under fire

Chapter 919 Never Give Up

Chapter 919 Never Give Up
More than ten miles east of Baliying.

The wilderness is desolate and gray.

got windy.

The sunshine in spring is weak, and the spring breeze takes away the warmth in an instant, and it seems like a knife cuts the face after it blows over the face.

A stout man like a refugee was lying on the river bank, and three or five people wearing dog fur hats were scattered around.

The short and stout man was lying on the embankment looking east.

in view.

In the dry and uneven river, a team of shit-yellow military uniforms is slowly approaching.

The team led by more than ten people, the first rifle carried a plaster flag, and the team of more than a hundred people followed closely behind at a distance.

The sand on the river bed was clay-like, and it had dried early and hardened, and the military boots could not be stepped on. The team came all the way, leaving almost no footprints behind them.

After seeing it clearly, the short and strong man got up and waved his hands and roared, and the sharp soldiers with guns on the riverbed followed the loud bird chirping.

The sergeant among the vanguard trotted up the embankment, looking at the one on the embankment who was speechless, is this an intelligence officer?

His clothes were ragged, his body was full of tears, gray cotton was turned out in many places, and patches on his shoulders, arms, and knees were in different shades of the original clothes.

If it weren't for the birdsong in his mouth, the warriors under him might have stabbed him with bayonets.

The man in front of him looked exhausted, as if he had been in the wilderness for a long time: "Call your commanders over here!"

Listen to the tone of this person's speech. The background is not small.

The sergeant hesitated for a moment, but he still yelled at the subordinates beside him, who immediately ran back and had to report to the devil commander who was leading the team behind.

Not long.

Lieutenant Guizi led his two men and trotted along the river bed, then went straight up the embankment,
The short and strong man didn't go up to meet him, and the old god was still standing there, it seems... this person's position is not low.

The lieutenant, who walked briskly, first glanced at the refugee attire until he finally saw his face clearly, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly bowed and whispered: "Shigenobu-kun, thank you for your hard work."

It seems that the two should know each other.

The ghost named Shigenobu said in a cold tone, "Why are you here now?"

The lieutenant hurriedly explained: "We got the order a little late, and the guerrillas are out at night again."

Shigenobu suddenly pricked up his ears and raised his hand to interrupt the lieutenant: "The gunfire seems to be quieter."

Next to the lieutenant, the short assistant shook his head and carefully analyzed: "Perhaps, the battle is coming to an end."

Shigenobu squatted down and pointed to a piece of footprints on the embankment: "From the traces, the guerrillas should have passed here a day ago, and they are rushing over now, I hope there is still time."

The lieutenant thought about it seriously: "Are you really sure that the people who left these footprints are those Eight Routes?"

Shigenobu showed a proud expression on his face: "No matter what kind of training a person has received, as long as he walks or passes through a place, he can't completely erase the traces. He only needs to leave a little omission, just a little bit. It is completely enough for tracking masters, you should trust our ability."

The lieutenant said contemptuously: "What if it was the footprints left by other guerrillas? Besides... when did your task fall to dealing with these guerrillas?"

Shigenobu did not answer, and began to analyze: "No two human feet are exactly the same. The shapes of the toes, heels, and soles of the feet, as well as the depth of the footprints, are all different. Look, these footprints are big and deep, which means that this person must weigh more Others are more important, no accident, he is the garrison who saw the big fat man in the guerrillas, and the footprints next to it are small and exquisite... it should be left by that girl."

Can you tell a man or woman by footprints?The lieutenant didn't quite believe it, but hearing what he said made sense... He raised his finger and pointed to the small footprints on the ground: "But...the footprints suddenly disappeared here, how do you explain it?"

"Hehe, there are carriage wheel marks beside here, which means that she got into the carriage here."

"Okay, you're right, but what does this army boot footprint mean?"

"Judging from the traces, this footprint appeared at noon today, and it completely covered the footprints of the guerrillas coming from the east. There are two possibilities. One is that the guerrillas wore the shoes of the warriors of the Imperial Army. Another possibility is that there are other The Royal Association Army is pursuing"

"Could it not be the imperial army?"

"The footprints on the ground are messy, the imperial army is marching, the ranks are neat, and the pace is even..."

The lieutenant had no choice but to accept: "We chased them for two days in a row, almost thinking that this group of Eighth Route Army could really go to heaven and earth."

"You should learn the guerrilla warfare of the Eight Routes!"

