under fire

Chapter 646 Suspend Learning

Chapter 646 Suspend Learning
The teaching site for the students was finally moved to Longwang Temple, Yuanqu Village, Guxin Town, about [-] miles south of the division headquarters.

The Dragon King Temple naturally enshrines several Dragon Kings.

The ancient temple faces south and has a civil structure. After entering, there is a main hall, a whole wooden beamless hall, and side halls on the east and west sides.

A theater building is facing the mountain gate. It is said that it was built during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years.

The Beamless Hall in the center of the temple is an all-wood and stone structure with 24 outer roof ridges and twelve windows on all sides. It has a unique structure and exquisite workmanship.The inner roof is a unique cross-shaped mountain top, with ancient wooden locks and bucket arches connected together, and the building blocks form the top, without a single nail and a beam frame.

At this time, more than 100 anti-Japanese students who were approved in advance were sitting in the big temple surrounded by cold wind, shouting and discussing the problem of just learning to make landmines.

Captain Liang's subordinates entered the temple with a document, and looked at the team sitting on the stools staggeringly: "Everyone be quiet!"

The trainees immediately stopped whispering.

"It's very lively!" Captain Liang glanced around: "Through this study and practical drill, our student team has successfully completed the task assigned by our superiors to cooperate with the special mission. Next, I will announce that the superiors have given us advance approval. Commendation for the cadet team.”

Speaking of this, Captain Liang paused for a while to make a fool of himself, and smiled: "All students will get second-class merit!"

Immediately there were shouts and warm applause from the students.

Captain Liang suppressed his joy and said with a straight face: "Quiet. According to reliable information, the devils are gathering on a large scale. After analysis, the superiors judged that the devils are about to start a new round of raids.

Therefore, the superior instructed us to suspend our study, and all the students returned to the original unit to prepare for the enemy's mopping up. After everyone returns, they must command the grassroots according to the knowledge they have learned...especially to teach the squad leaders the command skills, hand in hand in actual combat The next step of our Kangda study is to start time and place to be notified separately. "

After hearing Captain Liang finished speaking, the students immediately exploded, and someone immediately asked excitedly: "It's only been a day of kung fu, isn't it said that you still have to study for half a month?"

Captain Liang said angrily: "Don't say it so nicely! I already knew that some of you couldn't beat devils and get angry because you were nested in a ravine."

"Hey, here I go to class all day long to write summaries and memorize the regulations. How can I beat devils!"

There was another round of whispering in class, saying that this Lao Shizi is studying. How can he have the energy to fight against the devils and puppet troops with guns?
Captain Liang had no choice but to greet again: "Quiet. The teacher doesn't think highly of our study this time."

As for whether you are tall or not, is it important to fight devils?
The trainees didn't listen attentively at all, and they said something unpleasant, and the grassroots commanders who didn't know a few big characters learned the command knowledge of literary and martial arts, and it was even hard for them to sound!

If it weren't for hearing those educated students bragging about each other in group discussions after each class, it would be impossible for most platoon leaders to come up with a summary of three or two hundred words!

Captain Liang looked at the absent-minded students below, still summing up from thoughts, tactics, and Qixian's assassination operation, speaking dryly.

I really want to fix these idiots, but unfortunately I don't have time this time.

Holding back his anger, he finally finished the summary: "... Did you understand everything?"

"Understood!" replied neatly.

Captain Liang shook his head, feeling an inexplicable annoyance in his heart: You know what the hell!

It's hard for these guys to tell lies in front of their faces so that they don't blush and their hearts beat.

These [-]s who sleep and snore during class, most of the summaries they write are nonsense every time. I see those dry summaries every night, and I wish I could drag all these idiots to the playground and run for ten miles.

Students are masters who are not afraid of death on the battlefield, but they just picked up a pen to draw amulets with ghosts. As for the content, forget it or not, so as not to get angry.
As the captain, he had to arrange cultural tutors to give them cultural tutoring, which was really frustrating.

Captain Liang was even more irritable when he thought that another group of Anti-University students who were studying in advance would arrive soon.

Looking at the cheering scene of the students below, I hate it so much, even if you go back to the original army, I will not make it easy for you!
Thinking of this, he picked up a book from the table and spoke again: "Everyone listen to me, this time the assessment is grade C, I will copy this book for me when I go back, and I will start school next time." Check from time to time, if anyone has not finished, I will ask him to look good at that time, hehe... Sweeping the latrine, picking up manure, picking up dog shit, I will definitely let him do it for a month!"

