under fire

Chapter 913 Indispensable scolding battle

Chapter 913 Indispensable scolding battle

The puppet soldiers fought for a long time, and they didn't even see a few shadows of each other.

It seems that the guerrillas still look like cowards.

The false platoon leader immediately ordered a squad to press up step by step according to the old rules.

The result was unexpected, he was shot in the face, and more than half of the squad members were killed or injured.

The false platoon leader hurriedly ordered someone to beat him hard, and asked someone to bandage the injured brother. At the same time, he sent someone to ask the deputy head behind him for reinforcements.

Wu Hexiu was a little upset that he didn't make an ambush.

When my brigade came out, it was in a stalemate with the guerrillas on the opposite side. Isn't this a slap in the face?

He was very familiar with guerrilla fighting methods, and immediately judged that the other party wanted to prevent his reinforcements!
Before he surrendered to the enemy, he often led guerrillas to resist the devils, but most of the time he ran away when he saw the devils, so he didn't have much experience in fighting.

And after surrendering to the enemy, the guerrillas who led people to encircle and suppress those former subordinates still ran away when they saw the puppet army as before.

But right now, he suddenly found that the guerrillas on the opposite side had stopped running, which immediately made him feel a little tricky.

Small-scale battles. He can still come up with a charter. As for the scene of hundreds of people fighting positional warfare, he is really messed up
Fortunately, I have seen a lot of big scenes, and my years of combat experience tell Quan that you must not show your inner panic in front of your subordinates.

Therefore, he directly followed the habit of doing underground work on the Eighth Road, and recruited a group of battalion commanders, company commanders and traitors under him to hold an on-site meeting!
As a result, a group of pseudo-military officers and traitors from the special police team immediately surrounded the map on the floor and began to point out the country.
The puppet soldiers have been trained by devils, and they are limited to basic combat skills. As for commanding battles, frontal assault, two wings, outflanking and three axes are obviously not suitable here
Because, there is no heavy firepower!

All of a sudden, all the puppet soldiers and traitors were talking about all kinds of ideas one after another.
Lying on the ground, there was a mass of puppet troops, and there was no imperial army personally supervising the battle, so naturally they were happy to shoot sniper from a distance.

A certain puppet army was annoyed that the opponent only knew how to fight against the guerrillas, and immediately rounded up his voice and sarcastically mocked the "guerrilla" on the opposite side for being as cowardly as a mouse and shrinking their heads so that they dare not come out to fight.

The opponent who sneered at them immediately returned the sneer, not only continued to sneer, but also called the puppet army a big traitor who betrayed his ancestors and begged for glory, a coward, a bastard who dared not attack.

Later, the two sides naturally began to greet each other's parents...

It soon developed to dig ancestral graves to greet eighteen generations of ancestors.

Gunshots were fired intermittently on the road, mixed with shouts and curses from both sides.

Very strange phenomenon.

As long as the various ministries of the Ninth Battalion fought head-on with the puppet army in broad daylight, when they were in a stalemate, even if the quarreling bears did not go into battle in person, it would still easily turn into a scolding battle.

Wu Hexiu's meetings went on and on.

At this moment…

The two sides seem to have been scolding for eighteen generations, and the ancestral graves were dug directly to the Tang and Song Dynasties
It is estimated that the two sides will fight coldly for a while...the digging of ancestors' graves must be carried out until the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period.
It has to be said that in the cultural center of the Central Plains, even the puppet army with little culture can make the ancestors of the past dynasties the emperor, and the family has a treacherous minister to make it clear.
Luo Fugui's selected headquarters location.
Must stay away from the road battlefield!

It's almost a mile away from the frontal battlefield, but it's really far away.

It's a pity that everyone in Baidaomen waited, and lost the opportunity to experience the exciting scolding battle.

Under someone's arrangement, more than ten people were directly broken up into seven or eight piles.

The recruits of the Communist Party of China who have only been in the Ninth Battalion for three days naturally received a new task: to accompany them!

