under fire

Chapter 642 There must be a conspiracy

Chapter 642 There must be a conspiracy


Behind the withered yellow shrubs on the mountain ridge east of Qinxian County, a delicate sextuple mirror grows on Xiao Hongying's small face.

Looking carefully at the stronghold along the road along the river below the mountain, a puppet army team is busy.

"Hey fox, what do you think those security forces are doing? What are they digging in the winter?"

Hu Yi, who was covered with a quilt borrowed from the guerrillas, opened his eyes, sat up, took the binoculars, and observed carefully.

The stronghold is in full swing inside and outside.

After a while, Hu Yi replied flatly: "They should be burying something."

"Could it be that they died again?"

Probably not, the dead should be buried together, and they won't bury people so close to the stronghold, it's a bit like planting landmines here and there.

The camera moves along the valley, the brown mountains, the khaki road, and a bleak scene.

Hu Yi returned the binoculars to the girl: "Can't you stop for a while? You have to go to feint to attack the stronghold after dark."

"Aren't I observing the situation on the battlefield? Go to sleep." Under the enthusiastic eyes of several guerrillas nearby, the little girl raised her binoculars again.

It didn't take long, seventy or eighty security forces, divided into several sections, wearing big caps and slanting guns on their backs, walked leisurely towards the county in the cold wind.

Platoon Leader Wu ran back to the col with a happy expression on his face.

From the moment he knew that Hu Yi was the company commander, he directly gave up his command.

He is not stupid. His strength is that he is familiar with the terrain of this mountainous area. In terms of guerrilla combat experience in the mountains, he is even better than Hu Yi.It's just that he really has no idea if he really wants to hang two heads at the gate of the county seat.

The soldiers under him averaged less than five bullets, which was enough to make a feint.

Facing Hu Yi's murderous god-like indifference, he was not used to it. Most of the Eighth Route Army had no education. Even if there were instructors in the company, it was just to let the soldiers know a few more words. He was not as murderous as Hu Yi. I always feel awkward when dealing with commanders.

But he quickly hooked up with Li Huanzhang and called him brother and brother. When he returned to the col, he directly shook Li Huanzhang awake who was sleeping. Withdrew, you don't have to feint to attack the stronghold when it gets dark."

Li Huanzhang, who was huddled with a few guerrillas, opened his sleepy eyes and yawned: "What are you talking about? The security forces have withdrawn? Then we have nothing to do. Do you mean we can go back to the mountains? "

"Now our task is not completed, can you help us to the end?" Platoon Leader Wu felt a little blushing, but fortunately his face was black, so others could not see it: "Although the enemy has withdrawn their stronghold, they will hang their heads on the county seat." The door is as difficult as the sky, and the superior ordered to meet a few underground comrades who were released by the enemy. No matter how I think about it, I don’t feel right.”

Li Huanzhang quickly reached out and shook Hu Yi, who was sleeping beside him with his head wrapped in black.

Hu Yi got his head out of his clothes, looked at the sun in the sky, and wondered: "It doesn't seem to be dark yet, why wake me up so early?"

Xiao Zhui'er also ran back from the observation position: "The puppet troops in the stronghold seem to have withdrawn, there are 82 in total, there is a mortar and a heavy machine gun on the cart, and the puppet troops are carrying three light machine guns, Others were carrying guns and packs and had a dog on a leash and looked like they had abandoned their stronghold."

"Hey, you've been observing carefully." Platoon Leader Wu smiled awkwardly.

Hu Yi looked at the sun in the sky, took out his pocket watch and glanced at it: "It's only eleven o'clock, which one will these security forces play?"

In the binoculars, the khaki military uniforms of the puppet soldiers in the row well brought up a cloud of dust, making it difficult to see anything clearly.

The two Japanese gendarmes led a group of puppet soldiers, and escorted two young men with their hands tied behind their backs and scars on their bodies. They left the north gate of the county seat and met the returning team.

"Hey Liu Laizi, are you taking these two to be buried alive or shot?"

"Never mind your business, no, why did you all run back?"

"Taijun said that he will be on vacation for three days, haven't you heard of it?"

"I've heard fart. It's fucking bad luck to have to go out of the city to send these two Guixi off on the second day of the new year."

"Let's go later, let's have two drinks and go first."

The mountains are desolate.

"Down with Japanese imperialism."

The extremely fierce voice echoed in the valley, and floated up the mountain ridge along the river ditch.

The voice kept ringing, and the two heroic fighters recalled everything since they participated in the revolution.

I am a strong fighter, and I have not disgrace my oath under the red flag.

This barren land, he is my love, let me take one last look at you.
One second, two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds...

half a minute, 1 minute
However, the gunshots behind him never sounded.

The two kneeling on the ground finally tried to turn their heads.

In the distance, only two devils were seen leading away in the dust with a dozen security forces.

"Have we reached the underworld?"

"No, why can I still see you?"

"Hey, don't care about his Huangquan road, even if we reach the palace of the king of hell, we dare to pull the king of hell off his horse."

"Yes, we will still be comrades in the next life."

"Oh, why is my wound still so painful?"

"Ouch, when you said my wound hurts, I heard that it doesn't hurt in dreams?"

"Then try to untie my rope with your mouth first."

"Why use your mouth instead of your hands?"

The two muttered back to back untying the knot.

"Well, you don't seem to have any bullet holes in your back."

"You don't have any on your back either. Hey, someone seems to have come down from the mountain."

"Looks like a guerrilla?"

"There is still our Eighth Route Army behind us. Could it be that they beat the devils away?"

"It's not like, I didn't hear the gunshot!"

"You move faster, ah, why the hell is it so cold?" One shivered in the cold wind.

"You have a letter in the seam of your rags on your back."

"What letter?"

A group of patched teams came down from the mountain, and ran straight to the two shivering young men in thin clothes.

"Who are you?" Platoon Leader Wu looked at the two young men covered in welts, one of whom was holding an envelope in his hand, and was very surprised.

"Bitter trick!" The two young men looked at each other and finally understood the devil's plan.

But you have to pretend a little too, don't you?Also arrange a detective team traitor, how do you ask me to cooperate?

Since you are going to play tricks, the two of you should still have a chance to escape!
"We are the county's underground staff, which department are you from?" Anyway, the enemy had already figured out his identity, a young man directly stated, and asked tremblingly.

"We are a platoon in the ninth theater of the Qinyuan County Siege Command, and we are performing special missions!" Platoon leader Wu has never encountered such a strange thing since he joined the army. The enemy left these two people here for fun. What is the trick?I had to give an approximate number.

"Are you really our own people?" A young man pretended to be overjoyed.

"That's not necessarily true!" The devils used bitter tricks too often. Platoon Leader Wu, who had received anti-enemy education, saw that the two were wearing thin clothes. two people.

The two of them clasped the quilt, making it slightly warmer.

Platoon Leader Wu stared at the envelope in the young man's hand: "What are you holding?"

The young man was stunned for a moment: "You came here before I had time to look!"

A soldier next to him grabbed the letter and immediately handed it to Platoon Leader Wu.

Platoon Leader Wu looked the two young men up and down, and then pulled out the letter paper.

Fourteen characters were neatly written with a brush: Our department has fulfilled its promise, please fulfill your promise!

A plaster was drawn at the end.

"What the hell promise and promise?" Platoon Leader Wu muttered, thought for a while, and handed the letter to Hu Yi who was next to him.

Hu Yi took the letter and read it, frowning and still confused.

Platoon Leader Wu scratched his head and looked at the stronghold not far ahead: "With the virtue of a devil, there must be a conspiracy in the middle."

(End of this chapter)

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