under fire

Chapter 914 The Furnace

Chapter 914 The Furnace
The distance of 500 meters is not far. If you run directly, it will only take a few minutes.

It's a pity that Luo Fugui's headquarters is far away from the road, and the traffic trench is not deep enough, so naturally it didn't take shape at all.

If you don't want to show your head, you can only crawl in the ditch.

Speed ​​and physical exertion are two completely different things.

Seeing Li Laosan who was following behind panting heavily, the big dog sneered triumphantly: "What the hell do you think you are so powerful, you kick like a dog everywhere you move?"

There are not many people in the ditch on the north side of the highway, just a dozen or so!
Seeing someone coming, immediately suspended the scolding
Sitting on the marching blanket and fiddling with machine guns, Mancang quickly smiled at Big Dog: "Brother Big Dog, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, why don't you bring this new recruit here and shoot him twice." Tang Dagou kicked the whole warehouse out of the army blanket.

Li Laosan was not happy to be called a recruit, but he didn't bother to bother.

We have to let these people look at each other first!
Thinking about the simple shooting essentials Xiao Hongying said, she immediately took a firm step in the ditch, pulled the breech bolt, pushed the bullets into the chamber, leaned her face against the butt of the gun and stared at the aiming star, held her breath and then raised the gun.

In the crosshairs, there appeared a certain head who was proudly cursing the opposite guerrilla team speechless, and that guy raised his head quite a bit proudly.

Li Laosan focused his eyes far away, quickly retracted to the front sight, and firmly pulled the trigger with his fingers.

The gunshot trembled.

The bullet flew out arrogantly.

The movement is very beautiful, even pulling the gun and shrinking the head back is done in one go!
After two seconds.

The voice of the observation post next to it came unevenly: "Shoot the puppet army's big-brimmed hat"

Mr. Li was stunned
Because just now, in order to prevent the rifle from bouncing, he grasped the body of the rifle so hard that his hands were a little numb from the shock.

"Hey, what the hell, at this distance of 200 meters, you don't need to pull the scale, just put it in the lowest position, just aim a little higher." The big dog sitting on the marching blanket next to him didn't look at it at all, and he judged the situation based on the observer's words. The goods did not adjust the scale.

When I came here just now, I could see very clearly that the rifle gauge in Li Laosan's hand was actually placed at 400 meters!
It is far away from the puppet army in the north, so the ruler is naturally no problem.

But now that the distance with the puppet army is getting closer, it would be weird if you can hit it without adjusting the gauge!
Besides, it’s okay to hit a human body from 200 meters away, but wouldn’t it be ridiculous to hit an enemy’s head?
But if the big dog knew that this guy had hardly shot a few shots before, his dog's eyes would definitely be wider than a bull's.

When recruits shoot, many of them can't even hit the target at a distance of 50 meters!

The muzzle of the rifle will jump when shooting, and Li Laosan can hit the enemy's hat. As long as he puts the ruler flat, he can hit the puppet army absolutely steadily.

"Are you guys bringing the seriously wounded to die?" Wang Xiaosan looked at the second master and got angry.

The old bandit Qi on the stretcher hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head: "Don't bluff at the old man, I have fired more bullets than your men here combined, hurry up and let those recruits who can move go to the room."

Wang Xiaosan shook his head with a black face: "They are not good at marksmanship, and they will directly become targets when they go to the roof."

The old gangster Qi was not in a good mood: "You stick, can't you let them go to the roof and throw grenades? The first essentials of the battlefield are to occupy high ground and other favorable terrain first, and you gather everyone at the entrance of the village. If the puppet army has the ability to throw grenades Man, two grenades will be able to take you all together."

"Oh, okay." Wang Xiaosan didn't hesitate, the old bandit said it was right, and immediately sent a soldier to notify the soldiers on guard in all directions in the village.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and use bayonets to dig shooting holes in those courtyard walls. It's really bad luck that you old men with sticks will fall into your hands." Old bandit Qi looked at the wounded soldiers, gritted his teeth, No pain, it's a heartache.
A group of lightly wounded soldiers gesticulated at the prisoner and said, "I have an arm injury!"

"Hey, let me tell you...you can still carry a rifle with an arm injury? You put the pistol in your belt...are you going to shoot birds in your crotch?"

There was a burst of laughter, and a group of wounded soldiers immediately grinned, most of them were young and rough, and the foul language... seemed to be more suitable for them, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed a lot.

The old bandit Qi continued on the stretcher: "The puppet army is far away, and the shell gun is indeed a decoration, but now we occupy a favorable terrain in the village, don't you know how to bring the puppet army closer before fighting?"

