under fire

Chapter 637 Trading

Chapter 637 Trading
Old Qiao once again strengthened his confidence. There is actually a big difference between whether he admits it or not.

Admittedly, the detective team can take credit for this matter, and the devils will pay more attention to the detective team, so the traitors of the detective team will intensify their efforts to hunt down comrades working on the ground.

That being the case, things that are beneficial to the enemy must never be done.

Don't let the enemy figure out your own situation.

The detective captain surnamed Huang has a lot of blood and debts, so I have nothing to say to him.

As for torture, the traitors are no more ruthless than the five elements, gold (knife cutting), wood (stick beating), water (hot pepper water, kerosene, boiling water), fire (soldering iron), and earth (buried alive).

As for hanging and beating in the cold wind, they stood in barbed cages, forced to swallow bedbugs and lice shredded tobacco, put nooses around their necks, and added poison to their food.

Every kind of torture makes people shudder.

Now that you have embarked on this path, you are not even afraid of life and death. What is more frightening than sacrificing your life?

While thinking wildly, Captain Huang, who went out to see Major Gang Qi, walked into the cell again with a gloomy expression.

After seeing Old Qiao, a rare smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Qiao, I didn't expect that I often saw that the peddler turned out to be a spy. I was really mistaken."

Old Qiao was secretly vigilant: "I'm wronged, Captain Huang, I'm just a commoner, so I'm not a spy!"

Captain Huang sat down on the chair, with a half-smile: "Don't be so fucking pretending, I've caught so many rebels, are you fooling me like I am?"

"I'm really not a spy! Captain Huang is very observant!" Old Qiao was terrified, showing a timid and fearful expression.

Captain Huang was very patient: "It's not up to you to decide whether you are a spy or not, but I admire Mr. Qiao for your methods, so let's discuss it?"

Old Qiao quickly put on a mournful face: "I really don't understand what you are talking about!"

Captain Huang suddenly laughed: "If you don't admit to counting balls, I just need to know that you are. Major Gang Qi said, since we are two opposing parties, it is understandable that you engage in assassination operations. The Taijun commented on your operation this time." , and so fucking tall"

Old Qiao knew that the enemy would play tricks before interrogation, and knew that the methods of torture were nothing more than coercion and lure, but what kind of tricks did he play today?
Make up your mind to respond to all changes with the same!Hurry up and continue crying: "I am wronged, you really made a mistake!"

Captain Huang suddenly stood up: "Don't be a motherfucker, I don't have time to spend with you, so I will let you go later!"

Old Qiao looked contemptuously in his heart and looked overjoyed: "Ah, Captain Huang is aware of the details. The little old man is indeed not a spy. I am very grateful. I will set up a tablet for you when I go back."

"Can you stop mourning in a weird way? If you weren't a Communist Party, I would have picked out your eyeballs today and used them as a bubble!" Captain Huang was furious and wanted to slap him twice: "I'm telling you the truth, I have something to tell you Discuss, you must know Wu Kelie, deputy battalion commander of the independent battalion, after you are released today, you send him a letter."

"I really don't know what you're talking about!"

Captain Huang had black lines on his face: "Don't howl, listen carefully, the imperial army admires your ability to act, so this time, I plan to discuss something with you, ah. You just need to send the severed head of the imperial army to me. Come back, we can release the same number of eight-way criminals as you, and the list is up to you! Let them go first."

Old Qiao was stunned: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

Captain Huang was so angry that his heart was smoking: "Don't be fucking stupid, we are all smart people, if I can't find those heads, I have to move them, you can't afford those heads, I don't believe you put them away It’s better to take it to the fertilized field than to release your comrades, you go back and think about it, if you have other requests, you can also raise them together!”

Old Qiao was dumbfounded, and silently recited the oath again.

I've made up my mind, anyway, I don't plan to get out alive, I'll see what tricks you play!
"Don't worry, after we release you later, we will never arrange anyone to follow you!"

