under fire

Chapter 929 Survival

Chapter 929 Survival
The rammed earth wall that was in disrepair could no longer withstand the impact and collapsed with a bang.

The thatched roof was lifted high and collapsed directly.

After a while.

The puppet company commander yelled five times and six times, and asked his subordinates to carry out the corpses in the uniform of the Imperial Association Army one by one in the thick smoke.

Dirty work still has to be done...

The rammed earth wall of the collapsed wing room was broken into several pieces, two of which were tilted and not fully grounded, and the thatched roof ignited by the grenade explosion was still burning.

Perhaps under the collapsed wall, there are still eight roads surviving.

Seeing that the other two walls seemed to be collapsing at any time, the pseudo-company commander hesitated, even if there were still Balu alive below, he might not be able to survive.

Taijun didn't order him to search, so he didn't bother to send people in to search.

He didn't know that the elites in front of him had no experience in this kind of low-level sweeping operation!
Several survivors were placed in the courtyard, and the blood oozing from the ears, nose, eyes and mouth slowly solidified.

There was blood in the corner of his eyes, and he looked at the sky blankly.

They were already stunned.

A few devils were busy among the survivors, tossing for a long time, those survivors seemed to be blown into idiots, and they didn't answer any questions.
All five fingers of a survivor were chopped off by the imperial army one by one, and Balu even frowned and yelled a few times, as if that hand was not his at all.
The puppet soldiers who stood among the ruined walls as coolies and watched the excitement were terrified and at a loss.

Even though it was known that the survivors were guerrillas, they were all wearing the uniforms of the Royal Association Army after all.

No living person was seen in the house, and all the complete corpses were carried out.

There are still some stumps, broken arms and intestines on the ground, and the smell of blood is strong, and there is no interest in cleaning up.

The imperial army didn't speak, and didn't dare to leave at all.

After a while, the second lieutenant waved his hand.

The sharp bayonet pierced the survivor's abdomen, stirring.

The devil left, went to Baidaokou Town, and had no time to waste here.

The puppet army also left, the stretcher slipped away, and the injured men had to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

The imperial army doesn't care, so why bother me?Even if a few fish slip through the net, what does it matter?
If the cunning rabbit dies, the reason why the lackeys cook it is still understandable.

Besides, the gunshots in the south are still ringing, so there is no need to waste too much time here.

Surprisingly, the imperial army seems to have forgotten to set fire.

Of course, the false company commander didn't know the origin of these devils at all!
The puppet soldiers were busy pulling wooden sticks from the thatch to make stretchers, and when they were ready, they carried the wounded to the Bali Camp. The sooner they arrived at the Bali Camp, the more hope of surviving.

The puppet soldiers who fell behind looked at the house full of broken limbs and broken arms, and there were bloody corpses in the yard.
Almost all the people were dead, but there were still two houses burned badly anyway, so I don’t feel like setting fire to the whole village.
the village.

It was finally quieter.

Apart from the sound of the roof standing in mid-air still crackling and burning with the air churning upwards, there was almost no other sound.

The fire was much smaller.

The collapsed rammed earth wall was carried by the sturdy table arranged by Mr. Qi earlier to lean against the wall. Most of it collapsed to the ground.

Although the temperature under the collapsed earth wall was high, it did not reach the level of direct suffocation.

A voice coughed: "The surname Qi, are you dead?"

"Dead." A hoarse voice murmured in a low voice: "You kid is not dead?"

"I'm a cat, how could I die so easily? I didn't expect this table and stools to support this collapsed wall."

"The enemy seems to be gone."

"If he doesn't leave, do you still expect them to dig you out?"

"There are so many fighters in the room, only the two of us are left"

"Bullshit, those guys in the cellar are probably still alive." In a bloody battle on the battlefield, there will be people who give up helplessly, give up because of helplessness, see too much, old gangster Qi doesn't think it's a big deal at all, maybe this kid Wang Xiaosan may I haven't experienced much, so I will enlighten you.

"I didn't hear their voices." Wang Xiaosan's weak voice was mixed with gasps. He knew very well that the squad under him and some of the wounded soldiers who stayed in the courtyard probably all died before entering the cellar.

