under fire

Chapter 916

Chapter 916

The machine gunfire of the guerrillas in the west finally stopped.

Boom boom boom.
A puppet army machine gunner who had just half leaned out and was about to fight back against the guerrillas was so frightened by the explosion that he fell back to the ground and trembled again, and quickly turned his head to look at the clouds of smoke billowing in the puppet army crowd!

The choking smoke diffused in the sunlight, and several brothers who were injured and survived were screaming strangely.

"Guerrillas have small artillery!"

"It seems to be calling from the east."

The puppet army machine gunner didn't care about the messy shouts. Earlier on the road, the vanguard fought fiercely with the guerrillas, and watched the excitement for a long time behind.

Gritting his teeth hard, he got up again and pulled the trigger regardless.

Machine gun da da da da da. da da da da

An even three-point shot, is that a rhythm that anyone can shoot?
As soon as this man fired, the other five machine guns in the puppet army almost kept up with the rhythm, and at the same time fired back at the Eighth Route guerrillas in the west.
As for whether there should be a sequence, what kind of cross-shooting, I can't care so much at this time.

Several machine guns fired at the same time, and the momentum was spectacular.

The puppet soldiers followed suit with their rifles. The firepower was really not weak, and the dense rain of bullets poured in.

"Six machine guns. They're all prodigals at such a long distance." The observation post gave a strange cry, and quickly retracted its head.

Li Xiang's reaction was too slow. It took him half a day to fire six grenades, which didn't cause the puppet army to panic at all.

Instead, the puppet soldiers fought harder.

The general and battalion commander under Wu Hexiu, under the guidance of his subordinates, finally saw black dots constantly flying towards the sky somewhere in the east.
The guerrillas dared to arrange small cannons on the east side, which is not bad, it must be carried out!

Don't think that the pseudo-battalion commander has never seen a cannon, just a small cannon, can it play a fart role?
Regardless of Sanqi 21, immediately raise the shelling gun and point to the east direction where the smoke rises from time to time. It's a mess: "Brothers, there is a sneak attack behind us, hit me... hit me hard!"

Near the puppet battalion commander, the puppet soldiers who were lying on the eastern edge of the cloud and mist and didn't even know the direction hurriedly raised their guns and shot eastward.

The false battalion commander kept talking: "First company commander, hurry up and get someone to bring that small cannon to me."

The pseudo-company commander not far away was also unambiguous, and immediately waved to the platoon leaders under him: "The first row will attack from the front, and the second row, third row, and two wings will outflank!"

The figure lying on the ground started to get up, spread out and ran eastward.

It's a pity that the team was a bit chaotic. When these idiots started running, most of the puppet troops who were still lying behind quickly stopped shooting, because there were too many people running eastward. their backs.
The puppet army dared to rush eastward, not because others were not afraid of being bombed, but because there were so many people rushing!

They all took chances, the distance was so far, even if the guerrillas had small artillery, it was not so unlucky that the grenade would fall beside them.

Although the puppet army has no combat effectiveness, Haodai also participated in the mopping up. Even if the Eighth Route has small artillery, so what? Haven't you seen it before?

After the puppet soldiers trained by the devils rushed forward, their momentum began to show.

The puppet army at the front began to run and shoot in a decent manner, and then kept pulling the bolt to push the bullets to load and shoot again.

After the bullets in the magazine were emptied, he immediately squatted down on the spot and took out the bullets and pressed them into the magazine.

The puppet army who followed immediately rushed to the front row from the gap, and then raised their guns to shoot.

Wu Hexiu looked at the courageous momentum of Xiangdong's subordinates, and he was relieved. The team that spent so much money to build up finally did not disappoint him.

Nodding his head, he immediately gave an order to the next battalion commander in high spirits: "Send people to attack west immediately!"

The pseudo-battalion commander was stunned for a moment, and quickly shouted: "I will open the machine guns to the two wings to suppress the firepower, the second company, immediately organize people to charge west!"

