under fire

Chapter 640 The devil in Shanxi goes south to the end

Chapter 640 The devil in Shanxi goes south to the end

The sun came out early over the mountains in the east.

The county seat of Qin County, where two mountains are sandwiched by a ditch, is surrounded by mountains. The Qin River passes through the city from south to north, and a simple road winds along the river in the ravine.

The main city gate of the county seat is placed at the north gate, and there is a large pond to the north of the city gate. The devils set up a stronghold by the river to guard the road.

On the hill to the east of the county seat.

In a small mountain depression, there is a team.

Looking down from the hill, you can clearly see the whole interior of the county town not far from the foot of the mountain, which is more than three miles long and two miles wide.

The terrain in the city is uneven, but it is clear at a glance.

The counties where the Chinese New Year is celebrated do not see the festivities of the Chinese New Year at all. Even if there is a custom of visiting relatives on the second day of the new year, there are very few ordinary people entering and leaving the city at this time.

As early as the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Eighth Route Army set up a column of Shanxi youths to resist the enemy in this mountainous area. Relying on the Taiyue Mountains to the west of Taihang Mountains and running through the southwestern part of Shanxi, the Taiyue Anti-Japanese Base was established.

In the endless mountains, lifeless, revealing the desolation of endless yellow and gray.

Captain Wu pointed to the map: "The devils are currently occupying Qinyuan County, [-] miles to the southwest, and they are blocked by our army and cannot move there. The road between Qinxian County and Qinyuan County is called Erqin Avenue. The avenue is the only place where the supplies of devils attacking south must pass, and Qinxian County is the only place where supplies must be passed from Taiyuan in the north to Qinyuan in the southwest.

In order to prevent the Japanese troops occupying Qinyuan from going southward or westward across the Yellow River and entering Yan'an, the military region ordered the base area to be strengthened and cleared, and more than 3000 households and nearly [-] ordinary people along the Erqin Avenue between the two counties were relocated. The guerrillas and the Taiyue Eighth Route Army took advantage of the favorable terrain to besiege the devils and puppet troops who occupied Qinyuan. "

"You said so much, Qin County is the place where devils must pass through when they go south and west from Taiyuan, right?" Hu Yi looked at the map. Such a simple thing has to be so complicated.

Platoon Leader Wu thought for a while: "It seems to be the reason, am I afraid that you don't understand?"

Hu Yi thought for a while: "I don't quite understand one thing. Since there is a large army of us in the south, why do you let us run for most of the night?"

Plato Leader Wu didn't seem quite right when he heard Hu Yi's words: "Almost all our troops were transferred to besiege Qinyuan County. When I came out, I only led one squad, so I asked the guerrillas for help."

"Why do you have to hang the devil's head on the city gate? How is this possible?" Li Huanzhang couldn't help interjecting.

"Is it because of difficulties that I invited you here?" Platoon Leader Wu gradually became angry when he heard that the two were always questioning the orders of their superiors: "You are all soldiers, don't you know that soldiers must obey orders? "

Li Huanzhang didn't want to be as knowledgeable as him, ignored the anger in Wu Paichang's words, and pointed to the simple mimeographed map: "According to what you said just now, to enter the county, you must first pass through the strongholds set up by the devils at various intersections. Not having a good time."

Platoon Leader Wu has a dark face, if it is easy, what do I need you to do?Thinking of this, he frowned: "We have done reconnaissance before, and there are very few people coming and going in the county in broad daylight. It is almost impossible to sneak in, and the devils in the stronghold are even more tightly guarded. Even if you have a good citizen certificate, no one will pass. "

"Such a strict defense? Then do you have any plans?"

"My idea is, wait until it gets dark today, you pretend to attack those devil strongholds, I will take the soldiers of my squad to touch the blockade ditch, sneak to the gate of the county seat, and then think of a way."

Li Huanzhang was a little speechless about the arrangement of platoon leader Wu: "Then can't you think of a way first, and then go to the gate of the county seat?"

Platoon Leader Wu was furious: "I can't think of a way, can I? Ah? I have to go to the gate of the county seat to see. I can't say no after I figure out the situation!"

Li Huanzhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he quickly turned his head and looked at Hu Yi, who was observing the county town down the mountain with a binoculars he got from Dadexing Restaurant, and suggested, "Commander Hu, don't you wear black clothes, why don't you pretend to be a detective again?" How about the team entering the second city?"

The platoon leader Wu, who was simmering in his stomach, looked at Hu Yi suspiciously: "What? What company commander Hu? You are."

