under fire

Chapter 901 Tactics of the 9th Battalion

Chapter 901 The Tactics of the Ninth Battalion

The village is surprisingly quiet, as if you can hear the rustling of the spring breeze at dawn.

The devil's skirmish line was not too wide, more than thirty meters, and the horizontal distance between the devils was about two meters.

Sergeant Cao has been carefully checking the wheel marks of bicycles on the ground all the way
When they were about 50 meters away from the village, they suddenly waved their hands subconsciously, signaling the men who were in the skirmish line to stop advancing.

The footprints on the ground and the ruts began to coincide. It seems that the Royal Association Army did not enter the village
Instead, spread out to the two wings about 50 meters away from the village according to the two-wing outflanking tactic?

Quickly raised Cao Changjing again, the camera scanned the west of the village, and suddenly found out, why are there so many holes in those courtyard walls?

The camera is aimed at a hole the size of a head on a certain courtyard wall, because there seems to be a small trumpet mouth in the middle.

That was the muzzle of a Czech machine gun.

Da da da.
It wasn't the first time he heard the rhythm of the voice, and the familiar strobe of fire under the eaves.

"Enemy attack!" Sergeant Cao yelled subconsciously as soon as the flashing started, kicking his feet hard on the ground, and his body jumped into the air and fell to the side.

His body was still in mid-air, and the telescope had left his eye sockets. His eyes were still fixed on the spot where the tongue of flame flashed, but compared with the field of view of the telescope, the tongue of flame flickered instantly became smaller and farther away.

It seems to be able to see the machine gun bullets coming one after another, and even see the trajectory of the bullets flying over. Before the body of the sideways attack hits the ground, he immediately felt the impact of the body being penetrated by the bullets. The military officer immediately imagined in his mind The picture of the bullet coming out from behind him, bringing up a cloud of blood mist
I don't know if there is a rainbow, but there must be red.
Sergeant's body fell to the ground, and after a short scream came out of his mouth, it stopped abruptly.

After the "enemy attack" and the short scream before the soldier's death, he gave the ghosts next to him time to react.
It is said that bullets have no eyes. In fact, it depends on whose hands the machine gun is in.

The soldiers of the Ninth Battalion are proud of being able to learn Hu Yi's behavior pattern. Mancang, who is eighteen or nineteen years old, has a calm face. With the machine gun in his hand, he bites people like a dead dog and bites like a mad dog. It will turn back Take another bite!
Four three-point shots from left to right, and then two completed three-point shots from right to left, and finally two more shots were fired, the magazine was emptied, and the sound of the Czech machine gun stopped.

The devil reacted too quickly!
Mancang, who originally planned to change the magazine and shoot a shuttle, did not covet to expand the results of the battle.

After throwing the machine gun to the deputy shooter who was waiting next to him, he turned around and ran to the next machine gun position.

Because Luo Fugui is very busy at this time, both machine guns were handed over to Mancang
As for what Company Commander Luo is busy with in the village, he doesn't care at all, because he is a machine gunner, the third machine gunner in the Ninth Battalion!
A shuttle of bullets tore bloody and arrogantly, so that a unit of fifteen devils acting as a commando was directly reimbursed for two and injured six.

In other words, on average, two and a half bullets have caused lethal results. As for whether any devils have been hit twice, we have to wait until the deserters are cleaning the battlefield to count the holes themselves.
Guizibing also has brains, so he was even more confused.

The guerrillas took the wrong medicine?
Knowing that the elites are under pressure, how dare you blatantly stroke the tiger's beard?
This is clearly a slap in the face!

There was no need for the Second Lieutenant Guizi's order, the suppression heavy machine gun in the distance opened fire immediately, pouring bullets directly into the flashing gun hole.

The devil lying on the ground died of the sergeant, and the sergeant deputy chief Cao immediately took over the command. After the bird chirped, he took the lead in raising the [-] cover to the machine gun shooting hole to fight back!

At a distance of 50 meters, there is no problem for the elites to shoot bullets into that head-sized shooting hole.

It's really like a tiger doesn't show its power.
chug chug. chug chug.
The familiar sound of the Taisho [-]-type light machine gun!
Mishearing or hallucination?

