under fire

Chapter 900 Experienced

Chapter 900 Experienced
Second Lieutenant Guizi didn't seem to be in a good mood, he liked the feeling of being in control.

Originally, I wanted to see the scene where the Imperial Association Army used the legendary beacon fire to send messages to encircle and suppress the Eighth Route Army, but there has been no movement in the town until now!

According to the plan, after three pillars of smoke rose from the town, the surrounding ministries would press down heavily on them.

It seems that the Eighth Route Guerrilla did not rob the execution ground in Baliying as Captain Wu expected!

Because, according to Chinese tradition, [-]:[-] noon is the execution time, and now that the time has passed, it is estimated that the Imperial Association Army on the execution ground has already chopped off the head of Ba Lu!
The second lieutenant was very disappointed!

However, the battle unexpectedly started near his randomly chosen hideout.

Until now, he couldn't quite believe that the company commander of the Imperial Association Army went out and wandered around casually, and when he came back, he said that he found the main force of the Eighth Route Guerrilla. Isn't that bullshit?
But the two platoons of the Royal Association Army disappeared, making him realize that things might not be as simple as he thought.

But what does it matter?

Maybe what he met was a small group of Eighth Route guerrillas. At this time, it seemed good to let the guerrillas and the Imperial Association Army see the might of the imperial army and make those anti-Japanese elements tremble.

According to the company commander of the Imperial Association Army, the village to the north is only that small, how many people can he hide?

Fighting guerrillas on the plains?dreaming?

The plains are only suitable for positional warfare!

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.
The second lieutenant who is familiar with Sun Tzu's Art of War is not an egomaniac, and he also understands that killing chickens sometimes requires a sledgehammer.

Besides, he didn't like the chase, because he preferred to admire the inscription on the copper censer that had been installed in the car's cargo box.

If the guerrillas were scurrying across the plains like ducks, should the imperial elite be sent after the rabbits like hounds?
Don't get the new military boots that are only issued when they get dirty!
This should be what those imperial association troops who have taken refuge in the imperial army should do.

Therefore, he immediately sent his men to ride three-wheeled motorcycles to the west, and notified Captain Wu to come and outflank them!
How exciting is it to let them hunt and kill while you watch the excitement and sing a song, light a fire and have a unique battlefield barbecue?
After finishing the work, I will take my elites to get some incense burners in the temples in the nearby villages. Isn't it beautiful?
The second lieutenant withdrew his thoughts, looked at the open wilderness and carefully judged the current situation.

For such a small place, the map has already been printed in his pig's brain.

The guerrillas on the plain had been exposed. According to the habit of those guerrillas who shot and ran away, if I went there at this time, I would probably miss nothing!

There was no road leading directly to the village to the north, so the convoy had to make a half-circle to the west.

Raise the binoculars again, and observe the village in the distance to the north.

In the constantly shaking camera, the dilapidated village became clearer and clearer.

Obviously, the cab of a car is not suitable for viewing with a telescope, because the vibration is too severe.

The second lieutenant put down the binoculars, and rushed directly outside the cab to sing birdsong.

The translator outside the car door quickly turned his head and looked at the false company commander who was hanging beside the car door together: "Taijun asked, honestly, how many people are there in the village? If you lie, Taijun said that they chopped off your head with their own hands! "

The pseudo-company commander hurriedly freed up a hand, gestured a finger in the cab, but shouted to the translator who was crowded with him in the wind: "A proper company, only a little more!"

The false company commander's judgment was well-founded. Before he was attacked, there were sporadic battles in the village, which showed that his subordinates were still fighting.

Seeing that the village was getting closer, Second Lieutenant Guizi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, maybe the village was too dilapidated.
He'll be making a trip for nothing!
The convoy stopped 300 meters west of the village.

The devil infantry began to jump out of the carriage and spread out directly into the wilderness.

The heavy firepower team unloaded the two mortars on the vehicle and started assembling directly in the wilderness. The ammunition hand carried the mortar box.

The heavy machine gun team carried the machine gun and slowly removed the tarpaulin covering the machine gun.

Several other devils were holding engineering shovels and carrying the sacks that had been driven from the car, and they cooperated tacitly with each other to fill the sacks with soil. It seemed that they planned to temporarily build a small heavy machine gun array.

Following a few whistles, amidst the sergeant's constant shouting of orders, the battlefield guard posts ran in groups of two, trotting around the village and spreading out to the two wings.

Second Lieutenant Guizi was sitting in the driver's seat, holding up his binoculars to carefully observe the situation in the village.

