under fire

Chapter 930

Chapter 930

On the road south of Baidaokou Town.

There was a team of devils, with more than ten stretchers behind the team.

In addition to six or seven wounded soldiers whose legs were injured and could not walk, there were three corpses.

The lieutenant regretted it a little. If he came out by car, he would not have to worry about marching.

According to the current speed, the time to arrive at Baidaokou Town should be around four o'clock.

It gets dark early in spring, and the sky will get dark before six o'clock.

It was originally planned to take 10 minutes to clear the village, but it was delayed for nearly an hour!
Fortunately, after finding three bicycles and sending them to Shigenobu, he didn't seem to say anything.

Shigenobu rode on the bicycle found in the village, followed by a group of devils trotting all the way, heading north along the dirt road.

Not far ahead, the low and desolate Baidaokou Town has appeared in sight.

There were gunshots to the south.

The investigation by the Imperial Association Army in the town was very strict.

Shigenobu's face was dark, not just because these guys stepped on the bicycle tire marks on the ground.

"Hello Taijun!" The puppet soldier holding the gun looked at the certificate held in the hand of the puppet soldier next to him.

The puppet army with the gun shook his head and lowered his eyebrows and explained: "Yesterday we encountered someone pretending to be the Imperial Association Army, and we have to be careful."

"Eight Ga!! @#¥¥%¥%..." Shigenobu was furious, and immediately revealed his identity with Niaoyu. How dare the short-sighted Imperial Association Army in front of him doubt his identity?

Could it be that the imperial army behind him is fake?

He seriously suspects that the person opposite to him looking at the certificate is illiterate at all
Because, that person held the certificate upside down in his hand.

Hearing the birdsong, the puppet soldier with the gun raised his gun subconsciously, then quickly put away the rifle, and continued to carefully accompany the smiling face: "Taijun, please ask for a small help, just ask."

Shigenobu saw that this person was cooperative, raised his hand and pointed: "You, follow me into town immediately!"

The puppet army had good eyesight, and yelled at the puppet army who was still holding the little devil's ID card: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and ask the mayor to prepare. The prince rewarded us and came to our town, ready to welcome you."

Accompanied by the puppet army, Shigenobu and his party watched the bicycle wheels faintly visible on the stone slabs in the town.

It extends all the way to the town office.

Shigenobu heaved a sigh of relief, and finally large and small footprints appeared on the ground.

very conspicuous.

The newly appointed false company commander was waiting at the door with a few other thin figures. He saw three people dressed as ordinary people followed by more than a dozen devils.

Zhong Xin was startled suddenly, these two footprints entered the town office
not good!

Could it be that these people have secretly voted for eight ways?
Or is it just an illusion that they turned to the empire?
Don't capsize the big boat in the gutter.

Having been engaged in intelligence work for a long time, he looked at the false company commander in front of him, and suddenly warned with a smile on his face: "The brigade imperial army is right behind, please prepare to receive immediately!"

"It's my honor to have the Majesty come, and I will do my best to welcome you."

Shigenobu nodded: "Regimental Commander Wu arranged for the various ministries to encircle and suppress the guerrillas, why didn't you make any movement?"

The pseudo-company commander hurriedly put on a shy smile: ". Last night our troops encircled and suppressed the Eighth Route guerrillas, and finally fell into the trick of the guerrillas to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and suffered heavy losses."

"Okay, so it turns out that you are doing well." Shigenobu remained calm, at this time he had no time to think about how to deal with these speculators with malicious intentions.

They should not know their purpose: "You don't have to worry, we just take a look"

After speaking, go directly to the town office.

The false company commander didn't know why, so he hesitated and followed into the gate.

As soon as they entered the door, the devils were divided into three or several groups and turned around.

The town hall is very interesting, there are doors but no door leaves, windows but no window leaves, all the rooms are empty, not even a place to sit.
After a short time, Shigenobu waved his hand to make the pseudo-company commander stand aside, and the three people dressed as ordinary people began to sing: "The big footprint came out of the back door, and I didn't see that small footprint going out."

"That is to say, that little girl is still at the town office?" Shigenobu frowned.

"As it should be!"

"You immediately lead a team of warriors out the back door to continue the investigation"


Shigenobu waved to the false company commander: "Your office conditions are quite simple?"

"Hey, we're going to take advantage of the slack time in spring to renovate the yard." The false company commander was helpless, he couldn't tell the Taijun that all the things in the town hall were emptied by the guerrillas last night, right?

Slack?Can we still grow crops this year?Isn't this talking nonsense?
Shigenobu was full of suspicions, but he didn't tell the truth, he seemed to ask casually: "Hey, is there a girl in the town hall?"

