under fire

Chapter 915 Guerrilla Veteran

Chapter 915 Guerrilla Veteran

Wu Hexiu is not stupid, he knows at least three stinky generals, who can stand up to Zhuge Liang!

The subordinate who can become a battalion company commander, no matter how bad he is, is an expert who has fought countless battles with him.

Although I haven't fought a large-scale battle, it's okay to come up with an idea.

Therefore, the on-site meeting between the puppet army and the traitors did not last long, and a bunch of big bosses also came up with a few good ideas...

One of the methods is to press the whole battalion directly as in the previous raids. The guerrillas on the opposite side are weak and should not be able to resist at all.

However, a lot of news has been sent back from eyeliners placed everywhere. The guerrillas who came this time are very large. According to preliminary estimates, at least a thousand guerrillas have come. I like to play those tricks and tricks to show the enemy weak. Who knows how many people are hiding in that ditch, and are there any landmines on the road?This risk is still not small.

The second method is a bit strange: stick to it and wait for help!As soon as the western commander's army arrives, these guerrillas will immediately fall into a situation of being attacked on both sides. At that time, it will be useless for him to fight and stop them.
But in your own defense zone, walking around the mud-legged guerrillas, how embarrassing is it to say it?What would the Imperial Army advisor think?How can I get the honor of a model county for law and order in the future?How could he have the face to ask the imperial army for money, guns, and supplies?
It is absolutely not advisable to stick to it, because... isn't this embarrassing the guerrilla leader?
Method [-]: Make a direct detour. Now that everyone is face to face, as long as you make a detour, those guerrillas will probably take advantage of the terrain and follow north in the ditch, still facing each other. However, it is impossible for guerrillas to dig in the wilderness like the road here It is impossible to bury landmines when mounds are used as bunkers.

Wu Hexiu weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided on a way to attack the west: first lead the people north into the wilderness, lead the guerrillas by the nose to the north, and then kill the carbine, directly cross the road and break through the guerrilla defense line from the south in one fell swoop.

The imperial army is now in the village to the north of the road, and I have to take a detour for seven or eight miles from the south of the road. What is this called?
This is called looking far away!Also called surprise.

So what if you set up positions in advance, I have the initiative on the battlefield!
It seems to be no different from fighting guerrilla warfare.
Hehe, speaking of guerrilla warfare
In addition to those years of fighting with the reactionaries, the head of the regiment has been fighting guerrillas for almost ten years.

It is estimated that among the guerrillas on the opposite side, many commanders may have been brought out by him himself!
He really didn't believe it, his senior qualifications could not compare to those former subordinates who had no culture at all!
Li Laosan only fired a shot when he suddenly noticed that the puppet troops in the distance seemed to be retreating to the east!
He was a little confused.

The voice of the observation post next to it spread: "The puppet army is retreating on the road!"

The hidden soldiers were a little surprised, cautiously poked their heads out to look east, thinking they had made a mistake.

Quickly rub your eyes, the puppet army really ran away
Especially the big dog jumping up from the blanket. Its mouth is so big that ten big duck eggs can be stuffed in, and its jaw almost fell off: Li Laosan knocked off the hat of a puppet soldier with one shot, and then... two or three The hundred puppet troops withdrew directly!

Is it true that Bai Daomen has boundless mana?
Soon, he discovered that the puppet army did not really retreat, but retreated eastward for a mile, directly plunged into the barren fields, and went straight to the north.

south of the highway.

Fighting the blocking position, the Ninth Battalion has the advantage of the terrain, but it really can't grasp the initiative in the battle!

If the puppet army doesn't come, the position that the Ninth Battalion worked so hard to create is just a display!
Ma Liang looked at Hu Yi with a dark face: "The puppet army didn't kill a few people, why did they run away?"

"You stay, and lead a platoon to move eastward along the side of the road, and use the road as a cover to ambush to the south of the road." Hu Yi looked at the puppet army in the distance, and did not answer Ma Liang's question. After giving the order, he turned his head to look Xiang correspondent: "Immediately send a semaphore to Li Xiang. After the puppet army enters the wilderness for about one to two miles, when the battle starts on my side, shoot a few grenades from the puppet army from the east. Be sure to press the puppet army in the open field to fight!"

Hearing Hu Yi's arrangement, Ma Liang's scalp felt a little numb.
Only leave an opening to the east for the puppet army. If the puppet army really runs east, it will become a good opportunity to chase after them and beat the dogs in the water!

With one platoon, occupying the geographical advantage in advance, after the battle starts, the puppet army facing the enemy on three sides will definitely be disrupted. At most, the puppet army he faces on the south side of the road will not exceed a company. It shouldn't be a big problem.

