under fire

Chapter 933

Chapter 933
The two messengers from the Daomen are hurrying south along the path in the wilderness cautiously.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly shouted from the roadside ditch: "Stop, what are you doing?"

The two of them were frightened to lie on the ground, and rolled directly into the ditch by the roadside.

"Hey, I said you two don't hide, we just met this morning." A young man in a fake military uniform popped up from the position of the shout.

The two people at Baidaomen took a closer look, and then they crawled out of the ditch in embarrassment and cursed: "So you are not in the south? Why did you come to this place where even the birds don't shit?"

Hey, we fight guerrillas, of course we have to run around, I said where are you two going?

"I'm looking for you guys." The one walking in front directly took out a dollar from his body.
"I heard that you are so poor that you give me money so generously?"

"I'll give you money for the ass, this is information, written by Junior Sister Hongying, read it quickly, and give me the money after reading it."

"Junior Sister Hongying?" The soldier slapped the cream and said it so affectionately that immediately goosebumps came out from his back.

"Why, you guys know how to bully my junior sister, let me tell you, she will follow our Taoist sect from now on, and won't go back to your Tubalu!"

"Do you dare to say that Lao Tzu is a dirt boy?"

"You don't even look at your virtue. Wearing a tattered puppet army uniform, you really think you are a regular army?" After speaking, he handed over the money in his hand with the information written on it.

The soldier took it, and was stunned for a moment: "Uh, I don't know a few words here, and I don't understand the circle, or you can give it to me first, and I will return it to you next time you meet me?"

"Think beautifully"

Jiuying usually has nothing to do to practice literacy, and there are not many characters on it. He actually knows everything, even the meaning of the circles on the top. But when he thinks about things related to girls, it is definitely not a trivial matter!
But I dare not let these two go back easily, I have to find a way to walk these two to the company commander and say: "Then what do you say? I can't understand what the above is saying?"

"How would I know? I don't know how to read, but most likely it was Junior Sister Hongying who asked you to go to Baidaokou Town to fight devils."

"What? There are devils in Baidaokou Town?" The soldier almost jumped up as if bitten by a dog, but the devil girl who dared to die was different!
Not to mention provoking Daomen, how dare you even provoke a little devil now?
"There are still a lot of devils, more than 200"

"Are you here to move reinforcements?" Knowing the content on the banknote, the guard sentry did not dare to talk nonsense.

"This matter. I don't think you can make the decision. Return the money to me quickly and take me to see your battalion commander Hu."

The sentinel took a step back and yelled not far away: "Get up quickly and find the battalion commander!"

A head popped out of the ditch again, one light and one dark whistle.

The two Baidaomen were just about to snatch back the banknote with the information written on it, when another eight-way appeared. This eight-way is really ghostly.

Quickly stop what you're doing.

Soldiers also in puppet army uniforms trotted over.

"Hurry up and send this to the battalion commander er, by the way, lend me a dollar"

"Where do I have money?"

"I saw you hiding it, so take it out quickly."

"I leave it all to the company commander"

"Okay, hurry up and send the information to the battalion commander"

The two Baidaomen looked at each other, originally they wanted to send the information to Battalion Commander Hu, it seems that this one dollar will not come back!

They didn't know the situation of the Ninth Battalion, so they followed the sentinel to the east and walked to the Ninth Room.
maybe even a dollar back
the village.

Li Xiang, who has always been low-key and introverted, immediately turned his face into a twisted face when he heard Ma Liang's proposal, and refused: "According to this, these devils have too much background, we can't afford to fight them."

"Let's take advantage of the darkness and shoot a few shots outside the town into the town before leaving." Ma Liang was not reckless.

"The advance team is not an ordinary devil, and even the headquarters was almost overshadowed by them. How can you, Ma Liang, dare to carry your small arms with your big thick legs?"

"Don't hit him twice, we sacrifice such a soldier, can you swallow this breath?"

"We now have two platoons with more than 20 wounded, and three or five more wounded. We don't even have people to carry the wounded?"