"Uh, there isn't one in the town office, but there is one in the town, so I'll arrange for it." The false company commander was helpless. Although regiment leader Wu didn't allow prostitution, there were quite a few widows in the town.

Shigenobu waved his hand: "I mean, are there any girls in the town hall, they are girls, not the comfort girls you imagined, do you understand what I mean?"

The pseudo-company commander hurriedly swore: "It's true, if I tell a lie, there will be a thunderbolt from the sky."

"Hehe." Shigenobu turned his head and yelled at the devil next to him, and the devils left behind immediately dispersed and searched everywhere.

One of the devils who went out from the back door ran back and went straight to Shigexin and said, "Report, the big footprint went to the north, and turned to the west after returning. At the same time, I found the small footprint."

It seems you are quite honest.After Shigenobu greeted him, the devils who were searching in the courtyard gathered immediately, and a group of people went out the back door and left in a hurry.

The false company commander murmured to the thin puppet army next to him: "The little devil is looking for a pair of big footprints and small footprints, and he made it clear that the small footprints are girls. Yesterday, the small footprints in the town hall were only Li Xiaolian and that girl. Big footprints, nothing unexpected , it should be Commander Luo."

The puppet army knew that the puppet company commander could speak Japanese, and the devil was really big-hearted, thinking that the puppet army was illiterate, but there were so many other people.

West of Baidaokou Town.

The sun is about to set and the sky is slowly darkening.

A group of Taoists who were about to enter the town were squatting in the ditch watching the long team of devils in the distance to the south.

Xiao Zhui'er's eyes widened even more, and he carefully counted the approximate number of troops in the devil's team.

When she returned to town, she heard gunshots and explosions from the nine rooms.

The Ninth Battalion has long believed that a certain pattern has been formed from alert to communication, and the firing of guns means that something has happened, and there are naturally corresponding countermeasures.

Hu Yi had already made arrangements for the wounded who remained in the village.

She is alone now, even if she goes, it will be useless, she can only stare blankly.

Suddenly, Li Xiaolian's apologetic voice came from the side: "That girl, we misunderstood you earlier!"

Xiao Hongying turned her head and muttered to Li Xiaolian in surprise: "Hey, we are a family, don't talk about this."

"Thank you for saving Second Senior Brother."

"Whether he can come back to life or not, I'm not sure, it depends on whether God accepts him or not."

Li Xiaolian hesitated for a moment: "Tell me, are those devils in the east the devil team that Company Commander Ma said has never appeared?"

"It should be..." Xiao Hongying suddenly turned her head: "Can you send someone to inform Battalion Commander Hu Hu!"

"What's the use of informing them?"

"Hey, don't you know that the Nine Battalion specializes in fighting devils?"

When Xiao Hongying said this, Li Xiaolian was shocked immediately, and even the other people lying on the ground were also shocked.

Li Gang next to him had a dumbfounding expression on his face: "You really can brag, even the regular army of the national army is no match for devils, so the Eighth Route Army can beat it? You have to plan and lay an ambush to fight a puppet army, and you may not be able to beat it."

"The devil is about to enter the town. I think it must be a good thing. It's best to let all of us in the town evacuate."

Li Gang had a worried expression on his face: "But, the second senior brother has just finished stitching up the wound, so he has to find a place to recuperate."

Li Laosan next to him shook his head: "Isn't raising it somewhere? Why do you have to go to the town? In my opinion, it's better to go to the countryside."

Li Xiaolian stared into the distance: "Let's not enter the town yet."

Li Gang nodded, and then told Li Laosan: "Lao San, go back through the tunnel to check the situation first!"

"Okay." After Li Laosan finished speaking, he was about to enter the tunnel.

Li Gang gritted his teeth and confessed: "Don't do those useless things when you go back, tell the brothers in the town to find out those guys from the ranger team, and then take care of Master's funeral."

"Worry." Li Laosan entered the tunnel, still not forgetting to mutter.

No one paid any heed to the little girl's suggestion to get the townspeople to evacuate.

In the eyes of everyone in the Taoist sect, Xiao Hongying is actually still an immature child.

It's a pity that no one knows that this boy has been in the army since he was a child.

Together with Hu Yi, the number and scale of battles he participated in were not comparable to those of the Taoist sect.

Since neither Li Gang nor Li Xiaolian believed it, she didn't want to say more.

After all, it was hard for the friendly army to take the blame, and now there is still a key issue to deal with: Li Xiaolian knows the scout under Luo Fu.

Once this thing is worn, it will be fatal.

So far, she has no plan to return to the Ninth Battalion at all.

When we go back, we must bring this team back.

Now these Taoists don't listen to her at all.

Hehe, you won't know until you suffer a big loss at the devil's hands.
(End of this chapter)

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