under fire

Chapter 635 I Will Have Surgery

Chapter 635 I Will Have Surgery

Hu Yi had some delusions. The time when he was a bandit when he was young suddenly came to his mind.

At that time, I roamed freely in the mountains, doing whatever I wanted. Although I was often beaten and scolded by the old gangsters, at least I knew which den I could sleep in every day.

In the winter, there is no food to grab in the cottage, and most of the time, there is no next meal after eating.

Seeing the bandits in different costumes coming up, yelling and muttering those familiar slang words in the Northeast, in just a few seconds, Hu Yi suddenly became a little dazed.

Bang, a crisp gunshot sounded in the wilderness.

Hu Yi was kicked by the girl next to him who had just fired a shot before he came back to his senses.

Only then did I realize that all the bandits had approached within 20 meters. After the gunshot, the bullets from the opposite side immediately shot over, so I quickly got down on the ground.

"Dead fox, what are you doing right now? Did you get shot?" The little girl lying next to her continued to raise her gun and shoot. She was unambiguous at the 20 meters that Hu Yi said just now, and she was the first to grab fire at the bandit holding the rifle. .

Hu Yi's face tightened, ignoring the occasional bullets whizzing past his head, he quickly pulled out his pistol and fired.

The distance of less than 20 meters is too close for Hu Yi, there is no need to aim at all, and the muzzle of the gun keeps beating.

The bullets flew towards the three bandits holding long guns half kneeling and pulling the bolt, and the three unlucky bastards were shot immediately, lying on the ground and screaming.

With the rain of bullets flying from the opposite side, the two bandits lying on the ground with short guns saw that the situation was not good, so they quickly turned over into a shallow pit next to them and raised their guns to fight back.

The bandits shouted loudly, and the muzzle of the bandit with a short gun had just been flattened when two clear gunshots came from the opposite side.

The bandit with a short gun was shot in the shoulder, and there was only one bandit with a short gun left in the team. This guy was so panicked that he stood up and turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

He didn't take the battlefield behind him seriously at all, and just threw his legs away and ran back desperately.

Hu Yi changed a [-]-ring magazine, pointed the muzzle sight of the shelled gun at the back of the fleeing bandit, thought for a while, but did not shoot, and the muzzle of the gun dropped slightly.

The bandits who surrounded from behind were dumbfounded. In just one round, almost all the gunmen on their side were wiped out!
The big boss on the ground was clutching his shoulders and moaning, and the pistol tied with a red strap was right beside him.

No one dared to pick it up.

Hu Yi observed carefully for a while, then slowly stood up, holding a twenty-shot rifle, and walked towards the bandits lying on the ground with a calm expression. Behind him, the girl turned around, quickly changed the magazine, and then raised the gun to guard The captured Li Huanzhang is far away.

After hearing the gunshot, the bandits over there had already laid down on the ground.

The bandits watched in horror as the God of Killing, who had smashed the shell gun like beans, was slowly approaching with a gun in his hand.

Hu Yi looked at the people on the ground with a calm expression, and suddenly said: "Who came from the Black Mountain and White Water? Tell me."

The trembling bandits on the ground were stunned for a moment, the one in front of him walked up and walked straight, and the one who was injured bite the bullet and replied: "Jinnan Qinglongzhai sitting tiger, brother, throw a vine?"

"Burn the pot and man'er" Hu Yi replied subconsciously, seeing the bandit team whose clothes took up half of the team, and the clothes were patched up. In the damn troubled times, even the bandits and bandits are getting worse and worse. He couldn't help shaking shook his head.

"So it's Brother Hu!" The leader with a complexion as dark as the bottom of a pot saw Hu Yi shaking his head, but he spoke authentic jargon. He must be the master who escaped from the northeast of his hometown. Get up to make friends: "Our brothers are not talented enough to learn, and the eldest brother is also from the north?"

Hu Yi sneered: "Come out on the first day of the Lunar New Year to rob Dao, and you're so messed up? If you have the ability to shoot the Japanese with a gun, what's the point of robbing your own compatriots?"

Hearing Hu Yi's words, the head of the family couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Well, it's a misunderstanding. Early this morning, the brother who pulled the string came back to report that there were black dogs operating in the brother's territory. I thought you were giving those The black dog stepped on the plate. Don't talk about this, brother, where are you from?"