"The big guys are all injured, there is no way to move quickly, in case the enemy rushes into the village..."

"Why do you want to move? Put two shell guns in the courtyards on both sides of the road into the village as firepower points. The puppet army is not a devil, so he can break in?
"The puppet army was beaten, wouldn't he bypass the entrance of the village and climb over the wall?"

What old bandit Qi was waiting for was this sentence: "Isn't this just giving those stunned youths on the roof a chance to throw grenades?"

A certain person was still unconvinced: "The puppet army is a fool? Doesn't he know how to throw grenades?"

"Then I told you to dig the shooting holes. Are you still in a daze? How far can the grenade be thrown? If you can't even hit the grenade thrower within 30 to [-] meters, you might as well die and count the ball. "

The old bandit Qi himself has served as a puppet army, so he doesn't know what kind of virtue a puppet army is.

To fight them, we must use our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. No matter how we fight, we must find a way to drag the puppet troops to the open field outside the village.

He could see very clearly that the puppet soldiers outside the village only had light machine guns, not even a small cannon.

As long as you stay in the village and don't go out, you will definitely take advantage of it.

If the puppet army wanted to arrest people, they had to attack, and the attack had to be close to the village.

As long as you prevent the puppet army from throwing grenades, everything will be easy to handle.

outside the village.

The puppet army was arranged by the dog traitors to hide in a village in the east of Baliying Town. The task was to outflank the guerrillas who came to the town to rob the execution ground.

Unexpectedly, waiting all morning was in vain, but the guerrillas did not show up in the town at all.

On the way back to the town, I accidentally ran into a traitor from the secret service team who finally slipped out of Baidaokou Town to inquire about the news.

The news I got was even more frightening!
Uh... He didn't have the guts to fight Baidaokou. The false company commander was familiar with military books, so he decided to copy the logistics of the Eighth Route.

The pseudo-company commander ordered directly, and all his subordinates immediately dispatched to Baidaokou Town!
After walking for nearly an hour, passing a village, the stomachs of the puppet soldiers who had been busy all morning were growling...they haven't had lunch yet, and the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers!

The false company commander changed his mind and arranged for a platoon to take the lead... and the traitors went to catch the wounded guerrillas left in Jiujianfang Village!
He himself...brought dry food, and went to the village to boil water and cook porridge to fill his stomach.

The false platoon leader of the vanguard successfully caught the old man who was beating the gong, but unfortunately, the old man was not afraid of death at all, so he didn't ask anything, but it didn't matter, because the village was right in front of him!
Just ask your subordinates to tie up the old man. It would be best if you can squeeze out some oil and water. If the old man is really poor, he will be sent back to the town to be shot!

Or let the brothers who newly joined the Imperial Association Army practice bayonets to strengthen their courage and receive a ten-dollar bounty.

As for the division of troops and encirclement... how is it possible?What we want is more people bullying less people!
As for the possibility of being shot by machine guns in a dense formation... How could a guerrilla have a machine gun?
More than [-] people piled up in a group and continued to approach the village. When they were about [-] meters away, the puppet troops finally stopped.

Either sitting, squatting or lying on the outside of the village, all staring at the village 200 meters away.

The false platoon leader didn’t know how many Eight Routes there were in the village, so he made up his mind, I’ll surround you, if you don’t come out I won’t move, if you run away, I’ll chase after you, anyway, wait for the company commander to finish his meal for reinforcements, Sooner or later, you will be crushed to death!

Thinking seems to be a bit messy, people stay in the south of the village, this should be called blocking or not... Anyway, the meaning is the same!

After a while, the two puppet troops dispersed to the east and west, and the puppet troops in the south of the village directly began to bask in the sun.

No movement for a long time.

Qi old bandit's heart began to sink: "No, the puppet army is waiting for reinforcements!"

The battlefield is actually a sieve, sifting out those that are not useful, and most of the rest are useful.

Sweating more at ordinary times, bleeding less on the battlefield, puppet soldiers who have been trained by the devils and have excellent basic military capabilities are definitely much more likely to survive than those who steal, rape and play tricks.

But if you meet someone with rich actual combat experience like the old bandit Qi, no matter how tough your military quality is after devil training, you will crawl out in the face of blood and fire...whether it is psychological endurance, or the perception of battlefield danger and the battlefield. The command of veterans with accurate judgment of the situation will definitely not please them.

The puppet soldiers just stopped outside the village, and the old bandit Qi on the stretcher immediately guessed the reason why the puppet platoon leader did this.

(End of this chapter)

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