under fire

Chapter 641

Chapter 641

Standing at thirty, Liang Sansi just received 7000 yuan of counterfeit coins from Taijun.

He is also considered well-informed and has weathered storms. It was the first time he had such a large sum of money in his pocket, and his heart was already full of joy.

He never thought that the money should not be taken, but realized that maybe his chance to make a fortune came.

He knew better that Taijun's money was not easy to get, but what he was about to do was not difficult at all for him, wasn't it just to contact a few local forces that had established themselves?
Moreover, it is still a good thing to send money, food and guns!
As for the purpose of the imperial army, does it matter?
He used to be a member of the Red Spear Club, but now he has become a special commissioner of the Imperial Army, which is at least one level higher than those night raiders with informants and their heads pinned to their waistbands.

Of course, he came up with the title of special commissioner himself, and Taijun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he directly gave him this title.

Although he is not a person who officially eats the imperial food, he is at least a peripheral intelligence officer of the imperial army.

They are more promising than those scouts who eat royal food!
You don't have to worry about being blackmailed by the Eighth Route.

Out of the county seat of An County.

This area is hundreds of miles away, and it is all occupied by the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army.

Going to the quasi-law and order area to recruit a group of Hui, Dao, and sect armed forces to maintain law and order, this job is tailor-made for him!
Having been on this land for 30 to [-] years, I have already figured out the current situation.

Last year was a severe drought, the imperial army was forced by international pressure to set up a porridge shop, and what kind of labor relief was needed, he didn't believe it in the bottom of his heart.

The workers are easy to do, and the common people are starving to death, so they dig blockades and build blockhouses. The key is that whether it is a security area or a quasi-security area, the population is getting smaller and smaller. When he saw a dead body on the side of the road, he left Liao pouted and shook his head, not everyone is qualified to join the imperial army, a sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

Holding the temporary new good citizen certificate of the gendarmerie, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart, and even the security forces who checked him when he passed the gun tower looked at him differently.

After passing the blockade ditch and walking for almost five miles, I looked up at the village in front of me, there should be Zhang Wanqing's people in it!
Liang San thought for a while, squatted on the side of the road and pretended to relieve himself, found a place with a conspicuous mark, dug a hole in the ground, and hid most of the money on his body.

Then he slowly approached the village as he dangled, feeling that the village was a bit lifeless, Liang San thought, before long, the village would definitely become full of vitality in his hands.

Feeling excited and nervous, he opened his mouth and said, "Hey, is Zhang Wanqing's brother here?"

Immediately after shouting this sentence, there was movement in the village. A thin man with a gun and a spear came out from the entrance of the village: "Who are you, how do you know this place?"

Hearing the words of the person who came, at least he knew Mr. Zhang, and the atmosphere eased a lot: "My surname is Liang. I came to discuss something with Mr. Zhang. Please inform the two brothers."

The two looked up and down for a while, Liang Sansi, and the gunman commanded to the shuttle: "Go and see if there is a tail!"

"There's a fart to see, I'll stare at him as soon as he emerges from the hillside over there, should I search him first?"

"I told you to go and see it, so go and see it. What if someone is hiding behind the hillside?"

"Two brothers, the younger one is alone, absolutely no one with him. I have something important to do with Mr. Zhang, so I hope you will accommodate me."

The two looked at each other, then turned their heads and yelled at the village: "Come out two, take this guy back to the village."

As soon as the words fell, two people dressed as ordinary people came out with shuttles and ropes in their hands.

"I'm sorry, even if you are a friend of the head of the family, this rule cannot be broken."

Liang Sansi squeezed out a smile and stretched out his hands: "It's okay, just tie it up."

After half an hour.

Zhang Wancheng looked at Liang Sansi who was bound and blindfolded: "Untie!"

A large group of people were sitting in the hall, Zhang Wancheng looked at Liang Sansi, and asked sharply: "My surname Liang, I heard that you took refuge with the Japanese, did you come to Lao Tzu's territory to die?"

"I'll give you money." Liang Sansi was taken aback, and quickly answered simply.

"Send money? Haha, there are a lot of people who want to give money to me. Grass has grown on several graves. Come on, pull it down and bury it for me." It is necessary to get off the horse.

"Wait a minute, listen to what my brother has to say before it's too late!" Liang Sansi had dealt with these tricky people since he was a child, how could he not know their methods.

"If you fart, let it go."

"This time I was ordered by the imperial army to bring 1000 yuan." Liang Sansi looked at Zhang Wancheng after finishing speaking, and kept silent about anything else.

Zhang Wancheng's eyes lit up: "One thousand? It's not a small amount. Let's talk. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it first. Let's not talk about the inclusion."

"Of course it's a good thing, it depends on whether Master Zhang is interested!"

Zhang Wancheng, who has a lot of experience, has known for a long time that this is a bastard who sells his ancestors for glory. The man surnamed Liang should be on the line of the imperial army. The running dogs do it.

Although he doesn't know a lot of Chinese characters, he likes to watch operas. All his experience of survival comes from operas.

With the person sent by the devil, there is no need to establish friendship, let alone talk nonsense, all the greetings and customs are omitted, and the point is straight: "Don't make trouble for me, the imperial army can't send money to me without a chance, what's the matter?" You should explain the purpose clearly to Lao Tzu."