Wu Hexiu watched his subordinates start to move amidst the yelling of the battalion commander, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Started to take out a small book, and began to summarize combat experience
I already knew that the guerrillas were not going to be beaten, and I was lucky that I dragged a bunch of helpers to hold such a long meeting, just took off my pants and farted!
I was really too careful.

Summarized as follows:

Experience [-]: In the event of an ambush by guerrillas, you need to bypass the front of the ambush, rush up from the two wings and do it directly.

Experience [-]: It is a good thing to be cautious, but you must also be bold in battle.

Experience [-]: To fight a war, you have to let your specialized personnel do it, and you are only suitable for "strategic" command!
This guy will be strategic
You have to look up to him.
Hu Yi really did not expect that the puppet army not only was not pushed back, but even rushed towards the west without fear of death.

It seems that I still underestimated the puppet army.

However, they still dared to charge without artillery support on the plain. It seemed that either there was no devil instructor in this group of puppet troops, or the devil instructor was just a stick.

The binoculars are not sticking out, seeing the puppet army forming a formation one mile away, ready to attack at any time
I can't help but admire the courage of the puppet soldiers.

Actually, how did Hu Yi know that until now, the opponent still regards the Ninth Battalion as a three-gun and eight-way guerrilla that they are used to bullying!

The pseudo-battalion commander is resolutely implementing the battalion commander's order.

Two machine gun firepower points are set up on each of the two wings, ready for firepower suppression at any time.

On the front, there are more than 100 puppet soldiers in high spirits. The second company commander is standing behind the skirmish line, clamoring to arrange the other two machine gun teams on both sides of the attacking team. He plans to wait for the opportunity to establish machine gun positions after the team advances westward. Perform fire suppression.

Everything was ready, relying on ammunition far surpassing the guerrillas, the false battalion commander yelled: "Attack."

The puppet army machine guns on both sides opened fire immediately, providing fire suppression cover for the troops attacking west. The ballistic trajectory was like four broomsticks, and the ballistic trajectory began to scramble towards the nine battalion positions in the distance.

The function of suppression is to make the opponent dare not raise his head and fight back casually.

As soon as he entered the room, bullets began to puff and roar in the Ninth Battalion, roaring arrogantly in the sky, endlessly!
Hu Yi currently has only a little more than one company of troops at his disposal.

However, I don't know
There were actually eight Czech-style machine guns with crooked handles hidden in the ditch by the Ninth Battalion!
Luo Fugui's half company alone has six machine guns!
In addition, Ma Liang left a platoon in the south, and the rest followed Hu Yi to the north, also bringing a machine gun.

When Li Xiang went east, he took only one platoon with him, and the remaining platoon also had a machine gun.

Seeing Hu Yi approaching, Luo Fugui hurried over with a machine gun. Behind him, Banxian was holding a Czech gun, which seemed to be for Hu Yi.
Behind Banxian's subordinates who were wearing puppet army hats crookedly, the iron tubes of grenade launchers dazzled in the sun.

Unfortunately, no grenades.

Because the grenade was taken away by Li Xiangquan.

With binoculars in hand, the observation post rushed to the southern end near the machine gun position of Hu Yi and Luo Fugui, and raised his head from time to time to report: "The distance is 400 meters."

Four Czechs and three crooked arms are divided into four groups. Defense and offense are different. The fire group does not need to be divided into two wings, because the front is full of enemies, and they can be placed evenly.

Hu Yi's machine gun was still in Banxian's hand.

The purpose of a group of two is naturally to keep the firepower going.

Hu Yi's binoculars passed through the puppet army and looked far to the east. He was a little worried about Li Xiang!
Mancang took another machine gun and went to the north. In the middle were Dagou's men Dirty Face, who had just obtained the machine gun from the village, and Li Xiang's machine gun team.

The machine gunners of the broken mouth were arguing with Ma Liang's machine gunners, arguing over who should hit the first shuttle: "When your mother's father entered the ninth row, you were still a recruit."

Such a big scene, how can we miss the braid
(End of this chapter)

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