Let the imperial warriors learn to fight guerrilla?The lieutenant was upset: "Then can you deduce their next move?"

Shigenobu shook his head: "That's not my scope of work, I just cooperate with you to find them."

The lieutenant suddenly said, "I have a question for you."

Shigenobu raised his eyebrows: "You say."

"Guerrillas are everywhere, why does the headquarters attach so much importance to this group of guerrillas?"

"If I tell you that in the occupied area, a squadron of the Imperial Army plus nearly two battalions of the Imperial Association Army, plus a regiment of local armed forces that defected to the Imperial Army, were defeated by a guerrilla with a battalion of troops, do you think we are Shouldn't it be taken seriously?"

The lieutenant was a little discouraged: "It is indeed worthy of attention, but let us all be an elite team...to deal with these guerrillas, the headquarters seems to be making a fuss."

"As an imperial soldier, you should obey orders!"

The lieutenant shook his head: "We have an important target this time, chasing these guerrillas is a waste of time!"

Shigenobu suddenly said in a serious tone: "Your real purpose is to enter the mountain to carry out a surprise attack on the national army headquarters. Exterminating these rats is just a way."

This guy even knows the target of his action... It's definitely not simple, the lieutenant was stunned for a moment and quickly saluted: "Yes!"

"As an imperial soldier, we should pay attention to our opponents!"

The lieutenant was convinced: "However, no matter what, elites should not be allowed to participate in such guerrilla encirclement and suppression operations..."

"No, no, Lieutenant, please allow me to correct your understanding. I am an intelligence officer, and I am tracking this road. My nose is smarter than a dog, and my eyes are smarter than an eagle flying high in the sky. sharp…"

The lieutenant listened quietly. Of course, he knew very well the empire's division of military personnel.

But he never thought that this guy actually said that he is not a soldier!It's a dog, it's an eagle...

This feeling is very bad, and the lieutenant was angry: "You mean... Imperial soldiers can't bring you honor."

"You misunderstood. I think you soldiers are more like beasts. I don't mean you are beasts. I mean, all of you are beasts."

Just now you said that you are a beast, you dare to insult the soldiers of the empire, the lieutenant was furious: "Baga."

Shigenobu shook his hand: "Don't forget, I'm not your subordinate. If you feel uncomfortable, you can report it to the headquarters. Now, please respect your dirty military uniform."

The lieutenant gritted his teeth: "Don't forget, your joint special high school belongs to the military police unit of the army, and you must obey the unified command of the military."

"I don't know when you developed this feeling of arrogance. If it weren't for the support of our intelligence department, your military would be blind. We are the eyes of the empire, not killing machines, do you understand?"

The lieutenant's face was darkened, a little discouraged, and he raised his hand and nodded his letter: "Let me encircle and suppress the guerrillas, I can't understand!"

Shigenobu suddenly waved his hand to make the other ghosts back away, and then took out a paper bag from his body.

There was a thick stack of photos in the paper bag, and the top few photos seemed to be all footprints taken. Shigenobu randomly picked a few and handed them to the lieutenant: "Look, what are the similarities between the footprints on the photos and these ones on the ground?" ?”

"It should be the same as the big and small footprints on the ground just now!" The lieutenant saw at a glance that there was almost no difference between the footprints on the photo and the footprints on the ground: "But, what does this mean?"

"You should never forget for the rest of your life, the shame of having the heads of half of the team's elite beheaded two months ago!"

"What do you mean?"

"It was a complete accident..."

"I don't know!"

"This small footprint appeared at the scene of the crime, and this large footprint appeared outside Qixian City! If the large and small footprints did not appear at the same time, maybe we would never find the person who attacked the warriors!" Shigenobu said here , paused, and pulled out another photo: "Er Dan, these military boots are stained with the blood of warriors, and now they appear here!"

The lieutenant began to get excited, and who in the standing team didn't know... last year, more than [-] warriors were smashed by the Eighth Route Special Service Group's crazy revenge!
For this reason, the headquarters also specially published a newspaper saying: Disband the volunteer team!

This time, people from the Eighth Route Special Service Group actually appeared here...

Appear in front of yourself!
Immediately, he raised his hand and gestured to the assistant not far away, and the assistant hurried forward.

Soon, the messenger took out two small flags and waved them to the east on the embankment.

The devil team resting on the river bed got up immediately, and after a little formation, they immediately ran westward.

(End of this chapter)

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