under fire

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Night falls.

Shigenobu and the lieutenant finally waited until a ghost ran into the yard: "Report, we found the tunnel entrance."

Shigenobu was overjoyed: "What did you say? Where is it?"

"There was gunshots first and then explosions in the west of the town. The second lieutenant immediately sent two warriors to scout. The scouting warriors went west for about two miles and were attacked in a cemetery. They followed the second lieutenant and brought a detachment to go for reinforcements. , and then we found the corpse of the reconnaissance warrior."

The lieutenant snarls: "Keep it simple"

"The corpse of the warrior who came out of the tunnel was found in the cemetery."

"The cemetery?" The lieutenant had a bad feeling in his heart: "How many people died?"

"Eleven, one was beheaded, and two were shot." The devil who reported the letter turned to look at Shigenobu: "The warriors of the intelligence department were nailed to the ground by the bayonets produced by the empire, and the tunnel where the other seven warriors were blown down Buried alive, the corpses have been dug out, the second lieutenant has sent someone to check, there are no wounds on their bodies, at present, people have been sent to search nearby!"

The lieutenant was furious, raised his hand and slapped him across the face: "There was a gunshot in Zhenxi, that was an hour ago, why did you report it now?"

"Yes." The devil who was beaten did not dare to dodge: "We were in a hurry to save people."

The lieutenant was completely crazy, and with a swipe, he drew out his command knife and waved: "One hour, a distance of two or three miles, and a round trip takes at most 10 minutes! You have only come back to report now, and you still tell me that it is because of saving lives? Don't you forget? Regulations? Tell me, what's going on?"

The devil who reported the letter turned pale and trembled: "After we found out the situation, the second lieutenant immediately sent the messenger back to report, but the messenger was ambushed on the way back to the town and finally sent me."

"Hehe, someone dares to be so rampant in front of the elites of the empire." The lieutenant pulled out his command knife and stared into his blood-red eyes: "Give me an order to wash Baidaokou Town with blood.
The heavy man next to him was startled: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant, please remain calm. As an imperial soldier, please remember the purpose of our trip!"

The lieutenant froze for a moment, with a ferocious expression on his face: "No matter what other arrangements you have now, you must wait for me to kill all these Chinese in the town."

Shigenobu shook his head: "Please remember that the North China Command is very dissatisfied with the security situation in the occupied area, and Hua County happens to be a model area for security. If you don't want to retire early in shame, I suggest you keep calm now. "

"Asshole, you."

A groan came from the floor.

The two turned their heads.

A disheveled man came out of the house with a ghost helping a man covered in blood.

The lieutenant froze for a moment, then looked at the familiar elites under his command: "Lieutenant Machida?"

The first class soldier's knees are all worn out. It seems that he must have been crawling on the ground for a long time, and he is half-rolling his eyes and is weak: "I am in a tunnel. I am ambushed and all dead balls except me" (don't talk about jade)
Shigenobu next to him kept thinking. At this time, he had no time to pay attention to his dead subordinates, let alone the life and death of the devil in front of him. He turned his head and ordered to the lieutenant: "Gather your troops immediately and go west."

The two are at the same level, but the role of intelligence personnel is greater, and they are more valued in the army.

Soon, the devils who were eating in the courtyard heard the whistle of assembly.

It was getting dark, and a crescent moon hung in the sky early.

A team hides in a ditch.

With a dark face, Li Gang took four of his men and left the team under the cover of night.

Along the ditches in the wilderness, we slowly approached the devil camp where the fire was lit among the cemeteries.

A young man from Maoyao suggested: "Senior brother, just now Junior Sister Hongying said that the devils may arrange sentries around, I think we should try not to get too close?"

"If you're scared, there's still time to go back now." Li Gang didn't understand how his senior brother listened to Xiao Hongying's words. He just felt that it was dark and the opportunity was rare.

With his own skills, no matter what, he could hack and kill a few more devils.

Before dark, after dealing with the devils in the tunnel for a long time, Li Laosan brought a junior brother to intimidate the two devils who came out of the town.

Hit the ground running.

Li Laosan, who had been lying on the ground listening to the sound, took a dozen or so grenades that came along with him when he left the Ninth Battalion, and threw them all into the tunnel, directly blowing up a long section of the tunnel.

And killed several devils.

If it weren't for a large group of devils coming out of the town at this time, maybe some grenades and rifles could be obtained from those devils hiding in the bombed tunnel!

Fortunately, more than a dozen grenades were still obtained from the devils at the tunnel exit.