"It's like this. There was a severe drought last year, and too many people died of starvation. The imperial army felt that the people were pitiful, so they planned to open a warehouse to release food like a generation of upright officials. I think Zhang Dazhang has a lot of appeal in this area, so I want to ask The imperial army recommends Zhang Dazhang to set up a soup kitchen in this area."

"Damn your mother, the little devil would be so kind? Don't tell me I don't believe it, but if you touch your heart and dog's lungs, will you believe it?"

Liang Sansi shook his head: "Oh, think about it, in the past dynasties, who didn't first occupy the place and eliminate the resistance forces before implementing benevolent government?"

Zhang Wancheng had watched a lot of plays, but he didn't know a few words, so he couldn't find words to refute for a while: "So what?"

"The imperial army is going to rescue ordinary people, but it suffers from a shortage of manpower, so it is going to let Master Zhang take charge of the porridge for a radius of a hundred miles. What do you think?"

Zhang Wancheng was a little confused: "Is there any other request?"

"Absolutely not."

"Really not?"

"Uh, I just remembered that food can't be given to those guerrillas who oppose the imperial army. I believe you can understand this, right?"

"Then what good is it for me?"

"What the imperial army means is that you want to ensure the safety of the people in this area. To put it bluntly, you will be the parent officer of this land in the future. Don't you understand?"

"It's nice to say, isn't it just recruiting Lao Tzu in disguise? Treating Lao Tzu as a fool?"

"Hey, if you want to be recruited, you have to obey the orders of the imperial army. That's called recruiting, right? Now the imperial army doesn't need it at all. To put it bluntly, the imperial army really doesn't like you guys!"

Liang Sansi continued to fool around: "You didn't have any share in this good job. I planned to let your old enemy named Lu do it. I also won this job for you because of the friendship we had before. You Think about it, in the future, if the imperial army gives food and money, you will have a good reputation for being kind and charitable. If you do a good job, you will be given a gun. Such a good thing is hard to find even with a lantern and a torch. Why are you hesitating? "

Zhang Wancheng shook his head: "The old ancestor said that there is no free feast in the world, let alone a pie. To be honest, you boy, what evil intentions are you hiding?"

Liang Sansi anxiously said: "If I harbor evil intentions, I will be struck with a thunderbolt! Think about it, who will not be recognized as a good person by everyone who only wants to give porridge in the past? Who would not want to do it with you? The imperial army paid for it." Let you buy people's hearts and save people from fire and water! Good things like this in the world can only be met, and besides, the imperial army is indeed to buy people's hearts, but think about it, if you don't do it, people will do it. If you do it well, In another ten or eight years, it may be possible for you to be the head of the township!"

Zhang Wancheng shook his head: "I always feel that there is something wrong with you giving me such a big gift for no reason, not to mention that it doesn't look like you."

Liang Sansi looked around silently, and then took a look at Zhang Dadang: "Brother has a private word, look at it."

Zhang Wancheng, who had been in an accident for a long time, didn't understand what this guy wanted to say, hesitated for a moment, waved his hands around, and ordered: "Brothers, step back first, I will have a few words with Brother Liang."

Liang Sansi saw that Zhang Wancheng had pushed back his brothers, and immediately stepped forward, lowering his voice: "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. Besides, I'm an old man, and I should start a family and start a business. So I ask Brother Zhang to introduce a better-looking daughter-in-law."

As soon as Zhang Wancheng heard these words, he immediately felt that this guy was fooling himself: "You think I don't understand the market? These days, if you really have 1000 yuan, you can choose the big girls from ten miles and eight villages!"

Liang Sansi immediately took out a large roll of money from the sock on his calf: "The money was given by the imperial army, but how dare I cut off the beard directly? We brothers have to find a way to do it, don't you think?"

Zhang Wancheng suddenly smiled: "You have the imperial army as your backer, and I have my own militia. If this is the case, firstly, I can keep the villagers safe, secondly, I can eat delicious and spicy food, and thirdly, I can collect food and harvest." Tax, no, ah, the Imperial Army doesn’t collect food tax?”

"The imperial army will send a car to bring food for you to cook porridge, and you'll be charged! Besides, you can also let your brother pretend to be a refugee to eat together, and the saved food can be sold on the black market for money?
In addition, the price of this food changes every day, and we can still sell it at a high price. As for who the seller is, who the hell knows!Then let those poor ghosts who just want to eat to work, this money. We have to spend it to get oil and water. By the way, this is just the first sum, and there will be more later."

"It's said that when a scholar is bad, one is worth a hundred, but that's a good thing." Zhang Wanqing didn't care if he would offend others by saying this, so he changed the subject: "So, Brother Liang, let's become brothers with different surnames today, what do you think? ?”

Liang Sansi had black lines all over his head, and immediately objected: "It's fine for us brothers to steal money secretly. It wouldn't be beautiful if outsiders knew about this!"

But in my heart I despise this uneducated vulgar man, I am a dignified special commissioner who will sworn to you like a bandit and bully?

As for letting him taste the sweetness, it will be much easier to carry out the subsequent plan.
 The violin follows my heart, is it interesting enough?

(End of this chapter)

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