under fire

Chapter 912 Assigning Tasks

Chapter 912 Assigning Tasks
Nine rooms.

A group of 30 puppet soldiers with guns on their backs, led by spies, sneaked along the dry river all the way west.

The leading puppet army flashed to the edge of the embankment and shouted to the back: "Brother, there are people on the embankment."

"Don't yell, your mother. Call me the platoon leader!" He raised his pistol and put on his big-brimmed hat: "Hurry up and hide them all, first class, hurry up and catch the tongues of two people."

The puppet soldiers immediately kept vigilant, and approached the one on the river bank cautiously like leopards.

Most of the dry reeds on the edge of the bare river bank were shoveled away by the people.

There was no way to hide their figures without cover, and the two puppet soldiers were finally exposed to the sight of the sentry.

The sentry immediately stood up, and immediately rang a broken basin in his hand. After seeing clearly the dark figure in the river bed, he slammed his legs and ran towards the village while knocking.

The two puppet soldiers who were about to scratch their tongues were so speechless that they had to climb up the river bank and chased after the one knocking on the basin with their rifles.

The distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters. Finally, it was clear that the person knocking on the basin was an old man, and he said, "Old man, stop quickly, or I will shoot."

in the village.

Hearing the sound of Ding Ding Dang outside the village means that there are enemies coming!

And, the situation is serious.

Because there are guard posts five miles away in each direction around Jiujianfang Village, and now there is no guard post to send back the news first, it can only mean that there is probably an accident at the outer post, and the enemy is already approaching the village.

As soon as Wang Xiaosan threw away the spatula in his hand, he raised his legs and ran out of the house, shouting: "So people, get ready to fight now!"

The forty or so lightly wounded soldiers basking in the sun and bragging and practicing handwriting on the sand quickly gathered together.

He was able to walk with no injuries on his feet and legs, so he immediately dropped the branches and tiles in his hands, picked up the rifle that was propped in the yard, and walked to the south of the village where the clanging was still ringing.

Holding the head of the flower machine, Wang Xiaosan ran towards the yard where the wounded were, and ordered loudly: "Send the seriously wounded to the cellar, and those who are slightly injured and able to walk immediately follow me to the south of the village."

Cursing voices came from the room: "Your mother has no eyes, here are all seriously wounded, even the slightly injured have sunbathed."

Wang Xiaosan quickly went to the door of the house and looked around, and indeed he didn't see the lightly wounded, his face was a little red: "My surname is Qi, don't be weird here, your legs and feet are not injured, and you can still move now, hurry up and lead the way." Take everyone down to the cellar!"

The old bandit Qi with a bandage on his chest sat up with some difficulty: "Hey, who is here?"

"I don't know, hurry up."

"You don't know anything, Wang Xiaosan, you bastard, you are here to direct the fart. Didn't the surname Hu teach you to find out the situation first?"

"Hey, my task is to take good care of you." For this old acquaintance of the battalion commander, Wang Xiaosan did not dare to neglect, turned his head to look at He Gensheng who was packing things in the medicine box when he heard the tinkling sound: "Don't rush to put away things." For these things, hurry up and lead people to get these seriously wounded numbers into the cellar first, hey, brothers, pay attention, keep an eye on those captives, whoever yells during the enemy's search will be killed directly."

These words carried a warning meaning, among the seriously wounded, the only one alive was old bandit Qi!

After Wang Xiaosan finished speaking, he turned around and ran away. The old gangster Qi made sense, now he has to find out the enemy's situation!

There were not many people in the village at first. After hearing the warning jingle from the south of the village, men, women, old and weak rushed out of their homes without hesitation, and ran directly to the yard where the wounded were. Some had to stand in the yard and wait.

The brave ones went straight into the room without making any noise, and no one cared about the blood on the wounded, and started to help the wounded.

