under fire

Chapter 917 Underestimation

Chapter 917 Underestimation
Bear Command is a bit crowded.

The dense crowd of puppet troops, the sound of intensive machine gun shooting, and the constant whistling overhead made the Baidaomen crowd who squeezed into the headquarters extremely nervous.

People who see this kind of scene for the first time are even a little at a loss.

Accompanied by Li Xiaolian, Xiao Hongying poked her head out to play with the binoculars, her heart was very itchy, and she looked helplessly at the puppet army team in the distance: "You can see clearly by turning the wheel in the middle."

Li Xiaolian's mouth twitched.

Behind the two, Li Gang checked the injuries of the injured brother on the ground, stood up and asked with a serious face, "Girl, tell me the truth, what is your relationship with Eight Roads?"

Xiao Hongying didn't turn her head back: "My parents were killed by the national army, and then I got mixed up with them."

"Don't you know that they have the same birth and the same wife?"

Xiao Hongying turned her head back: "Which eye did you see? That's a reactionary smear, it's completely nonsense."

Li Gang's face turned cold: "So, you are also eight ways?"

Xiao Hongying realized that something was wrong: "Have you ever seen Ba Lu like me?"

"Tie her up to me!" Li Gang ordered Li Laosan who had just slipped in, and then turned his head to look at Li Xiaolian who was holding a telescope in his hand: "The person who killed your father must be the Eight Routes!"

Li Xiaolian put down the binoculars and nodded: "Hehe, I really think my aunt is a fool!"

Hu Yi took the machine gun from Banxian.

Banxian directly acted as the assistant shooter for Hu Yi, and began to take out magazines from his backpack.

One, two, seven!

Hu Yi couldn't help but have black threads all over his head, plus the one inserted into the machine gun, it can almost scrap a barrel directly: "Quickly divide the magazines, there are so many magazines, I still need your secondary shooter barrel Ass."

Banxian smiled triumphantly: "That Chief Hu, the handle is crooked and he doesn't need magazines. The Czech style has three magazines in each group, so you can shoot with confidence. If it weren't for scrapping two Tian Sanqis, that dog R will follow Gao Wangba Run off and took three more, we've got sixteen machine guns now. Plenty of magazines."

The observation post reported again: "300 meters! The puppet army has set up forward machine gun positions on both wings..."

Hu Yi didn't speak any more, holding his voice and holding his breath, he stretched out the machine gun. The machine gun was pressed against his shoulder, and he directly hugged the fire. With the machine gun in his hand, he immediately became the king of Hades.

Da da da. Da da da.
All three-point shooting, the ballistic trajectory is stable, the shell casings jump out briskly in groups, the rate of fire is even, and the frequency is extremely high, it seems a bit like a novice firing bursts.

After firing one magazine, the south end of the puppet army was directly left behind. The three-person group who had just set up the machine gun position and had not had time to shoot were all directly beaten to the ground.

As for whether he was dead or not, anyway, the three puppet soldiers behind the machine gun did not move for a long time.

The puppet troops who were aggressively attacking west were a little confused. They were fighting so hard. How dare these broken guerrillas fight back?
Listening to the ballistic sound, didn't you shoot at yourself and everyone?
Is the guerrilla machine gunner a fool?

Because there is no calling brother, that is to say, there are no hapless ghosts who have been shot?
What level of shooting is this guerrilla?
Can it be crooked so close?
However, firing a gun is a reminder.

Those with straight waists turned into cat waists, and some timid ones even lay down on the ground.

Hu Yi pulled back the machine gun and immediately shifted the shooting position.

The half-immortal who was squatting in the ditch was stunned for a moment, quickly grabbed two magazines from the ground to follow, and kicked the recruit next to him: "Pick up the magazines for me, follow up"

The machine gun bear carefully protruding out of his helmet next to him could see clearly that the machine guns advancing at the southernmost end of the puppet skirmish line formed a dumb group. Boss Hu had already shifted his position after a shuttle shot, and he only reacted, as if it was his turn to do the work. !
After glancing at it twice, he put the butt of the front gun on his shoulder, and muttered: "Don't worry about the machine gun in the south, I'll just shoot the machine gun in the north. Grandma's is so far away. Maybe it can be covered!"

Flames immediately flashed from the muzzle of the gun, and the same three bursts were fired, only more urgently than Hu Yi!
In less than 20 seconds, one shuttle is finished, and work is over.

All the people in the machine gun positions came to their spirits.