The first task is to accompany the food. It is definitely a pleasure to drink broth with meat pieces during the famine.

In addition, they were accompanied by "dao friends", so several people from the Taoist sect seemed to be in a good mood.

It is said that the eighth-way guerrillas are all poor ghosts. It doesn't seem to be credible.

I want to find out more about Jiuying, but unfortunately, fellow Taoists have limited knowledge.
The second task is friendly exchanges between the two sides. The recruits don't know the situation of the Ninth Battalion, and a few veterans next to them interrupt from time to time.

The squad leader broke his mouth and cleared his throat: "Ahem. Our independent regiment beat the devils. There is absolutely nothing to say. A few days ago, more than 100 devils, more than 2000 bandits and a regiment of puppet troops were beaten by us. It's a mess. That's miserable, tsk tsk tsk"

Li Laosan next to him suddenly became interested: "Then tell me about the battle you fought against Li Ying last year."

"Last year? We were facing the First North China Army of the Public Security Army. There were tens of thousands of grassroots officers from all walks of life. Hehe, didn't they still get beaten up by us?
Even their brigade commander surnamed Tang was directly killed by us, and that guy's body was sold for five thousand oceans."

Li Laosan was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about? A brigade commander only sells for [-] yuan? That bastard Wu Jinshan tied up a big family, and the asking price is [-] yuan."

Broken Zui immediately widened his eyes: "Thirty thousand? Are those big households really that rich?"

Li Laosan shook his head: "Hey, you don't know the market, do you?"

Broken Zui immediately became vigilant: "Could it be that people from your Taoist sect also do this kind of business?"

Li Laosan immediately turned black: "What nonsense are you talking about? We Taoists save the world and save the people, how could we do those wicked things?"

Broken Zui nodded: "I think so. With your skills, if you get a ticket and get it at hand, I finally understand that you have great kung fu but you can't even use a gun. It turns out that you are poor."

"You are poor, your whole family is poor, and your ancestors have been poor for eighteen generations." Youngest Li poked his head out of curiosity to watch the occasional cold shots between the two sides while speaking.

The puppet army in the south fought for a long time, wasting countless bullets, and was worried that they could not see the frontal figure until they suddenly found a head popping up in the distance.

All the puppet soldiers were immediately overjoyed.

After muttering for a while, the machine gunner quickly pulled up the machine gun calmly, turned the muzzle of the gun, and shot directly at the position where the head appeared in the north.

Da da da da da.
The bullets roared and flew directly into the distance. It was very difficult to directly hit the hidden target at a distance of two to 300 meters. Therefore, the puppet army shot out a magazine in one shot!
The first few bullets were still on target, and the next ten or so bullets flew directly into the sky
But Li Laosan, who was watching the excitement with his head, was scared to death, and he collapsed into the ditch for a long time, out of breath.

This guy is also a ruthless person, he directly kicked Tang Dagou who was half awake next to him: "Get up quickly, kid, and take me to the south to fight that puppet army!"

The sound of machine gun bullets puffing into the ground and whistling woke up the big dog. How dare someone kick me?

After beating him to Jiulian, even Chief Hu didn't dare to kick him!
Furious, he jumped up with a strange cry: "What the hell."

Fortunately, the dirty face next to him was quick, and he held down the big dog that had developed a mad dog disease: "Hey, be careful of the machine gun bullets"

The big dog grinned and was about to attack the person who kicked him, when he suddenly found that the opposite was Li Laosan, and he was looking at him with malicious intentions.

This guy was immediately scared, nothing else, just weighed the big knife on his back, it weighed at least 20 kilograms, that guy can play tricks with one hand, if he didn't use a gun, he would definitely not be this opponent.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses!
By the way, he said just now that he wants to fight the puppet army?
Hey, since you can't beat you with a knife, then you will see it on the battlefield.
Your broken big knife is a scum in front of Lao Tzu.
The virtue of being competitive and competitive will never be changed.

The two figures immediately crawled in the ditch and went straight to the south!

(End of this chapter)

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