It would be understandable if this kind of voice came from behind, but why did that voice sound from the village in front?
doesn't seem to see the muzzle flash
Deputy Chief Cao, a devil sergeant with rich experience in the battlefield, immediately judged that the machine gun was on the roof!
Following the loud birdsong, he directly pulled up the rifle with the plaster flag next to him, pointed forward, guided by a sub-target, and immediately followed by a group of devils with rifles to fight back at the roof of the village where the grass was piled up.


Mancang only fired four three-point shots, and immediately pulled the Taisho [-]-type light machine gun and left the shooting bunker.

The battalion commander said that if you shoot at the devils on the battlefield, it only takes [-] seconds for the machine gun to fire the first burst, and the possibility of being bitten by the enemy is almost zero.

It takes about a second to shoot two short bursts, plus the interval and aiming, and the possibility of being hit by an accurate shooter who reacts to the opponent is [-]%.

If it takes about [-] seconds to shoot three bursts, the possibility of being bitten by the enemy is [-]%.

As for the four burst shots, it takes about [-] seconds, and the possibility of being hit by a well-trained devil will reach [-]%!
Because it takes about two seconds for the devil to find the target, adjust the muzzle to aim at the target, and pull the trigger to eject the bullet.
Therefore, on the battlefield of frontal battle at close range, the national army and the eight-way machine gunner were often brought down by the devils before they even finished firing a magazine!
But there are no absolutes. It is not difficult to avoid devils with accurate shooting methods. First, at a distance of more than 400 meters, no one can shoot accurately. You can only rely on blindness. Small area coverage is possible.

The second is to find a good cover, or directly use the body of the machine gun as a cover, and try not to take risks to reduce the impact surface.
As an old machine gunner, Mancang used the third method. He set the machine gun position on the roof and piled a pile of grass directly in front of the gun. The specific location was discovered when the time came!
It takes time for the devil observers to determine the position of the machine gun only by the sound of gunfire!
At least one second!
It's just that this time he underestimated Sergeant Sergeant Cao, Deputy Chief Cao!

As soon as his head left the shooting position, the bullets fired back by the devil arrived!

The warhead hit the bunker, splashed dust, flew over the bunker and screamed away.
It's just that Mancang didn't hear these basic sounds that constitute the battlefield!
Because, his ears are full of noise: the sound of gunpowder deflagrating at high speed in the barrel, the sound of the bullet rubbing against the rifling of the barrel, and the sound of "chug-chug" shock waves after rushing out of the gun chamber
He shook his head, slipped directly down to the roof, stood by the window and yelled loudly into the room: "The devils are all crushed in the ground. If they are so close, they won't be able to shoot accurately. Come with me to the roof to shoot machine guns later!"

"What a hit!"

Bang bang bang.
Flames flickered in more than a dozen holes in the wall, and a wave of rifle bullets rushed out of the muzzle.

An arrogant voice pushed and pulled the bolt of the gun: "I heard everything clearly, I told you earlier, I will keep the one on the road for me, and you can shoot the others as you like!"

"It doesn't matter if it's dead or not, if you shoot another shot at the head of the corpse, it's not over if you don't beat that broken urinal out of juice."

"You're a scumbag, civil and military. You can't hit at such a close range. I want you to stand guard in the hut every day to feed the mosquitoes."

"Two people go out along the ditch beside the road, why don't you hurry up and get the gun and bullets on the devil back."

"Hey, listen up, you two idiots, you must use the devil's corpse as a cover, and don't pick up those two guns on the road."

Wen Wuquan next to him quit: "Hey, Brother Big Dog, didn't you miss it too?"

"Fucking bully, hurry up and add more to me, and see how I use that guy on the road as bait, and beat out the shit of the little devil who came to save people."

Thank you Brother Hanjiang Chuxue for the reward, and thank you brothers for subscribing and voting all the time.

Thanks to the brother who reads the Q with the end number 4728 and enjoys it every day. Hey, it’s too much to read a chapter. You spend ten times like this. Just treat it as you please smoke every day.
Thank you, brother, from the first day of writing this terrible thing, you have been steadfast.

Thanks to the brothers who have been subscribing to vote for monthly votes and vote for recommendations but never shoot "guns".
(End of this chapter)

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