual habit, you have to yell a few times, and then report to the police.

However, after the scene at the restaurant, the two opened their mouths wide but could not make a sound.

Originally, because of the care of this cousin, doing business in the county is like a fish in water.

But now, the two masters in business are not calm anymore and have to run away.

Otherwise die.

The two looked at each other, regretting endlessly.

If I had known, I would have listened to the advice of the business partner who ate together, and ran together!
Now, I don't know if it's too late!

Growing up in the county seat, I knew that it was difficult to get in from the outside of the city wall, but it was much easier to get out from the inside.

Let go of your feet and leave the door of your brother's house.

Around twelve o'clock.

With more than ten members of the family, they tiptoed to carry ladders to avoid the patrols, and began to climb the city wall.

at the same time.

A squad of devil gendarmes dispatched from the barracks in the west of the city.

Go straight to Dadexing Restaurant two miles away.

As the military shoes came into contact with the stone pavement, the second lieutenant who led the team couldn't help being even more angry when he was blown by the cold wind.

He didn't ask his subordinates to look for them, because the drunken elite might lose their minds, and it was impossible to ask his subordinates to slap him.

For these elites who are on special missions, can they drink until twelve o'clock?

Serious violation of military orders!

I have to give you some color to see later.

Let them know what a ban is.

Silent night, cold long street, howling cold wind.

The team walked past the gate of the county government, through the dim electric lights, and through the stage square where the rubbish was left after the play.

Stepped into the darkness again.

The second lieutenant couldn't help cursing inwardly, those technicians in charge of power generation were all idiots, and the searchlights on the city wall were not turned on during Chinese New Year.

The flashlight is turned on again.

A circle of light swayed in front of the team.

A faint black footprint suddenly appeared on the ground.

No one in the team cared. As they walked towards the restaurant, there were more and more black footprints on the ground. The second lieutenant finally frowned.

The footprints became dense, and all the footprints pointed to the door of the restaurant where the lights were still on. The second lieutenant suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Using a bayonet to open the curtain, the second lieutenant strode up two steps into the hall on the first floor of the restaurant.

The cold wind didn't seem to be able to freeze the bloody smell, he sniffed, and the familiar smell filled the air, which made the second lieutenant feel a sense of pleasure.

In the restaurant, there was no sound in the room except for the screeching sound of the cold wind passing through some gaps.

The second lieutenant looked at the body of the black-clothed shopkeeper not far from the door, and his heart calmed down a lot. Although, dense black footprints in the room covered the space between the tables.

Look at those eerie scatter under the lights.

The second lieutenant flattened the command knife, squatted down, and looked at the shopkeeper's body, with a large pool of blood beside him.

This guy really deserves to be damned, relying on his relationship with the major, he even treats himself with superficial respect, but in fact he doesn't take himself seriously at all.

The gendarmerie did not hear any other orders from the second lieutenant, and everyone was silent.

There was one thought in his mind: the advance team must have killed the puppet of the major.

But where did the elite team that performed special missions go?
A certain gendarme inadvertently looked up at the roof and was immediately stunned.

In the cracks of the floor, there were strings of dark red awls hanging!

What pendant is this prepared for the New Year?

It seems that I have never seen it before.

(End of this chapter)

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