under fire

Chapter 636 Arrest

Chapter 636 Arrest
The barren wilderness became empty in an instant.

The girl pulled out the bullet she shot herself, and everyone Wang fainted from the pain.

The bandits in the ravine were left beckoning, and Wang Dazhang solemnly promised to cross the Taihang Mountains to find an independent regiment to join the Eighth Route Army after he recovered from his injuries.

Hu Yi pressed the bullet into the magazine as he walked: "...what do you have to do?"

"Hey, didn't you take the shrapnel for the vixen last time, who knew that Wang Zai was in charge so carelessly?" The little girl smiled awkwardly.

The comrades from the nearby county government work team admired the girl so much that they couldn't help reminding: "Hey, these bandits are unreliable, you should be careful."

The girl gave him a blank look: "Why is it unreliable?"

"These bandits are all masters who have milk and mothers. The team we recruited before turned to the enemy later."

The little girl widened her eyes and asked, "You mean your independent camp?"


"Tch, our Jiulian is different."

"What's the difference? These people don't have a country, and they don't even have a national concept. For their own selfishness, many of them secretly voted for the enemy."

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Pray for the county gendarmerie.

Captain Ma and Captain Huang stood tremblingly in front of Major Okazaki's desk with a livid face.

Major Gang Qi's eyes were red, his face was livid, he was holding the ribs in his hands, and he huddled in the chair behind the desk tiredly: "...you found out that there are eight roads operating around the county town the day before yesterday?"

Head Ma hurriedly stood at attention: "Yes, yesterday I personally led a team to sweep outside the city, but those eight people fled into the mountains."

Gang Qi sternly reprimanded: "Tuan Zhang, the task of defending the city is for you and the detective team to assist in the defense. The Eighth Route Army climbed over the city wall and entered the city last night. Your security forces have a lot of holes in their defense."

Head Ma hurriedly threw the blame away: "Master Mingjian, the power was out at the time, and the searchlights couldn't be turned on, so we gave eight people a chance to take advantage of it."

"Captain Huang, have you investigated the power outage?"

"I heard that the rebels damaged some wires, and those guys from the equipment department were delayed in checking and repairing the wires."

"A dozen of your detective team members were also killed?"

"Yes, it just happened to be New Year's Eve again. Who knew that those Eighth Routes would sneak into the city just at this time, and our detectives suffered heavy losses." Captain Huang squeezed out a tear.

From exploring the scene in the middle of the night until now, I understand in my heart that the Eighth Route Army must have sneaked in through the city gate, not over the city wall at all. Since the Shao Zuo said so, anyway, the law and order army’s negligence of duty must be blamed. difference.

As for the power outage, that's your imperial army's business, not mine.

"Do you know who was killed at Dadexing Restaurant?"

"I heard that the owner of the restaurant and Captain Jing's men were all killed in battle?"

Gang Qi slapped the table and was furious: "The restaurant is the stronghold of the super high school. The imperial soldiers who were smashed last night were Mashiko's advance team who made the first contribution to the headquarters of the Suppressing Eighth Route. They are all imperial elites. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" "Little one understands."

Gang Qi's face was ferocious: "What's even worse is that they cut off the heads of the warriors. Captain Huang, immediately mobilize all hands. I give you three days to find out the whereabouts of the heads, otherwise I will take your heads. "

"This, this..." Captain Huang was dumbfounded, and his heart was trembling. This Gang Qi is ruthless, and what he said will never be changed. Can you give me some more time?"

"Okay, I'll give you five days. If the heads of the warriors are not found on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, you can prepare the coffin yourself."

"Yes! Absolutely no problem!" Captain Huang was stunned, thinking to himself, if he really can't find it, at worst, I will run away on the night of the fourth day.

Dealing with the imperial army is not an easy task. It seems that they will need another backer in the future. The ancestors have said that all eggs cannot be put in one basket, which is really reasonable.

Gang Qi grabbed the command knife on the table and pulled out a section, revealing the sharp blade: "Mr. Ma, do you have anything to say?"

Captain Ma shrank his neck: "Taijun Gang Qi, please be kind, I will take people to the mountains and capture all the eight roads in the mountains!"

"Could it be that the blood of the warriors was shed in vain?"

Head Ma was cruel: "I will immediately lead people to wash the villages at the foot of the mountain with blood!"

Ding Lingling, the phone on the table rang suddenly.

Head Ma hurried forward, reached out and grabbed the phone and carefully handed it to Major Gang Qi, for fear that he would chop himself with a knife.

Gang Qi put down the command knife, reached out to take the phone, a voice came, and Gang Qi jumped up as if a spring had been installed under his buttocks: "Ha Yi!"

The person on the phone didn't say much, and for a long while, Gang Qi didn't speak, holding the phone in his hand and staring blankly.

"Taijun?" Captain Huang asked cautiously.

"Get lost!" Gang Qi came back to his senses, his eyes were bloodshot, and he smashed the phone.

A personal phone call from the staff of the headquarters: If the assassins cannot be caught within five days and the heads of the warriors cannot be recovered, I suggest that he apologize by harakiri.

In the prison of the county detective team.

The middle-aged man who sold wontons was tied up.

Captain Huang looked at the suspect who had just been arrested and was about to go out of the city to visit relatives: "Tell me, who did it!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly begged for mercy: "I don't know what you are talking about, the little old man has been doing a little business, and he doesn't know anything!"

"Hmph, don't forget, the detective team is not vegetarian, and our people heard everything you said to the person pretending to be the detective team."

In fact, Captain Huang didn't have sufficient evidence. The two subordinates who came into contact with the fake detective team were also killed overnight. This guy may be suspected, and now even a little clue can't be let go.

Some people have seen this middle-aged man come into contact with the two who went to the city. The so-called rush to the doctor in a hurry, he was arrested immediately. At this point, anyone who has anything to do with them is a suspect.

I really don't know anything?

Don't be stubborn, I don't have time to spend with you.Captain Huang's face darkened, and he ordered to the hand waiting beside him: "Use torture!"

"Captain Huang!" The footsteps outside the cell fence stopped, and Gang Qi's decadent voice came.

The middle-aged man looked up and watched Captain Huang jump out of the cell.

His heart suddenly calmed down. He had met Major Gang Qi, but he didn't expect him to interrogate himself. It seemed that he must have been exposed.

This hurdle in front of him should not be passed.

Old Qiao suddenly remembered the night he joined the party, swearing an oath under the bright red party flag, his eyes were extremely firm, his expression gradually became solemn, his pale face turned rosy, and he said silently in his heart: resolutely (uphold) implement the party's discipline , not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of sacrifice, and fight to the end for the cause of communism.

Up to now, I have carefully recalled the details of the work. The residence must be cleaned up. When I was arrested, my comrades saw that the action team in the city would definitely be transferred immediately. Agree on a location, and you will know that something has happened when you go online.

There are two outcomes, the organization may find a way to rescue them, and the other outcome is self-sacrifice.

With so many ghosts dead, among other things, even the ghosts would kill many people to vent their anger, let alone the suspect himself.

As for being able to get out of the cell, there is no hope at all.

 Thank you Qin for following my heart, add one more.

(End of this chapter)

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