under fire

Chapter 639

Chapter 639
After walking for a long time, the flat place is full of strongholds of gun towers.

The secret service team and the trainee team were still missing. The county government action team made great efforts and finally found a guerrilla hiding in the mountains.

Hu Yi leaned against the low wall outside the village and put on his leggings again.

Not far away, the county government action team was talking to a man dressed as a guerrilla.

The voices of the two came faintly.

The captain of the guerrillas asked excitedly: "The operation was really successful?"

"That's still false, the three of them are members of the action team sent by the division!"

"It's really great. This time, we have dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of those devils. We have been preparing to attack the county together with the large army. This time we don't need to spend so much effort."

"We got separated from the action team. If there is nothing else, I have to send them back to the mountains."

"It's nothing else. According to the instructions of our superiors, we have collected [-] catties of grain for the disaster area, and we are going to send it to the mountains in the next two days."

"I haven't received any news. Besides, what does this have to do with us?"

"Our escorts are short of manpower, why don't you ask them to go with the food delivery team?"

"That won't work! They are the action team members, and their whereabouts are kept secret." The action team members showed firmness in their eyes.

"You told me just now, and you kept it a secret. Besides, the tasks have been completed, and we are indeed short of manpower."

When it was getting dark.

The guerrillas took four to five hundred men and women who were hiding in the ravine and set out on the road with burdens on their shoulders.

The team of the county action team that did not enter the food delivery team.

He has bigger things to do.

After bidding farewell to Hu Yi and the others at the foot of the mountain, they disappeared into the darkness.

The grain transportation team did not have ox carts or donkey carts. At this time, the distance to the foot of Taihang Mountain was only more than 100 miles, and the ox carts and donkey carts were almost useless after entering the mountain.

On Li Huanzhang's shoulders was a cloth bag of about fifty kilograms of wheat.

Hu Yi also carried a bag on his shoulders, and the girl in front carried Hu Yi's shield gun and equipment.

The guerrillas had already set up the gun towers guarding the blockade ditch, and the team passed through the blockade ditch without making a sound. In a village not far after passing the blockade ditch, the local comrades in charge of communication set up a temporary supply point.

The team stops.

Hu Yi put down the bag and sat down on the grain bag.

"Comrade, this is military rations for the mountains! How can you sit on it?" shouted a guerrilla holding a torch, and he was leading a group of ordinary people to deliver food to the food delivery team one by one.

Hu Yi got up quickly: "I'm sorry!"

"Excuse me? Seeing that you look like a traitor in black clothes, what are you?" After finishing speaking, he lit a torch and continued.

Most of the guerrillas didn't know the identities of Hu Yi and Li Huanzhang, and Hu Yi didn't care.

A piece of cake was stuffed in Hu Yi's hand, because there was no lunch box in the city, he took a dirt bowl and half a bowl of porridge.

"Hey, hurry up and drink, the people behind are still waiting!" An old lady looked at Hu Yi holding a bowl and kept nagging.

Hu Yi had black hair, it seemed that someone else had used it, at this time he was so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back, and he didn't care about being particular, so he drank it in two gulps and returned the bowl to the auntie.

The food delivery team carried wooden buckets and frames away, and the village was once again plunged into darkness.

The villagers were very enthusiastic and stuffed a boiled egg for the little girl.

"Fox, here you are." The girl handed a piece of beef to Hu Yi through the faint light in the distance.

"Where did it come from?" Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, the package of beef sent by the shopkeeper had already been eaten up on the way.

"Liu Manhe and the others killed the devils, and I saw that there was a lot left on the tables of those businessmen, so I packed a bag by the way."

"Don't worry, you can eat it even if it's stained with blood." Li Huanzhang next to him muttered softly, chewing something in his mouth.

"I said, is your marksmanship really as good as they say?" asked the little girl in the dark.

"A blind cat met a dead mouse, so bewildered." Li Huanzhang replied in shock.

"Hypocrisy, I heard that you are the one with the best marksmanship in the division?"

"Hey, luck, luck."