Old Qiao was kicked out of the cell, not more than an hour before and after.

Ten minutes later, Lao Qiao deliberately went back to his residence in the city, and prepared to leave the city with his burden of setting up a small stall.

In other words, if what the surname Huang said is true, I can't stay in my place anymore. Those flour and coal stalls, but the organization's funds, although not much, if the enemy really has any means, just pick them out and throw them away. Give it to ordinary people, maybe it can solve some problems, right?

Old Qiao kept looking behind him, and there was indeed a tail!

Want to follow Lao Tzu?There are no doors!
There are ghost patrols everywhere in the county, and almost all the black dogs of the detective team and the police have taken to the streets, which is more lively than usual.

Deliberately approaching the devil patrol team on the street, the devils who used to arrest people at every turn turned around and ran away as if they saw a ghost.

The unbelieving old Joe almost broke into the military police headquarters directly!If it wasn't for the devil sentry shouting affectionately: "Mynah."

Then I kicked him, it hurt!
After walking around the city for a long time, I also saw comrades from the action team, so I quickly pretended not to know them.

There was indeed nowhere to go, so Old Qiao decided to go straight out of the city with his tail on his shoulders.

At the gate of the city, Old Qiao generously greeted the detectives who were in charge of the inspection. The traitors had to deal with Old Qiao and almost suffered internal injuries.

After leaving the city and crossing the suspension bridge, the city gate slammed shut!
In the empty wilderness behind him, there was not a ghost to be seen, and Old Qiao was a little dazed.

Is this a dream?

He pinched his arm again, grinning and gnashing his teeth in pain, almost tears came out.

Did the enemy really let him go like this?
Then I remembered what Captain Huang said. Could it be that they really want the heads of those devils?
This matter must be discussed with County Magistrate Liu immediately.

Half an hour later, Lao Qiao, who was vigilant all the way, ran into the security forces who were ordered to give up the encirclement and suppression of the Eighth Road in the mountains, and were heading back to the city. Neither side had any way to avoid it.

Head Ma glanced at the old man Qiao who was selling wontons at the gate of the city, and he was very enthusiastic: "Uncle Qiao, do you want me to ask the two brothers for help?"

"Uh, it's still not necessary"

"This is a little thought from my brother!" After Ma Tuanchang finished speaking, he took out two barrels of ocean from his pocket and stuffed them into Old Qiao's broken pocket.

"You two are short-sighted, why don't you hurry up and help, escort Uncle Qiao through the blockade ditch, tell the brothers guarding the blockhouse, and bring back the pork leg in the blockhouse to Uncle Qiao."

There is no way, if Balu really refuses to send the head back now, his own head will not be guaranteed. What Captain Huang said on the phone just now shocked him.

If the head cannot be found, even Major Gang Qi will have to apologize by cutting open his stomach.

However, with the eight-way temper, release their twenty or thirty rebels, it seems that they will not refuse!
With the temper of the imperial army, he absolutely couldn't bear this tone.

As for retaliation after the event, I think you are in a bad mood today, and I will dig up all your ancestral graves someday!
Old Qiao was escorted all the way through the blockade, and never encountered a security force or detective team member.

After being vigilant for a long time, I took countless detours.

Finally, I carefully found a path into the mountain.

Looking up at the time, the sun was still hanging in the sky right at the top.

In less than three hours, Old Qiao, who had walked through the gate of hell, was drenched in sweat.

Life is full of ups and downs, can there be more thrilling and exciting than this?

From what they said, the enemy already knew that the guerrillas were in the mountains, so there should be no other conspiracy.

Finally figured out the reason, the devil really wants the head now, so I have to report it quickly, maybe the devil will really let him go!
It's a pity that I can no longer enter the county to set up a stall, and I can't inquire about the organization.

Still have to accept organizational investigations.

 follow me
(End of this chapter)

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