He didn't question it, and immediately turned around to greet a group of people to arrange tasks.

Hu Yi held up the binoculars to quickly judge the movement of the puppet army.

When the vanguard of the puppet army running northward approached about two miles, they immediately turned their heads and ordered again to the correspondent next to them: "Immediately notify Luo Fugui to use the machine guns, and we must press them down in the ground."

After Hu Yi finished speaking, he ran across the road at a fast pace, and called Mancang Dagou and others to follow him northward.

The puppet army withdrew, so there was no need to hide anymore, and the people in the ditch showed their heads one after another.

Luo Fugui, who had followed the order, carefully placed the machine gun, and looked at the wretched figures facing north on the open ground to the east.

He said calmly to the subordinate who was also holding a Czech-style machine gun: "I am in charge of attacking the front of the puppet army. After I knock them down with one shuttle, you immediately shoot at the troops behind the puppet army. I don't believe that the machine gun fires." There are still people who dare to stand and fire now!"

Da da da.
The suppressive fire of the machine gun suddenly sounded.

The sudden sound of machine guns made the puppet soldiers who were afraid of death by nature panic immediately.

The puppet soldiers are not devils. Even after training, their tactical awareness is much worse than that of devils. They have long forgotten the requirement of devil instructors to launch counterattacks as soon as they are attacked and not give the opponent a chance to expand their results.

Lie down on the spot or scurry around to find cover.

With just one shuttle, a battalion of nearly [-] puppet soldiers almost fell to the open ground.

Wu Hexiu in the middle of the team was also taken aback. This was somewhat similar to the situation when he was besieged by the national army when he was fighting a guerrilla a few years ago. His first reaction was to transfer.
Finally, he heard clearly that the other party was holding a light machine gun!

And there are six light machine guns in the security forces under him!
Except for the spies accompanying the team, almost everyone has a long gun.

Dare to break ground on Tai Sui?When he came back to his senses, he immediately yelled and fought back with a broken voice.
The barren fields were not completely flat, and there were many ditches dug by ordinary people in the middle. The puppet soldiers could hide most of their bodies after lying down, and some ditches could even be used as bunkers.

After training by the devils, there were also some brave guys in the puppet army. When they saw the opponent, they bluffed with a machine gun, and immediately raised their guns to fight back to the west.

Soldiers roaring one, will roaring nest!
A single machine gun made hundreds of puppet troops into chaos!
It's hard to think about it when you lie on the ground.

Those close to the west can fight back, and the puppet troops in the middle or even in the east don't want to stand up when they hear the gunshots.

Even many puppet soldiers were secretly happy. Anyway, someone is blocking the bullets in the west, isn't this just right?
Coupled with being blocked by other people's bodies, some smart people even buried their faces in the soil, closing their eyes and listening to the bullets whizzing past their heads.

Anyway, dead monks don't die poor monks!
So, amid the sound of crackling bullets and the whistling sound of warheads flying in the air, some puppet soldiers fought back and some pretended to be dead.

Luo Fugui, who fired the machine gun extremely fast, just pulled the bullet trajectory from the left to the middle of the puppet army, and one magazine was empty of bullets.

One mile, the distance of more than 500 meters is indeed a bit far, and Luo Fugui's shuttle hardly hit any targets!
Except for two unlucky puppet soldiers who were slightly injured, there was not even a single puppet soldier killed by bullets.

Even the observers who rushed to Luo Fugui's side were embarrassed to report the results
More puppet soldiers saw that the machine guns stopped.

Subconsciously checked himself, it seemed that he was not injured, and then looked around, it seemed that there were also no casualties, so he quickly followed the bold one to fight back towards the west.

A guerrilla is a guerrilla, and a machine gun is still a guerrilla!
Now that your machine gun level is so stinky, more and more puppet soldiers began to look westward, slippery like loaches, and even those who had their heads buried in the soil began to aim their guns.

500 meters. Aim?

You can only see the devil if you can hit it!
The puppet soldiers are self-aware.

Anyway, we have to shoot first.

If Captain Wu waits a while to let everyone charge, at least they can lie on the ground and reload the bullets, and finally get a good job of covering up!
Amidst the yelling and cursing of the platoon leaders of the puppet battalion company, the puppet machine gunner finally crawled to the west and pulled away.

Now, with six against one, the matter will not be over if you don't beat your broken guerrilla!

Da da da. Da da da.
Before the puppet machine gunners were in position, a machine gun at another location to the west started to yell erratically.
(End of this chapter)

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