Hu Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he met someone of the same kind from the north here, frowning: "I'm not a gangster, we are the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army!"

The black-faced man hesitated for a moment, then opened his voice and shouted forward: "Get out of here with me, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, it's my brother."

Soon, more than a dozen bandits on the ground in front got up, escorted Li Huanzhang and the two of them, and walked over vigilantly.

"Brother, what is the origin of this guy, dare to do something on our territory?"

The black-faced bandit covered his shoulder that was bleeding out, and glared at the bandit who just came over: "Second brother, put down the gun quickly."

The second leader hesitated for a moment, then quickly raised his hand, motioned for the brothers to lower their guns, and replied to the big bandit leader who was covering his bloody sheepskin jacket: "Brother, I heard these two say they are Eight Routes, what should I do?" ?”

"This is Eighth Road, who has been on the road before."

The second leader's eyes brightened: "Jinnan is the only one in Qinglongzhai, and the second gunner Tiger Man'er is under the seat! Since I hit the yard (bumped) today and pulled the manger?"

"This is Brother Hu, hurry up and greet." The head of the family blushed.

The second leader handed over to Hu Yi: "To tell you the truth, the Eighth Route Armed Task Force found us and asked us to join the Eighth Route Army. Brother is still thinking about it. I didn't expect us to come here first."

Hu Yi was a little helpless, and didn't want to waste time here, so he offered to reconcile: "Okay, I hurt you guys today, you can make a point."

"Well, let me bandage the elder brother first, why don't you wait a little while?" The second head looked worriedly at his elder brother's bleeding shoulder, and cupped his hands at Hu Yi.

"Hey, you beat devils everywhere, I think you might as well do it with the Eighth Route Army." Hearing Hu Yi talking to the bandits with words that he had never heard before, the braided boy immediately perked up.

The head of the family sat on the ground and let his younger brother take out a bayonet to pick bullets for him: "We have always kept the river water in the well water of the Eighth Road. Take it easy, kid."

Hu Yi pulled a girl who was bored and was about to explode, and replied unhurriedly: "This world is different from ours, who has no backing? Today I borrowed the precious land, to save face, brother I will take care of you Affection."

The head of the family bared his teeth, and endured the pain: "Brother, show your hand, let's see if you are worth it."

Hu Yi said blankly, "Then hurry up and draw."

The head of Wang Da thought for a while, and told the brothers next to him: "Go fifty steps away and get a stone the size of a human head as a target."

After speaking, he turned his head and asked the brother next to him who had just bandaged his shoulder to pick up the pistol he had dropped on the ground.

This is very clear, it is a competition of marksmanship, if Hu Yi can win against the most powerful of them, then Hu Yi will go as he pleases, if he loses, he will have to fight back according to the rules.

To put it bluntly, he was injured now, and he was comparing marksmanship with Hu Yi, and it was obvious that he was throwing water.

Hu Yi shook his head, turned around and walked aside.

Without waiting for the bandit to set a target, he raised the speed machine in his hand, pressed the trigger, and the bullet was ejected.

The bursts were fired as fast as a machine gun.

The muzzle kept beating.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. The shell gun can be fired so fast that the head-sized stone 20 meters away on the ground will immediately be scattered with stone chips.

The shooting accuracy of a shell gun and a rifle is completely different.

It is not difficult to shoot accurately at a distance of 20 meters, but it is not difficult to shoot ten shots in a row and hit the target. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is simply impossible!

Taking into account the speed of shooting and the accuracy of the head, Wang Da thought he didn't have that ability, and he didn't care about his shoulder injury, so he bowed his hands with a dark face: "Send brother Hu!"

"Hey, Wang Da is in charge, why don't you do anything with us?" The little girl was not reconciled, and persuaded her to surrender again.

"You're a girl, you're meddling in a fart." The second head of the Wang family couldn't help cursing.

"Hehe, the bullet in the wound of the eldest master has not been taken out. After a long time, that arm will be useless. My aunt will have an operation. How about I help you remove the bullet?" The little girl ignored the second master and continued to talk to the second master. The temptation of being the head of the king.

Her idea is very simple, Gao Yidao has the bandit Black Tiger Army, how could the Ninth Company be inferior to the Second Company?The bandits are very rich, such as Jinbala.
She forgot that she was the one who had the most fun shooting just now.
 Ask a few friends, there are too many slang words among bandits, so pick out a few meanings.
(End of this chapter)

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