Completely ignoring the whistling overhead, the crooked light machine gun took the lead to keep up.

The company commander and battalion commander's machine gun fires anti-machine guns, and he knows exactly what level he is.

Six intermittent ballistic trajectories began to tear at the approaching crowd of puppet soldiers.

This pass shot.

Just beat all the puppet soldiers who were still in the waist, and the puppet company commander who fell on the ground behind was sweating on the forehead. Isn't this spectrum too big?
There must be more than a dozen machine guns here?

The fake Second Company Commander's surname was Wang, and he was frightened to death: If anyone dares to say that the opposite is the Tuba Road guerrillas, I will definitely have the surname of Wang Balu!

A group of people from Baidaomen carried a stretcher to the north along the ditch.

From time to time, they passed behind the soldiers.

No one noticed at all that Xiao Hongying was lying on a certain stretcher and tied tightly, struggling constantly but unable to make a sound.

Dirty Face just finished a shuttle, turned to look at Li Laosan who was walking northward next to him with a big knife on his waist: "What are you doing running around at this time?"

Li Laosan shook the big knife in his hand, and forced out a smile: "One of our brothers died, and we are going to find a place to bury it!"

Suddenly, the puppet army suppressed the machine gun and fired a rain of bullets.

The crowd quickly bowed their heads.

"Keep your head down!" Dirty Face roared, then pulled back the machine gun, and reminded while changing the magazine: "Bury someone to make such a big noise, can't you just bury it in this ditch?"

"Hey, it's impossible to miss the hour"

"When is this, do you still have this thought?"

"Never mind your business?"

Too lazy to talk to him, Dirty Face then changed its position to the north, pulled the trigger and raised the machine gun and swung it directly to the east: "Then be careful."

Seeing that this person had no doubts, Li Laosan relaxed a lot.

The group of people behind followed directly, passing behind the soldiers in the ditch continuously, all the way north.

The Second Lieutenant Guizi who was crushed into the village stood on the roof of a bungalow, looking at the raging fire burning in the three thatched huts next to him, speechless.

The thatch was too dry, and once it was burned, the fire was so intense that there was not much smoke, and the plan to send a message to the beacon was shattered.

Splash water on it?

But where is the water in this broken village?

In the courtyard next to him, from time to time, the Imperial Association Army carried the corpses together.

The second lieutenant looked down at the corpses on the ground, estimated to be nearly a hundred.

Feeling very heavy.

Because 28 of the corpses were elites of the imperial army.

At this moment, he even felt like dying.

Including the convoy, he brought a total of more than 70 people, with nearly half of the casualties!
If the lieutenant were here, he would definitely chop himself with a knife!

Now, the only remedy is to wipe out those guerrillas!
I didn't expect that nearly a thousand guerrillas would suddenly appear in the south.

If the false company commander next to him hadn't turned north first, he might have been surrounded by the village in the south.

Fortunately, I arranged someone in advance to notify the Imperial Association Army in the west to come to help.

But now, the Imperial Association Army of the Bali Battalion in the east should have caught fire with the guerrillas who "fleeed" to the east.

After estimating the time, no surprises, the Imperial Association Army reinforcements from the west should be arriving soon.

The second lieutenant raised his binoculars. In the camera, although there were many guerrillas who double-teamed from the southwest, most of them had cold weapons in their hands. Putting down the binoculars, he hesitated for a while, thinking... There was no need to go out at this time.

It's also good to be a nail!
When the reinforcements arrive, these guerrillas will be wiped out!
After carefully assessing the current situation, even if there is only one class of warriors, he is confident in defending the village!

As long as you occupy this village and don't go out, you won't be afraid of those guerrillas at all.

Since the guerrillas were able to ambush themselves here, and now they have occupied the village, if the guerrillas dare to approach the village, this is where they will be buried!
The escaping guerrillas had joined forces with the Huangxie Army from the Bali Battalion, and there was still a small team under him and the Huangxie Army with heavy firepower.

No matter how many guerrillas come, it's useless.

I have become invincible!

The guerrillas who had fooled themselves thought it was over if they ran east, and there were no doors.

It doesn't seem to be a problem for so many people to stay in the village.

How embarrassing is it to be surrounded by guerrillas who are almost all cold weapons?

Therefore, he immediately made a decision to ask his sergeant major to lead half of the squad, plus half a platoon of the puppet army, making up more than twenty people.

Go to see the battle situation of the imperial association army in the east. If conditions permit, it will happen to attack those guerrillas who ambushed him on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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