The uncle's sword was not old enough, so he grabbed a bayonet hanging from a devil's waist, and nailed the devil to the ground alive. Unfortunately, the bayonet was stuck in the bone, and he couldn't get it out. People, it is better to stab the abdomen for this reason, because the bayonet is afraid of being stuck by the bone
I just don't know how many ghosts are hiding in that tunnel, what a pity.
The first time I beat the devils went well, it turned out that the devils were just like that, with a urinal on their head, and the head would also move with a knife.

The tense mood has calmed down a lot.

With the rustling of their feet, the group of five people was getting closer and closer to the graveyard.

The silence at night will naturally make people think wildly, but he always seems to feel that something is wrong.

Some even didn't understand that everything seemed to have changed with Master's death when he had been able to endure a little bit of patience.

Unexpectedly, the devil would attack the people left in the town. Among the people killed by Zizi, there were many wives, children and relatives of the brothers and sisters.

The devil is right in front of him, who doesn't want to seek revenge from the devil?
Now confronting the devils directly will completely cut off the way to survive in Baidaokou Town in the future.

He faintly felt that if he did something for the heads of a few devils now, once he was stuck by the devils, the consequences would be very serious.

It's hard to say whether it can run.

Completely worthless.

It's a pity that with his prestige, he couldn't suppress the determination of his brothers and sisters to take revenge.

If it wasn't for Li Xiaolian's persuasion.

They might have even gone straight back to town to seek revenge from the devils!

At this time, who can still be calm?

He raised his head again and looked at the approaching fire in the distance.

If you get closer, once exposed, those devils will fight back wildly.

No matter how high the kung fu is, it can surpass the devil's gun?
Years of walking in rivers and lakes, rich experience.

Suddenly felt something was wrong, the devil who leaned on the grave seemed to have not moved for a long time
not good.

That's a dummy!

The devils should have dispersed
And where you are now, you can leave at any time!

He immediately waved his hand to signal the brothers behind him to stop.

Five heads slowly emerged from the ditch, looking into the distance with their heads.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground spread among the heavy breathing.

It landed at the feet of the last young man with a knife in his hand.

The one with the cat on his waist picked up the thing that flew from the ground without knowing where, and looked at it carefully before his eyes, and immediately yelled to the front: "Hey brother, I seem to have picked up a grenade."

Before he finished speaking, a strong flash of light illuminated his panicked face for an instant.

A cloud of blood sprayed in all directions.

In the ditch, the last two lined up in a column didn't even make a sound, the shrapnel immediately entered the body, and the shock wave directly knocked them away.

The grenade didn't explode on the ground, and the second-to-last one, with his waist down, blocked all the shrapnel flying straight ahead with his butt.

The three people who were also overturned by the sudden gust of wind blowing in the ditch behind were lucky that none of them were injured by the shrapnel!

Under the blazing fire in the distance, cold lights suddenly appeared in the nearby moonlit night.

—A light machine gun with a crooked handle, suddenly started howling in the dark night.

The devil in charge of cover had no idea of ​​saving bullets at all, and fired near the explosion point without hesitation.

puchi puchi
Wave after wave of bullets hit the ground, and the young man at the front became weak in limbs and gritted his teeth as he crawled on the ground.

There is a hail of bullets overhead!

Forced him to move on!

He just wanted to get out of this place that frightened him as soon as possible.

At this time, he didn't have time to care about the senior brothers behind him. After climbing a certain distance, he stood up directly, spread his legs and ran east!

Li Gang, who was in second place, was also dizzy.

There seemed to be a voice sounding from the bottom of his heart, it was what the girl said when he left: The devil is really not a fool!

What she said seemed to make sense. As soon as the devil came up, he immediately blocked the group of five people who were about to touch the camp.

After all, the old Jianghu is an old Jianghu, and he immediately yelled at the stunned person behind him: "Climb back quickly!"

A crisp rifle shot sounded ahead.

The one running eastward in the dark wobbled until he fell into the ditch.

After rolling twice in the ditch, he finally turned his face up.

He was already clutching a grenade tightly in his hand.
There was a burning pain in the abdomen, which was a bit piercing, and he had to curl up his body like a shrimp.


He slowly remembered the past
think of parents
I remembered my sister who was married.
I remembered Master.
I remembered the night I married my wife
I remembered the day my son was born.
Looking at the dark sky with gray eyes, the ditch wall next to it covers the crescent moon in the sky, damn baby. You wait for me. I will come to you in a while.
The divergent thoughts slowly gather together, enduring the pain and thinking
Before departure, what my junior sister Hongying said: Pull out the safety pin, find a hard place to smash the hood, and throw it out
The soil on the bottom of the ditch should be considered quite hard, right?

The cover cap is easy to understand, it is similar to the back cover of a grenade, but why not pull the fuse, but smash it
what is an insurance pin
(End of this chapter)

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