under fire

Chapter 645 The rain is coming

Chapter 645 The rain is coming
Sanjiaji, in the office prepared by Gao Yidao for the team leader.

More than [-] company and platoon commanders from the two sides who were conducting military exchanges were sitting on the bench and staring wide-eyed at Commander Lu and Staff Officer Li.

Head Lu slid his finger on the map hanging on the wall: "The devils have been increasing their troops southward during this time, and, according to reliable sources, the first part of Li Yingzhi's security army is also moving southward along the railway line."

At this time, Staff Officer Li had no choice but to follow the train of thought of Captain Lu, carefully looking at the map on the wall, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head: "If the devils hadn't sent supplies to the south, they shouldn't be able to launch this battle in a short time!"

Head Lu smiled: "According to what you said, if the devils want to attack you, they must first arrange supplies?"

"This is the attack method that devils have always used."

Head Lu rattled the map with his hands: "But you have ignored the powerful transportation capacity of Devil Railway."

Staff Officer Li was stunned for a moment: "I admit that what you said is reasonable, but the intelligence personnel in the theater did not mention at all that the devils have gathered a large number of materials in the north and transferred them to the south. Therefore, I do not agree with your statement."

Head Lu pondered for a while: "In the second half of last year, we fought the devils on the plain. You should know about it, right?"

"You mean the battle between Daqi County and Hua County against the security forces? I have to say that it is very rare to see your ministry fighting the enemy head-on, even though your opponent is only the security forces."

Commander Lu did not explain the battle process: "Don't underestimate the security forces. Their equipment is no worse than yours. The devils have spent a lot of energy training these security forces in the past two years, and their combat effectiveness is not low."

"Well, you mentioned this battle, are you trying to prove something?"

"Almost three brigades of devils chased and intercepted us, but then gave up the pursuit for no reason, and we found out that there was a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The devil is planning something in the south!"

Staff Officer Li pointed to the map: "There are our heavy troops confronting the devils in the south of the Yellow River. If you say so. Combined with the information we collected before, by the way, the devil's target is probably Sun Dianying's department!"

"Hehe, judging from the current situation, all battlefield factors are indeed pointing to Sun Bu, but have you considered it? How long can Sun Bu last after this battle really starts?"

"It's impossible to say!"

Commander Lu pointed to the map: "Then...do you think that the devils have invested so many troops in this area, and their target is only Sun Bu!"

Staff Officer Li looked at the deployment of troops on the map, and his face changed drastically: "If this is the case, wouldn't the devils also count our 24th Army?"

Head Lu smiled wryly: "Not only you, the devils may even go into the mountains again to raid our base!"

"Old Lu, listening to what you said is worse than reading ten years of books. I always thought that we were not as good as you in guerrilla warfare in the mountains, but I always looked down on you in strategic analysis. Our staff has also discussed this issue and generally agree that we are not as good as you. There is no one and no resources in this area, the devil should look down on me and I am now formally apologizing to you!"

"Hey, in the past we were even rivals, and when our brothers had conflicts, now we are allies. If you say that, I can't bear my old face."

Staff Officer Li couldn't help it: "Even if we are in different camps, I'm sure you are my friend!"

"You are welcome."

Staff Officer Li turned around and pointed to the map: "Look, old Lu, now you and I are joined together. If the devils attack aggressively, we are actually grasshoppers on the same rope. We have dead lips and teeth. I have to go back immediately and report to the brigade commander." Please arrange a platoon to come with me, and I will convince the brigade commander to ask him to find the commander to replenish a batch of ammunition for you."

Head Lu immediately complained: "Hey, thank you in advance, but we can't get involved in things on the plain. You know the situation of the independent regiment. The soldiers only have three or five bullets in their guns, and it's okay to fight guerrillas." , but if we want to fight the devils head-on, we might not even get a bubble out of our small arms and legs.”

Staff Officer Li didn't take it seriously: "Actually. The headquarters has known for a long time that the devils have been preparing since the second half of last year, but they have always been lucky. Listening to your analysis, their target is probably the entire Southern Taihang. Lao Lu, I suggest you The independent group also made preparations in advance."

The reason why regiment leader Lu knows so much is that the information from the headquarters is transferred to the division after analysis, and the division then transfers the information to the independent regiment.

