under fire

Chapter 902 The experience of being bombed

Chapter 902 The experience of being bombed

The observer suddenly shouted at the top of his voice: "Attention everyone, 400 meters away, the devil mortar crew has finished adjusting the gun, and the ammunition crew is delivering the shells."

In the house, immediately after the firing holes, there was a commotion.

Most of the people went directly to the artillery fortification where Luo Fugui was still busy in the village.

The observer still stood firm, and the big dog didn't move.


It is naturally impossible to dig out a complete anti-gun fortification in a short period of time.

The place where Luo Fugui is busy is actually a main room with a two-story attic, a simple fortification constructed by slightly strengthening the attic!
The fortifications are really simple. A lot of wooden columns are added under the attic on the second floor of the main room, and then a layer of wooden boards dismantled from another yard is laid on the second-floor wooden boards of the attic, and finally a layer of sandbags is laid on the double wooden boards.

The purpose of this is that even if the devil's mortar bomb falls on the roof and explodes, even if the roof collapses, there is no need to worry about hiding under the attic.

Unless the Devil's mortar can shoot directly, there is nothing to be done about the thick rammed earth wall.

When attacking the artillery building with the Eighth Route Army, without heavy firepower, there was no way to take the Devils artillery building, except for being close to filling it with human life, it was almost exactly the same!
As long as you stay in this room, the devil's two mortars are useless.

Only a few minutes from the start to the end of the fight...

So that the mortar didn't find the target at all, and it didn't have time to fire.

"Big Dog, hurry up and take people away, I'll just stay here and watch!" The observer yelled at Big Dog.

"What the hell do you do as your observation post. Whatever I do."

In the westernmost house.

An old soldier was holding an engineering shovel and standing in a ditch dug in the house. Beside him, the ditch had already been paved with planks. Turn around and run on the board.

It seems that in the house at the westernmost end, a blast hole was dug.
The man standing in the ditch looked left and right, threw the engineer shovel aside, and pinched his fingertips to calculate: "East Zhenmu, South Lihuo, West Duijin, Beikan Water."

Suddenly surprised: "Hey, big dog. It seems that the west is not going well today, so we have to leave quickly."

The big dog didn't leave, and Wan Baxi, who also didn't leave beside him, immediately yelled: "What nonsense are you talking about there! The puppet army came from the south, Ma Liang and the others made an ambush, of course it was easy, and the devils came from the west. This time Of course it's not easy to fight head-on, so don't tell me you have snake eyes so you can't see?"

"The company commander said, if we can't beat us, we will run away!"

"Run? Ge Laozi sees that you are also a veteran. Now the devils have cars, three-wheeled motorcycles, puppet soldiers and bicycles. Can you outrun them on the plain?"

"Don't we have bicycles too?"

"Don't tell me about us, I just ask if you have any?"

"I don't have the battalion commander for the time being. I'll go out and grab the devil's three-wheeled motorcycle later."


The big dog fired another shot outside.

on the road.

The devil who had been shot in the leg was about to roll over into the ditch by the side of the road, his body trembled, and then he writhed on the ground screaming strangely.
The big dog's shot accurately pierced his foot!

The second shot was fired, and this shot pierced the devil's other foot.

The third shot rang out, and the shot was almost on the verge of fainting...

The devil who was about to pull out a grenade to kill himself was shot in the arm.
"Why do you want to die? I just won't let you die"

The big dog's world seemed to be darkened. In the hut, gunpowder smoke blocked everything, and he swiftly pressed the bullets into the rifle.

In the distance, the devil suppressed the heavy machine gun and stopped working.

Because, the attacking warriors seem to have all been broken.
No, no, it should be said that there is still one alive, struggling on the road.

Eight roads in the village.
It seems to be using the warrior's life order as bait!
Lieutenant Guizi's nose and face were distorted with anger, he got out of the cab, stood on the roof of the carriage and held up his binoculars to watch carefully.

He was looking at the situation of the warriors under him two hundred years away, so he had to figure out what happened to him!
He now believes that the attack on the Imperial Association Army in the south of the village is true!

There was no gutter on the west side, so he had to find out what was going on in the village!
If he can become a second lieutenant, at least his IQ will not be too low, but when it comes to commanding battles.
He is more suitable to participate in the raid!

Take the warriors and chase down the guerrillas who take the people to transfer or should be called to escape!

Then enjoy the fun of slowly killing them all step by step
But this time the guerrillas saw that they suddenly stopped running. This is unscientific. Is it the opposite?
Even if it is a blockade, the guerrillas should also fire their guns to make a show.
Is it just to let the imperial army slow down?
Now dare to attack the great imperial army?
I must be dazzled!
The second lieutenant curled his lips subconsciously, and kept comforting himself, there were still imperial troops moving on the ground, maybe they were attacked suddenly, and they were lying on the ground to fight back.
The ghost messenger next to him kept reporting to the second lieutenant lying on the roof of the car what they saw from the guard posts on both sides. Unfortunately, the second lieutenant was immersed in his imagination and seemed to never stop seeing him.

Until a sergeant rushed to the car and challenged the second lieutenant with a ferocious face: "Your Excellency, second lieutenant, please allow me to take a squad to go for reinforcements!"

It wasn't until the messenger pushed the second lieutenant's shoulder that the second lieutenant came back to his senses, still a little dazed, and asked in confusion, "What did you say?"

"Please allow me to bring a squad to reinforce!"

Behind the second lieutenant was the second lieutenant of the Song Dynasty incense burner who kept fiddling with the binoculars in his hand, pondered over the ink marks for a long time, and then nodded: "You choose to attack from the north, and order the platoon of the Imperial Association Army to attack from the south, and attack from three sides at the same time, start immediately! "

Aren't the positive warriors all broken?Sergeant Cao was a little confused: Uh, I see, what the second lieutenant meant should be to let heavy machine guns and mortar grenades shoot from the front and long-range
After figuring out the details, Jun Cao immediately turned around and ran away with the translator.

With the order, the sergeant came to the false company commander with an interpreter: "I will lead people to detour from the north, and your troops will detour to attack from the south, please."

"Let me make a detour from the south?" The false company commander was dumbfounded, the sun seemed to be extraordinarily cold on his body!

Not long ago, the whole army was almost wiped out in the south of the village. Since the sun was shining, I didn't feel the slightest bit of warmth on my body.

The two devil soldiers got together and muttered to each other for a while.

The sergeant who requested the attack returned to his own team and immediately deployed the attack.

Another sergeant took his deputy sergeant, deputy sergeant, and ran to the heavy machine gun field, and then he ran to the mortar field alone.
The artilleryman was a little puzzled: "The second lieutenant has not given an order so far, how dare I fire casually?"

Seeing that the companions had spread out to the north, and the Imperial Association Army cats dawdled to the south to double-team, the sergeant was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and he quickly said to the semaphore soldiers next to the artillery formation: "Immediately call the messenger on the top of the car!" The semaphore confirms the order."

Don't dare to neglect the order, so hurry up and wave the flag.
Soon, get clear instructions.

With the zero charge, the two prepared shells were finally stuffed into the muzzle.

Tom. Tom.
Two shells rushed into the sky one after another with whistle sounds.

The target distance was too close, and the muzzle was almost vertically facing the sky, so that there was no need for any test firing.

Heavy machine guns and grenades followed suit.
In the dark room in the west of the village, the observer screamed strangely: "Bombardment!"

A group of people behind the wall waited, and hurriedly drilled under the anti-gun ditch in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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