Li Huanzhang had been criticized many times by Captain Liang for his big mouth, but he still couldn't control it: "Don't make a fuss, the devil's head in your hand was still taken by Company Commander Hu, who was in charge of security around the perimeter, and watched the secret service team cut it off with his own eyes."

"Ah?" Platoon Commander Wu was overjoyed, and immediately turned his attitude 180 degrees, and quickly saluted: "Hello Company Commander Hu!"

People in the mountains don't have so many twists and turns, they go straight and straight, which is refreshing.

He also went to pick up the heads in the morning, and he saw the battle clearly. The head chief respected the elder sister who led the team. When he came back, he talked all the way in admiration for the results of the action team.

I really didn't expect that I would accidentally bump into a comrade in the action team, and still be able to talk!If I go back to the brother platoon leader who has no chance to participate in this operation, I will definitely not finish if I don't brag for three days and three nights!
Hu Yi returned the salute with a dark face, and glared at Li Huanzhang: "It's just such a big deal. Maybe the devil has already investigated my identity, so it's not safe."

"Didn't Lao Qiao mean to arrange for someone to give the traitor who knew you to you?" Li Huanzhang was excited.

"The first appearance can be accidental, and the second time is a suspicion. This is related to the safety of an important intelligence officer. This identity must not be used again!" Hu Yi shook his head.

Who knows if the super-high-level devil with supernatural powers will find out about Li Youcai because of this?

"Yes! Report to the prince and promise to return to the city on time!" The commander of the puppet army was overjoyed and put down the phone.

Unexpectedly, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Taijun actually called himself, saying that he would give the brothers a three-day holiday, and all the brothers in the stronghold would withdraw to the city to rest.

The pseudo-company commander hummed a little song, there are almost no ordinary people in the mountains now, except for the imperial army vehicles on the road, no one passes by this stronghold at ordinary times, and those who celebrate the Chinese New Year are still nesting here all day drinking the northwest wind, and their hearts have already flown back to the city , no drinking, no alcohol and no women in the stronghold, how can this be a human life?
Shuttle down from the second floor of the stronghold's gun tower a few steps, and ordered to the messenger: "Notify the brothers in the nearby gun tower immediately, all gather, and return to the city!"

The false platoon leader next to him was half asleep and half awake when he heard what the company commander said, and was immediately woken up: "What? Let's all go back to the city. There are so many things in the stronghold. It will take at least a day or two to move it?"

Company Commander Zhi took a look at this guy with contempt. Those shabby old antiques are useful. Who doesn't know that antiques in troubled times are worthless?This guy can read a few words and spend all day tinkering with those calligraphy and paintings: "Move the fart, we'll be back in three days."

The platoon leader shyly said, "Uh, we must leave some brothers to watch, right?"

"Don't keep one, all come back to the city!" The false company commander was angry, and added: "Can't you understand what I said? Tuba Road, he can do whatever he likes. Those broken calligraphy and paintings you made can't be eaten, except as a Burning firewood is useless, hurry up, the Taijun said: You must rush back to the city before lunch today!"

"Brother, believe me, those things we managed to get will definitely sell for a lot of money, and we won't be able to move them out in a while. If we don't keep people here, it's not safe to put them here. If the guerrillas know that we Gone, if he doesn't come, it would be strange to move away!"

"You take what I said as fart?" The pseudo-company commander also felt a little inappropriate. Even if he wanted to retreat, it would be fine to leave a platoon, even two squads. What is this prince going to do?
However, what the Taijun said seems to be irresistible. Last time, a brother seemed to have failed to arrive at the designated location on time and was cut off directly. What are you doing standing there? Who the hell didn't arrive on time, and was beheaded by the Taijun, and I didn't even pay for the settlement!"

"Brother, it's not like the Taijun knew about us, right?" The false platoon leader moved to the side of the false company commander and lowered his voice.

The pseudo-company commander trembled in his heart: Could it be that he secretly sold bullets to Eight Routes. Did the Taijun know about it?

That's impossible, if these brothers betray Lao Tzu, no one will benefit, not to mention the old brothers who arrange every transaction, absolutely not.
The security forces who received the order were also dumbfounded. They had raided the mountains in the past few months, and there were a lot of good things piled up in the stronghold.

Just leave immediately, don't you want this stronghold?
Although this stronghold is not very important.

Could it be that the sky is about to change?

Well, hurry up and take away the valuable things, and dig a hole to bury the things you can't take away.
 Since 900, the Eighth Route Army has been besieging Qinyuan County for more than [-] days with the help of geographical advantages.

(End of this chapter)

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