Ma Liang immediately turned his head and looked at the dazed man from the work team next to him: "If not, see if you can find a way to take the wounded away. Let's go to Baidaokou Town."

The person in the work team is not in a daze, but in a daze!

As a staff member, he had heard of the advance team a long time ago, and to be honest, he also wanted to play the idea of ​​the advance team.

Haodai was also a platoon leader before, so of course he knows the basic judgment of the situation between the enemy and us.

Just judging from the equipment that the devils marched into the team in the afternoon, the eleven light machine guns, as well as large and small cannons, should be more powerful than the devils I saw before!
Even if all the left-behind teams from the division were transferred over, they would definitely not be the opponents of those little devils who entered Baidaokou Town!

Besides, I just received a notification from the prefectural committee in the afternoon: the ministries are currently focusing on lurking, and it is not appropriate to make any big moves for the time being!

However, listen to what these two mean.
audacious in the extreme!

The two platoons seem to be planning to take on the gang of devils in Baidaokou Town
Even if Jiuying's weapons are good, if they are compared with the little devils with good guns and ammunition, they are definitely scumbags!
Not to mention that the devil they mentioned is still standing up.

Although I didn't personally fight against the advance team, I stayed on the plains to fight against raids. I saw the devils and fought guerrillas with the puppet army.

It's just that he didn't want to understand one thing, isn't the Devil's advance team all disguised as the Eighth Route Army or guerrillas?
Suddenly, he felt a big hand shaking in front of his eyes.

A voice came into my ears: "Hey, what can I ask you?"

"Ah? What did you say?" He came back to his senses and saw Ma Liang looking at him.

Such an important occasion, and such an important matter, can this person be distracted?Ma Liang had black lines all over his face, and he was not wordy: "Look, can you find a way to help send away the wounded from our independent regiment?"

"Send the wounded? However, the strong laborers who sent supplies to the district yesterday have not returned, and there are only a few old men and women left in the village."

Ma Liang was stunned. He didn't expect that most of the people on the plain were fleeing famine, and they couldn't even find anyone to carry the wounded.

I had no choice but to turn my head to look at Li Xiang: "How about this, you take the wounded away and lend me another shift."

"No, I think we have to discuss this matter with the battalion commander." Li Xiang shook his head. In the fog, the advancing team had a runny nose and died.

"We're so close to Baidaokou Town, it's inconvenient to go first because there are so many people running away!" Ma Liang carefully recalled the details of the battalion commander taking a platoon of himself to fight the county town.

Li Xiang hesitated at the side for a while: "I can lend you a squad, and there are still ten rounds left in the mortar. It was given to the girl secretly by the friendly army before leaving without telling the Rangers, and half of it was taken away by Gao Yidao. Only ten rounds left."

"I said, don't be such a mother-in-law, give me all the machine guns."

"Don't worry, you have to send someone to pick up thousands of fines now, otherwise, even if you give you the mortar, you won't be able to use it."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Call someone now, it's better to wait for the battalion commander to come over. Besides, they don't know what they are fighting with the puppet army now."

"Did you forget that Hao Yun is with the battalion commander? Ask the correspondent to ride a bicycle over there, and then Hao Yun will send Wan Baxi over by motorcycle."

"Hey, that seems to make sense."

The three were talking.

A soldier led the two from the Daoist sect and ran to the three of them: "Report, someone from the Daoist sect came to report, saying girl"

"What? You said the girl is in Beidaokou Town?" Ma Liang and Li Xiang asked in unison.

Ma Liang stepped forward, subconsciously preparing to pull the skirt of the young man in front of him.

Li Xiang next to him felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Ma Liang had been thrown directly to the ground.

The young man directly pressed Ma Liang's uninjured arm, and put a short knife across Ma Liang's neck: "If it weren't for the fact that your arm is hanging, I will give you a dog gnawing shit."

The staff members who were spectators on the side were stunned on the spot, and also forgot to step forward to help.

It never occurred to the two of them that they dared to make a move.
The so-called stunned young people who are not afraid of trouble and not afraid of death refer to these young people
Li Xiang stepped forward with a dark face: "Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and let go"

(End of this chapter)

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