under fire

Chapter 644 Confused preparation

Chapter 644 Confused preparation

Security guard station.

Su Qing habitually raised her finger, brushed her hair behind her ear, followed behind the correspondent, and walked quickly into the compound of the headquarters.

After entering the room, seeing Ding Deyi talking to several people, he immediately stepped forward to salute and said loudly: "Hello, political commissar!"

Ding Deyi looked up and down: "Hey, why did you lose so much weight?"

Su Qing stood beside the political commissar calmly: "Fortunately, you, the political commissar, have worked hard."

Ding De was stunned for a moment: "I haven't spared time during the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, we will also get a grassroots transfer, right? By the way, let me know about the recent work situation on your side. Is there any difficulty?"

Sun Youshang, who was talking to the political commissar just now, quickly stood up and poured Su Qing a glass of water, pushed him over and sat aside to keep silent.

He didn't know whether the security group should be regarded as a supplementary group or an independent group. This was not a simple question.

Because there is a county government nearby, if today's meeting decides to call the security team the county brigade, then he has to be under the supervision of the county government.

According to reliable sources, the last time the independent group attacked the security group successively, and the one who broke out of the cottage was the team led by the county magistrate of the democratic government himself.

It's just that he hasn't seen the neighboring county magistrate yet.

Regarding the upcoming meeting, it was obvious that he was very excited. He didn't like being assigned to the county brigade. After all, the county brigade could only be classified as a guerrilla.

Lao Qin has been in the southern base during this time, struggling with Lao Meng to cope with the difficult situation. After the political commissar finished greeting Su Qing, he stood up straight and smiled: "Su officer, hello!"

Su Qing quickly greeted those who had already arrived at the venue: "Instructor Qin, Director Zhang, Captain Meng, Platoon Leader Tian, ​​hello!"

He ignored Sun Youshang next to him.

Ding De waved to Su Qing: "Sit."

Seeing the notebooks and pens in front of everyone, political commissar Ding, for the first time in this meeting, did not go directly to the subject, but smiled and said: "Our security team is richer than the regiment headquarters!"

When everyone heard this, they all knew what the political commissar meant, the independent group is poor!No one answered.

The political commissar grabbed the peanuts that had been prepared earlier on the table: "Don't be bored, let's talk while peeling. I am here this time. First, I have a look at our comrades working in the plain. Second, there may be some changes in the regiment. On behalf of Captain Lu, I would like to wish everyone a New Year and say hello!"

"Political commissar, you are too polite." "Happy New Year, political commissar, head!"

The political commissar raised his hand and suppressed it: "I have something to ask for everyone's opinions later. It's a big Chinese New Year. As a political commissar, I have nothing to reward you. Maybe I have to beat you!"

Su Qing frowned: "Political commissar, I know that your visit this time should be related to food, and I will arrange for comrades in enemy-occupied areas to find a solution for this matter!"

The political commissar immediately laughed, Su Qing became more and more aware after working during this period of time, and shook his head: "Today's meeting, one is to ask all ministries to think about the food and how to arrange the next year's food supply. Large-scale production, specific implementation methods come up with a charter, of course, the most important thing for us now is to solve the problem of food, if we can't get food again, many people will really starve to death this time!"

As soon as Ding De finished speaking, he scanned the audience again: "Commander Sun, please talk about the current difficulties on your side."

He didn't ask Su Qing, but Sun Youshang. In name, Sun Youshang was the commander of the security regiment, although this commander was created by Hu Yi.

Sun Youshang quickly stood up: "Report to the political commissar, there have been no starvation deaths in our defense area for the time being, but a lot of people died of starvation in the enemy theater over the blockade!"

Ding De looked serious: "Are there any specific casualties?"

Sun Youshang immediately replied: "There are fewer people starving to death in An County. According to the statistics of Director Zhang, it is estimated that there are at least 3000 people. In the hardest hit areas in the south, tens of thousands of people died of starvation in some counties!"

"Are there any other difficulties?"

Sun Buyoushang said with a wry smile: "We have more than 30 villages here, and now we can count more than 3000 ordinary people. It's just that our soldiers have little experience in mass work. It's impossible to do it with Su Li. I hope the superiors can send someone to support them."

"The superiors have already considered this issue. Half a month later, a group of students will be assigned to our regiment. I have prepared ten for you. It should be no problem for one person to manage three villages."

Sun Youshang smiled bitterly: "The most difficult thing for us now is that there are often those reactionary people who know the way to rob people."

Ding Deyi frowned: "Steal people? How do you say that?"

"Two days ago, Zhang Wancheng in the north suddenly gave out porridge near the blockade ditch. Director Zhang sent people to inquire about the news twice a day. Coarse food, but the number of ordinary people who ran to them is really quite a lot.”

The political commissar couldn't help but shine: "This is a good thing, we have to find a way to unite these people into our team."