Most of the fighters sitting here are grade C in the assessment. The unlucky and sad students looked at the thick textbook in Captain Liang's hands and were immediately stunned.
North of the village.

Hu Yi, Li Huanzhang and the little girl were walking on the way into the village.

Just after the Spring Festival, the temple in front of us was very lively, and the clamor and applause was like thunder.

Seeing that the student team was about to disband, the instructor who was on duty at the gate saw the arrival of the three, and immediately greeted them with great joy: "Hey, student Hu, student Chang, and student Li, why did you come here?"

Li Huanzhang quickly saluted, and answered first: "After reporting to the division, I heard that you were transferred here, so I didn't dare to delay and rushed over here."

The little girl next to her stared and asked, "What are you studying in the temple, you guys are so enthusiastic?"

The instructor looked at the girl and smiled: "The student team was ordered to disband today. If you were later, you would not be able to catch up with the summary meeting. Maybe most of the students have already been involved and returned to the original team."

"What, disband?" Li Huanzhang was stunned for a moment, and was immediately overjoyed: "Study is over?"

The little girl laughed out loud, her little braid raised up, she was overjoyed, if only they all left!

Hu Yi next to him was thoughtful. He heard in the teacher that the Devils were about to conduct a spring raid. Then the students of these classmates were disbanded. They must go back to face the routine raids that the Devils will carry out. Line, shopping with the enemy.

When school starts again, I don’t know how many more I will see.

The scene of the students leading the soldiers to fight the enemy appeared in his mind. The battle is cruel, and the one who can survive after the blood and fire is God's eyes.

He even saw the future of the students. When facing the enemy, he made every battle plan, every order he gave, every shot he fired, and he fought the enemy to the death.
Suddenly, I have some doubts, whether I can see the day when school starts again.

The trainees who were trained in advance were disbanded, and another batch of trainees who were also trained in advance was about to arrive.

A large group of people ran out of the house, just in time to see the three of them coming, and the other cadets immediately greeted them one by one and asked about the situation.

In the end, only a few people from Jiulian were left, and the others ran back to the dormitory where they had only lived for a day to pack their luggage.

"Boss Hu," "Brother," "Officer Hu," and "Company Commander."

"Report, students Hu Yi, students Chang Hongying, and students Li Huanzhang return to the team!"

Captain Liang, who was still tidying up in the temple, was taken aback for a moment: "Hey, you three came at such a good time!"

The girl saluted: "Report to the instructor, what do you mean by that?"

"You guys missed the assessment, and you missed the summary meeting. There are three test papers here, and you take the self-test with you. If you fail the test, you can copy this book yourself!"

"What? I will fail the assessment?" The girl stared.

"Hey, I'm talking about Li Huanzhang. You two are in charge of supervision on the way back. Hey, don't make small moves, or you two will be dealt with together at that time!" Captain Liang knew that with Hu Yi's level, the first class That's for sure, there is no problem with the girl's passing level. Li Huanzhang is good at marksmanship and quick-witted, but unfortunately her cultural background is really bad.

Li Huanzhang laughed and said nothing.

Captain Liang suddenly thought of something, pulled out Hu Yi's telescope from his bag and handed it over: "This is yours, return it to you!"

Hu Yi quickly pushed back: "I got another one in the county!"

"Then I'm not going to be polite. I'll accept it." Captain Liang was overjoyed, and took out a booklet: "Also, you missed three days of landmine making courses. This booklet is given to you. I believe you can read it yourself. I understand, go back and ask Li Xiang of your company if you don't understand, but you must keep it secret, don't fall into the hands of the enemy."

"What? It's impossible for Li Xiang to make landmines with you, right?" The girl next to her looked disbelieving.

Captain Liang raised his head and ordered angrily: "Don't interrupt, I have to go back to the division headquarters. The new student team will arrive today, and I have to go and pick them up. I don't have so much time to talk to you, hurry up and go back sooner." Hit a few devils, and get me a command knife by the way."

The girl was stunned for a moment: "Didn't I give you a hand?"

"It was taken away by the Propaganda Section, saying it was needed for publicity."

(End of this chapter)

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