In the occupied area, spring and autumn raids are carried out every year. So far, he has never encountered a guerrilla who dared to fight against the imperial army on the plain!
It's not that he hasn't experienced fighting with guerrillas. When he was raiding before, he often encountered guerrillas who took advantage of the location or set up ambushes at night to stop them.

As for the guerrillas fighting the imperial army head-on, they have never encountered it in the occupied area anyway!

This is not his fault, because in the newspapers and propaganda, apart from the fact that the Eighth Route Army took advantage of the terrain and organized a large-scale war in the mountainous area, it seemed that there was no guerrilla who dared to fight face-to-face with the imperial army!

However, at that time, the imperial army was ambushed by the Eighth Route regular army when it was sweeping and attacking the enemy.

Uh, I may have misremembered, it seems that some guerrillas fought head-on with the imperial army, but the grass on the graves of those guerrillas grew three feet long!
And now, this is a proper model security district!

A model law and order area that has been strengthened by the Royal Association Army!

In the binoculars, a vaguely visible village could be seen in the distance, and the second lieutenant's heart fluttered.

outside the village
Not a single person was seen. It is very likely that the guerrillas had already fled when they saw the imperial army convoy approaching.

On the plains, want to run?
There are no doors!

Putting down the binoculars, he waved to the company commander of the Imperial Association Army who had been working for a long time not far away and couldn't make his men who were panting stand up.

Then he said to the translator who had been hanging outside the cab of the car: "Ask him, was he attacked by guerrillas in the south of the village? Why didn't he see any signs?"

The false company commander trotted to the side of the car cab and pointed to the south of the village: "We were just about to enter the village from the south, and those guerrillas were hiding in that ditch."

Then holding up the binoculars, looking from his direction, the ditch was unobstructed.

I couldn't even see a ghost shadow, and I couldn't tell whether there was a battle at all.

On the contrary, the guard posts that spread out to the south were running fast at a position more than 100 meters south of the ditch.

The second lieutenant waved his hand to the false company commander, then poked his head out and whispered to the car behind: "Let the guard post approach the village and see the situation in that ditch!"

Soon, a ghost from the back of the carriage stepped on the driver's roof, held up a flag and started waving.
After a while, the flag soldiers confirmed that there was indeed a battle in the south of the village.

However, apart from half-dried blood, not even a corpse was found, not even a bullet casing on the ground.

Maybe it was because he was considerate of the Imperial Association soldiers who were so exhausted that they couldn't even stand up after following the car for seven or eight miles. Second Lieutenant Guizi didn't let these Imperial Association troops be cannon fodder.

He directly arranged for the devils from one of his sub-units to act as the vanguard and directly enter the village!
The devils are naturally a notch higher than the puppet army.

Sergeant Cao led the team, quickly divided into groups, and spread the distance scatteredly. The three devils walked in the front in a triangle shape, and the leader with a plaster flag on his bayonet fluttered left and right in the spring breeze.

The dozen or so devils following behind didn't even bother to do the cat waist movement.

Such a village has been raided countless times, among other things, 100 meters away, even if he stands there and asks his guerrillas to target him, he can't hit it!
As if nothing had happened, he held the [-] cover with the bayonet on, talking and laughing, more than [-] meters behind the three in front, and walked straight into the village with bowed legs.

Spread out into skirmish lines?

It is said that when an adult is boxing with a three-year-old child, does he have to make a move first?
There were bicycle tire marks on the ground, which should have been left by the unlucky Imperial Army soldiers who chased them on bicycles.

The devil with obsessive-compulsive disorder even tried to adjust his pace, subconsciously let himself land to avoid the messy footprints and wheel marks, and stepped on a new footprint.

When the team was about to approach the edge of the village for a hundred meters, the sergeant finally waved his hand to let the devils under him disperse.

Arrogance is completely different from arrogance, and the sergeant who has participated in many raids has rich experience in combat!
Lift the Cao Changjing hanging on his chest.

Maybe it was because there were no people in the village.

So. After many sweeps, the village has no trace of being burned.

Dead trees outside the village, gray brick and wood walls, yellow rammed earth walls, dilapidated and crooked fences outside the courtyard, and thatched roofs seem lifeless.
The thatch on the roof is so dry that it can't be dried anymore, it will definitely be able to catch it!

It was no different from the villages we saw during previous raids.

Sergeant even felt a little regretful, maybe, when he enters the village later, he won't even see a single mouse!

(End of this chapter)

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