At this time, Director Zhang who was standing next to him shook his head: "This is weird. It is said that it is the devil who pays for the porridge."

Sun Youshang nodded: "The devils have always asked the puppet army to forcibly buy food at the lowest price in the market, and immediately robbed it when they raided. They must have a conspiracy in doing this."

Zhang Yi spoke again: "We have investigated and found that this was done by the devils. The gendarmerie in the city sent the traitor Liang Sansi to send money and food to the heads of many nearby associations, Taoists, and sects, and let them be among the common people. Propaganda says that if you follow us, you will starve to death in the end. The only way out is to be a good citizen. Why do you use work for relief? Let the people work hard to dig a blockade for them, repair a blockade wall, and eat twice a day Still full."

Lao Meng is relatively familiar with the situation in this area: "It is unreasonable that the devil must be suffocating again. The devil is still using the old tricks. If he really wanted to provide disaster relief, why didn't he do it in the hardest-hit area in the south? Instead, he ran to the vicinity of our base area because of greed." To buy people's hearts?"

The political commissar froze for a moment, then nodded: "So, we must be more vigilant against these new methods of the enemy."

Lao Meng hesitated for a moment, told the comrades in the sub-district to ask for his own business, and then looked at the political commissar: "I heard from the comrades in the sub-district that the superiors will send people from the mountains to the enemy-occupied areas, and they should go to the mountains to find our independent Are you in a group?"

Ding Deyi shook his head: "I came out two days ago, maybe I missed it on the way. I came here for this matter. The superior called on all ministries to cut down on food and clothing, and prepared hundreds of thousands of catties of grain in Shanxi, which will be shipped from the mountains soon. , if possible, we have to find a way to transport some of them to the enemy-occupied area to our base area, er, this matter must be kept strictly confidential to prevent the devils from sabotaging it."

Su Qing immediately discovered the problem from the conversation: "Can it be considered that our current task is to transport the grain to the south of the fifth district, instead of transporting it into the mountains?"

Ding De nodded: "That's true, but there is still a problem. The Tang Department of the National Army intends to lend us a piece of land to rest. After reporting to the theater and negotiating with the headquarters, the superiors have approved it. They will be stationed in Qingshan Village. .”

Su Qing was startled: "That is the base of our independent group, how can we give it to them?"

Ding Deyi looked at Su Qing and shook his head: "Refugees from Qingshan Village are moving to Sanjiaji. We need to be more open-minded. Only bases with people are called bases. We can't keep the old mountain-topic ideas! Fight against each other. Devil's team, we must all unite."

"I mean, will they make small moves again?" Su Qing said this with a basis: "The national army made a lot of friction last year. This time, put them in the base area. Don't stage the story of the farmer and the snake."

The political commissar shook his head: "You don't have to worry about that, they are hard to protect themselves now, and everyone knows the combat effectiveness of the national army, which is similar to that of the puppet army, haha."

"That is, if he really dares to fight, he will send us guns and soldiers!" Tian Sanqi, who was sitting at the end, finally spoke.

"I just said that I need to ask everyone for their opinions. This is how the division asked Park Buhuan to bring a group of friendly volunteers to our army to observe the exercise. However, their status is special and they are not suitable for activities in enemy-occupied areas. I discussed with the head of the regiment, and I plan to arrange them in our area, you can discuss whether to arrange them in the security regiment or in the Ninth Company's station."

Lao Qin immediately stated: "Of course it is Jiulian, and he, Pu Buhuan, is from our Jiulian."

Sun Youshang immediately prepared to rob people: "I think we can arrange for our security team. The security team is close to the mountain, and they can go directly to the blockade to fight the devils. If the devils raid, they can retreat into the mountains."

Tian Sanqi glared at the head of the security team who didn't know how many levels older than him: "What are you talking about? They are here to fight, and your security team is obviously still the enemy's territory. Can you bring Are they going to fight devils?"

"Why not? During this period of time, under the arrangement of Secretary Su, we fought a big victory against the enemy with the division!"

Tian Sanqi was speechless: "Can the matter of the little girl leading the team be blamed on you?"

Sun Youshang chuckled: "Not convinced? We are planning to sneak attack the enemy's airport. If the enemy's defense is not too strict, maybe we have already blown up the enemy's planes."

"Blow, you can blow better than Luo Fugui."

The political commissar waved his hand: "You all have a big picture view. It seems that the regiment decided to put the team on the plains. It is really the right move to return."

Sun Youshang's neck swelled red: "Nine companies are nine companies, we are a family anyway. :
This team has to have competition!The political commissar nodded, and turned to look at Su Qing: "During this time, you have to find a way to persuade those grain merchants to organize the places in the north where the situation is better and transport the grain to the places in the south where the disaster is serious."

Su Qing nodded: "I know how to do it."

The political commissar glanced around: "Let's discuss the establishment of the security regiment now."

(End of this chapter)

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