More than [-] seriously injured were carried away. After all, there are not many narrow cellars in this yard.
The old gangster Qi slapped away the hand of an old man who was helping him: "I can walk by myself, you carry me to the outside of the village."

"If you can go, you can go by yourself. Why do you want me to carry you?" The old man was a little puzzled.

"I am... Commander, do you understand, Commander?"

The uncle answered honestly: "Our guerrilla army has no officers, only commanders."

"That's right, Commander, hurry up and take me out to command the wounded soldiers to fight."

"He's a fart commander, he's a prisoner!"

"Don't talk nonsense here, kid, I and that kid Hu Yi are brothers."

"How shameless, you, a broken bandit, have the face to call our battalion commander a brother?"

"Hurry up and get them to hide." The old gangster Qi's face darkened, and he yelled at He Gensheng who was standing at the door: "What are you doing standing there, you stick, take me out quickly, do you think I can't compare to Wang Xiaosan?" The cook?"

He Gensheng hesitated for a moment, never expecting that he, a little medical soldier, would face such a situation.

After all, he also participated in the Eighth Route Army after the defeat of the national army. In his eyes, it seems that the old bandit Qi should not be regarded as a bad person, but he has not yet been educated by Lao Qin
Besides, he is very clear about Wang Xiaosan's level of commanding the battle. This Qi and Chief Hu used to be comrades-in-arms.

Now he's injured, even if you let him run, he can't run
This face should be acceptable, and finally made up his mind, nodded to the old man: "Take him out."

The second master was also unambiguous, lifted the old bandit Qi and threw it on the stretcher.

The old gangster Qi was startled, and immediately bared his teeth and cracked his mouth: "Hey, I asked if you could be gentle."

The two masters smiled embarrassedly: "Aren't we nervous?"

When the stretcher passed by He Gensheng, the old bandit Qi opened the case of the pistol hanging on He Gensheng's waist, and quickly pulled out the pistol.
He Gensheng was shocked, and immediately prepared to grab the gun back.

The old bandit Qi stared fiercely: "You are in a hurry, I will return it to you in a while, and quickly give me the spare magazine."

He Gensheng was stunned for a moment, seeing that the old gangster Qi didn't point the gun at him, this man was a little confused, he really opened the medicine box, and flipped out a magazine from inside: "Don't lie to me."

"I lied to you that the next time I get injured, I will let you perform the operation yourself! Is that okay?"

Seeing this man making such a strong oath, He Gensheng was relieved a lot: "Okay, watch out that your wound has just scabbed over and don't move around. If you die, Chief Hu will kick me to death if he knows that I let you out."

The old gangster Qi checked the shelled gun by himself, and pulled out the bandage on He Gensheng's arm to wipe the oil on the gun: "You son of a bitch, haven't you fired this gun in your hands for two or three years? It's full of gun oil."

South of the village.

In the open field more than 200 meters away under the sun, thirty or forty puppet troops spread out in a skirmish formation, two echelons before and after, and they were rushing towards the village with their waists bent.

Wang Xiaosan hid at the foot of the wall at the entrance of the village, observing the puppet troops who were outflanking them from time to time.

Soon, he entered the fighting state, with a flash of rage in his eyes, he turned his head to look at the ten or so recruits who stayed behind and the thirty or so wounded soldiers who were staring at the scene behind him: "Ready to fight!"

However, the wounded soldiers behind him all stared wide-eyed.

A wounded squad leader finally plucked up the courage to ask: "Platoon Leader Wang, don't just say you are ready to fight. We can't all pile up here with dozens of numbers. Besides, you know our situation. You can't get on the roof or jump over the wall. You have to How about assigning combat missions to everyone first?"

From Class [-] to Battalion [-], almost all the recruits knew that Wang Xiaosan was from the cooking class. Unfortunately, few people knew that this man was actually a fearless and fearless thorny leader. The puppet army, do you want me to assign tasks to you? Bring the puppet army closer, and each find a target."

(End of this chapter)

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