When you think about how many people are in the Independent Regiment, you know that it is impossible for the Independent Regiment to obtain such detailed enemy intelligence.

The national army must also know about this information, but they don't pay attention to it at all. Even if the Eighth Route Army headquarters reports this situation to the theater, the theater may not believe it!

Because hundreds of thousands of troops are confronting the devils across the Yellow River at this time, it is entirely possible that only one notification will be issued in the war zone for Sun and Pang's two troops, which are not directly subordinate troops.

That's why I used military exchanges with friendly troops to convey this news. As a party, even if there is a slight possibility, I will pay attention to it, not to mention the major issues of life and death.

Security team meeting room.

Chojiu, who just came back, is the first time to participate in such a big meeting, and he is very restrained: "I heard a news in the casino that the little devil is going to divert the water of the Yellow River into the Wei River, and he is currently recruiting militiamen on a large scale. The old seventh and the eldest three got into the militia team together."

Director Zhang next to him knew that Choi Jiu didn't know that he had already mentioned this issue during the meeting in the morning, so he immediately added to Chae Jiu: "The devils can't recruit many militiamen in the occupied areas, so they took the idea outside the blockade and let Those savvy traitors tricked the common people there."

The political commissar next to him was very speechless. He had known for a long time that Chojiu was cooperating with Jiulian, but he didn't expect this guy to open a gambling shop into the provincial capital. Feeling. Jiulian now has his own 'industry'.

Su Qing frowned and asked Chuanjiu: "Tell me the details you know first."

"The peasants start working from dawn to dusk. The strong and laborers eat three meals a day, and the women and the old and the weak eat two meals a day. The enemy-occupied areas in the south are almost becoming no-man's land, and the little devils are still gathering for security. The strength of the army, what they are going to do, I have not found out for the time being."

The silent political commissar shifted his gaze from Cutting Jiu to the map, and frowned. The devils assembled the security forces. There are a large number of national troops in the south of the Yellow River, and it is absolutely impossible for the security forces to participate in the operation. It is absolutely impossible to fight the national army!Gather the people outside the mountain. If nothing happens, the devils will launch a spring raid on the base area again!

Thinking of this, the political commissar smiled at Chia Jiu: "Your information is very valuable! In this way, you go to rest for a while, and we can discuss it later."

Hearing the meaning of the political commissar's words, Kian Jiu got up quickly: "Hey, Company Commander Hu saved my life. This is my favor, so I'll go out first."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a furry hat on the table, turned around and left the conference room.

Everyone here knows what the political commissar will say next, so it's not good to say it in front of an outsider like Kajiu.

"Su Qing, the two intelligence lines formed by you and the public security team have both found out the situation of the devils gathering security forces. These situations are very important. Not surprisingly, the devils are about to conduct a spring sweep!"

Director Zhang suddenly suggested: "Since the devils will carry out a large-scale raid in the near future, I have an idea. First, wipe out the bandits of Ma Dabangzi in the enemy-occupied area, and then seize part of the food. If you are lucky, you can also supplement it." some ammo."

"This matter can be carried out, and you can arrange it yourself. Our current task is to focus on finding information about the devils and the supplies of the security forces. The army will go ahead without moving food and grass. We must pay special attention to the movements of the devils at the warehouse in the county town."

Su Qing thought for a while: "We have arranged a lot of intelligence personnel to specialize in collecting materials from the devils. I will discuss this matter with Director Zhang later to make a plan to ensure the completion of the intelligence and reconnaissance mission."

The political commissar reminded: "Also, every time the devils enter the mountain to mop up, they will first transport the supplies to the blockhouse stronghold by the blockade ditch, and also set up a supply point. You must arrange more people to stare at the devil's barracks. Find a way to find out the distribution of supplies through the informants in the gun tower, so as to judge the distribution of the devil's troops."

Su Qing immediately stated: "Political commissar, don't worry, we have always arranged someone to watch the deployment of troops in the devil's county, and there are also people from our development in the security forces guarding the gun towers."

The political commissar nodded, and turned to look at Sun Youshang: "If possible, try to send a team to sneak into the enemy's mountain and 'sweep' the team."

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!"

"Okay, I will drive here today, and I will send a correspondent to send you the plan after I go back to discuss the specific layout with Lao Lu." The political commissar paused after saying this: "Now, I have to hurry Go back to the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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