"They probably thought the devil hadn't left yet, so they didn't dare to make a sound. Why don't you ask now?"

"Your mother, if there are enemies outside, if you ask at this time, is that a dead end?"

"I really thought you were blown into a fool by the grenade."

"If you are afraid of death, then I really yelled?"

"Then hurry up and shout, if you don't call you a mallet"

"You idiot." Wang Xiaosan asked after cursing in a low voice, "I'm asking you something, why don't you join the national army?"

"There aren't many good guys in the camp. If they are recruited into the new army, it's like a child without parents, only to be cannon fodder."

"To be afraid of death is to be afraid of death, what excuses are you looking for?" Wang Xiaosan was a little proud: "Our Eighth Army is different, every time the commander charges forward."

Old gangster Qi doesn't want to talk nonsense with this guy, but now it's a life and death to stay together: "I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid that death will not have a whole body."

"Since you are not afraid of death, why would you be a traitor?"

"You know what a fart, even if you are a puppet army, you can still be in Cao Ying and have a heart in Han!"

"Hey, those traitors we caught all said that"

"When I fought with the devil, I was never afraid of death. Every time I fought, the brothers tried their best to greet the devil. It's a pity. Our weapons are not as good as the devil's. We are not as good as the devil at long-distance shooting. We are not as good as the devil when we shoot at close range. I can't even do those devils."

"No, you guys are tall and big, a head taller than the little devils, how can you not beat them?"

"Even if we face three little devils in a class, we can't take advantage of it at all, and it's not easy to even fight with the little devils. Many times, before rushing to them, we are shot and killed by the devils behind them. When they approached, those devils cooperated tacitly in groups of three and two, and they couldn't beat them at all."

"Then the rifles and bayonets in your hands are really firesticks?"

"Then why didn't you go out and fight with the little devil just now? He bombarded you first, then bombarded you with a grenade, and then stabbed you in the chest with a bayonet."

"I heard that devils have to withdraw the bullets when fighting bayonets. Is it true?"

"Have you ever fought a bayonet with a devil?"

"Hey, I really haven't tried."

"Your boy will die in their hands sooner or later! Let me tell you, when the little devils attacked the three-person team, the devil at the front was fighting with the bayonet. There was indeed no bullet in his gun, but the task of the devil behind was to open Gun shooting, the best way to deal with them"

Wang Xiaosan suddenly interrupted Qi old bandit proudly: "The battalion commander said, if we don't fight the devils in close combat, we will fight guerrillas, and if we can't fight, we will run away."

"I heard that the eight-way team likes to use big swords, why haven't I seen any of them?"

"There used to be a swordsman in Sanlian, who was very good at it. We had an instructor in our battalion, but after he left, we... all learned a few tricks."

The old bandit Qi sighed: "Not everyone can make great swords. How many devils can you kill with just a few people on the battlefield? Among other things, even if you let your kid chop wood for 10 minutes continuously, you Do you think you still have strength?"


"Unfortunately, your Eighth Route Army is too weak. If you don't say anything else, just say that North China is such a big place. How many county towns have you occupied? Hiding in the deep mountains and fighting guerrillas, it is true that you are bandits."

"We fight against Japan wholeheartedly."

"Take your mother's ass and still speak hard, then tell me, you have fought against the little devil for almost ten years, which battle can you win? Don't tell me that a hundred regiments fight, a hundred regiments occupy favorable terrain to ambush The two ghost divisions are too embarrassing to say."

"You and our Ninth Battalion wiped out at least two squadrons of devils."

"Well, yes, then tell me, how many squadrons does the devil have?"

"Hey, I don't know it's not good, the fire seems to be going out soon"

"Isn't it just right to turn it off?" Old bandit Qi said with joy in his tone.

Wang Xiaosan was furious and yelled, "Haven't you ever been burned by fire? When the fire goes out, there will be smoke, and the smoke will fly everywhere, and we will be suffocated to death."

"Then quickly pour water on the towel and cover your mouth and nose"

"You think it's simple, how long can you cover it with a towel?"

(End of this chapter)

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