"Ambush me? I don't believe you can beat Tang Dagou."

"You mean the one from your independent group?"

"Do you dare to compete with him?" The girl decided to challenge the big dog, and this kid was actually modest.

"There are no ghosts here, and Tang Dagou and others are not here, so it's a woolen thread."

"Oh, why are you full of foul words?"

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue."


Hu Yi listened to the nonsense between the two, and was not interested in paying attention to it. He fell asleep directly leaning on the grain bag.

Hu Yi did some calculations. On average, one person weighed 500 to [-] catties, and a team of [-] people transported food. This trip was estimated to be only [-] to [-] catties.

There are thousands of people in the area of ​​the Shangguang security regiment on the plain, including the common people. If it really did not rain at all on the plain as they said by Lao Zhou, it is estimated that the common people in the enemy-occupied area would have no way out.

Today is the first day of the new year, and it is unlucky to be a coolie. I heard that I have done something on the first day of the new year. I have to do the same work this year.

If that's the case, wouldn't he be a coolie every day?

Hu Yi was startled suddenly, why are all these trivial things in his mind?

Not long after, the team in front started walking again, carrying dozens of catties of grain on their shoulders and felt comfortable. Hu Yi took off a pair of leggings, tied the grain into a backpack, and pulled back the pistol on the girl's shoulder. .

The guerrilla leader suddenly emerged from the darkness by the side of the road: "Student Hu, I want your help with something."

Hu Yi smiled indifferently in the dark: "I'm also on a mission when I go back to the mountain. If I really need my help, you have to tell me about the situation, right?"

"Okay, that's it. Let's go to Qin County in the south to perform a special mission."

Hu Yi didn't want to cause extra problems: "What task?"

The guerrilla leader hesitated for a moment: "Didn't your student team cut off dozens of devils' heads? This mission is related to heads. If you want to participate, I will tell you."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "Then tell me."

"The superior sent an order to our guerrilla team to cooperate and hang the heads of the two devils on the gate of Qinxian county overnight. I think you are dressed in black and look like the detective team. I want you to help too."

"Cooperate? With whom?"

"They're right in front! I just received the notice that I'm going to carry out the task of delivering food. Do you think you can take a squad of our guerrillas to cooperate with them?" The guerrilla captain knew that the soldiers under him couldn't read There were a few, but it would be too much to help, and it would be a waste to ask the students of the Anti-University to carry grain bags.

Hu Yi was stunned. Liu Manhe and the others killed the devils who advanced into the team and took their heads away. The original purpose was to hang the heads on the door to show the public!
Whose idea is this?The heads of people are hung on the gate of the county seat. Is this something that can be hung at will?
However, it's okay to cooperate with them, they might know the whereabouts of Liu Manhe and his party.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yi felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled, and turned his face to glance at the girl next to him.

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Yes, the three of us act together!"

"It's no problem." The guerrilla leader was overjoyed.

After arranging the food bags, follow the guerrilla leader to a side road.

There was a team standing in the darkness by the side of the road, eleven people, depending on the situation, it should be a squad.

The guerrilla leader stepped forward, scratched his head embarrassingly and said, "Platoon Leader Wu, it's like this. Our guerrillas have to escort the people to send food into the mountains. Now we really can't separate ourselves, so I let these three Comrade, take a squad of fighters from our guerrilla team to cooperate with you to carry out the task."

A young man's voice came from the darkness: "Only one class? Forget it, one class is one class. We are mainly short of manpower, and we are afraid that the enemy will play tricks."

Hu Yi asked in the dark, "What's going on?"

In the darkness came the voice of the young man: "My surname is Wu, this is the case, we received an order in the morning to hang the heads of two people on the gate of the county seat, but after dark, another order came, saying yes The enemy will release several of our arrested comrades and ask us to pick them up. This is a bit weird. We only have one squad here, and we are short of manpower, and we can’t contact the armed task force here for the time being, so .Only seek help from the guerrillas who are familiar with the situation here."

(End of this chapter)

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