under fire

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

The second senior brother struggled, staggered and finally fell to the ground.

That's when I remembered to pull out a gun...

In fact, he didn't know that if he drew his gun as soon as he ran away, he would have died in the wilderness already.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no strength in the whole body.

The three men in black who were chasing behind quickly surrounded them, and the leader smiled and said, "Run? I'll see where you are going today!"

The one with the bayonet stepped forward and put his foot on the shoulder of the second senior brother: "Hehe, after being stabbed by me, you can still run so far. You really have a lot of skill!"

The second senior brother thought he was doomed: "I don't understand, why did you do this?"

"Hehe, do you think anyone can join the Rangers?"

"I'm really blind!"

"Your Daoist surnamed Yang voted for eight routes, who knows when you will also vote for eight routes..."

So... you guys... killed my master?

That old guy surnamed Li has always been obedient to us, he should have died a long time ago...

The leading man in black no longer hesitated: "Hurry up and do it."

The bayonet was tied in that guy's hand: "It's a pity that you have all the kung fu."

Suddenly gunshots rang out in the open field.

Just about to stab the bayonet into the second brother's abdomen, the guy fell down immediately.

The two men in black next to them froze for a moment, then quickly turned their heads to look at the location where the gun was fired.

Immediately found that in a ditch not far to the west, a dozen heads suddenly popped up, and seven or eight guns were swinging out of the ditch.

The two were so frightened that they quickly spread their legs and ran back.

The gunfire continued.

It's a pity that to hit a target running a hundred meters away, including Li Laosan, the Baidaomen and others are still not capable of it.

Li Gang looked at the second senior brother who fell on the ground, and hurriedly half-kneeled to help the second senior brother up, and pulled off the bandage to bandage it up.

The second senior brother covered the wound with his hands, and shook his head: "Don't worry about it... I don't think it will happen... The members of the Special Forces have no good intentions. They want to catch us all. Most of what happened to Master is their fault."

With the help of the people next to him, Li Gang wrapped the injured part of the second brother's waist with a bandage: "Don't worry, I will take you to the doctor right away."

Although Li Xiaolian was dissatisfied with the second senior brother mixing with the rangers, but seeing the second senior brother dying, she couldn't help but feel a tizzy in her heart: "Everyone treats us as soft persimmons, I must avenge this revenge."

After speaking, he drew out his knife and prepared to chase those black shadows.

Li Gang said in a low voice: "Don't chase them, they ride bicycles, how can you catch up?"

Li Laosan next to him immediately became alive. Since it was the Rangers who attacked the second senior brother, listen to him. Doesn't the master's death have nothing to do with the eight roads?

Quickly ran back to the ditch on the west side, came to the stretcher where Xiao Hongying was lying, and drew out the big knife
Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly pulled out a small pistol, and tore off the cloth ball from her mouth: "Li Laosan, you dare to move again. Believe it or not, my aunt will beat you into a sieve"

Li Laosan was stunned for a moment, isn't this girl tied up?
When did she break free?
Wasn't her gun confiscated by her junior sister?Where did the gun in her hand come from?
Xiao Hongying rubbed her arms and legs and stood up: "You heartless bastard, did my aunt treat you badly?

Your shitty master was killed by your aunt, so what?
Devils killed so many of our common people, you don’t fight them”

Li Laosan hurriedly said: "Second Senior Brother is dead. Before he died, he said that it was the Rangers who killed Master."

Xiao Hongying was stunned: "What did you say?"

"We made a mistake, your father didn't kill you all the way, it was the Rangers who framed you"

Rangers?Take the initiative to take the blame?
I was impulsive just now.
Actually told the truth?

Think of this: "You think I'll take your word for it?"

"Who am I, Li Laosan, don't you know?"

"Then what are you doing with the knife?"

"Aren't I going to come secretly to cut the rope that binds you and let you go?"

"You're a bad bastard," a voice on the stretcher next to him hissed.

Li Laosan raised his leg and kicked the guy unconscious: "It's not up to you to point fingers at me?"

"Hey, why are you so ruthless, don't kick his head."

"I have a sense of proportion. You should go quickly."

"Since my father wasn't killed by eight ways, why should I leave?"

"makes sense."


The little girl figured out the situation, looked at the second senior brother on the stretcher, and suddenly said, "He suffered a knife wound on his waist and was tied with a bandage. He probably lost all his blood before he found the doctor."

Li Laosan next to him looked at the stretcher carefully: "Is there no bleeding?"

"You know what a fart, the blood didn't flow out from the bandage, it all flowed into the abdomen, and Patriarch Yu Sanqing couldn't save him by then..."

Maybe Li Xiaolian felt a little guilty, deliberately walked in front of the team and ignored Xiao Hongying, and suddenly stopped when she heard this: "Do you know how to treat a knife wound?"

"Isn't it enough to sew it up with thread?"

Li Laosan shook his head: ""You think we haven't stitched up wounds before?It's just that this time, he's hurt at a vital point, and the wound is too big."

"Do you have a needle and thread? That would be great, or... I'll try it"


Old bandit Qi on the stretcher murmured: "I never thought I would die here today."

Wang Xiaosan next to him was full of regrets, and looked at the densely packed devils and puppet soldiers in the distance: "We were fooled by these puppet soldiers, and there are so many people behind them."

"Report, there are almost two platoons of puppet troops here, devils, it should be a squadron."

The old gangster Qi muttered: "Damn, there are more devils than puppet soldiers, you really can die."

Wang Xiaosan pointed the flower mechanism at the forehead of old bandit Qi: "Who are you? Why are there so many enemies coming to rescue you?"

Old gangster Qi had a black line: "Save me? I killed so many devils, do you think these devils will come to save me?"

"Then what are they doing here?"

"You ask me, how the hell do I know?"

Wang Xiaosan's heart sank. Now that he broke through, he might be able to escape, but with so many wounded, he would definitely be killed by these puppet army devils!
Immediately turned to look at the squad leader under him: "Before the devils and puppet troops are encircled, you immediately lead the villagers to break through the siege to the north!"

The squad leader hesitated for a moment, and immediately saluted: "Yes!"

The old gangster Qi suddenly laughed: "Why don't you run away?"

"None of your business?"

"You're a guy, you're dead anyway. It seems that this time, you can only kill one, two or one. Hey, how about giving me another pistol?"

outside the village.

Shigenobu looked at the village: "The footprints extend all the way here, quickly surround this village, try to catch as many people as possible, and find a way to find out the details of participating in that attack."

The lieutenant next to him froze for a moment, looking at the back of Shigenobu who was about to leave: "Where are you going?"

"I'll go outside the village to see if they leave the village again."

"OK then."

The pseudo-company commander next to him kept fighting Zhan Weiwei, and didn't dare to speak much at all. Before he could eat the freshly cooked rice, he was caught by the imperial army who suddenly appeared.

If it weren't for these people's birdsong from time to time, he would have thought that these people were pretending to be Balu!Because, these guys seem to be able to speak authentic dialects!

Seeing that guy with a cold expression leading two people to go north around the village, the platoon leader behind him poked him in the back, and when he turned around, he saw the officer of the imperial army waving at him.

Quickly trot to the devil: "Please give orders!"

The lieutenant looked grim: "Commander Wu, let your men immediately surround the village."

Company Commander Wu hurriedly nodded and bowed: "Taijun, you put 10,000 hearts, I will arrange it right away, so that not a single fly can fly out of the village."

The platoon leader behind Company Commander Wu looked up, down, left, and right, admiring, where did the flies come from in this cold weather?

The company commander was really impeccable when he spoke!

(End of this chapter)

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