under fire

Chapter 936: It's Not Easy to Catch the Lives

Chapter 936: It's Not Easy to Catch the Lives

The devil ran and shot while running in the dark wilderness under the hazy moonlight. Facing the bullets fired continuously in the darkness, he slowly approached the escaped Li Gang and the others.

Really not afraid of death!

Li Gang exposed half of his head and shot immediately, as if he could clearly see the ferocious face of the devil behind the gunfire and bayonet.

The two of them exchanged positions one after another, and seeing the devil getting closer and closer, their hearts were in their throats.

The devil will rush to the front soon, and the situation is very bad now!
run away?

Absolutely no chance!

As long as you dare to run, your back will be immediately exposed to the little devil's gunpoint.

Legend has it that devils are so good at marksmanship that even in nights with only a faint moonlight, most of them can't dodge the ghost's bullets.

In the end, it will definitely become the target of devils!
I had to rely on lying in the ditch with half of my head exposed to barely shoot at the devil, listening to the little devil's bullets whizzing by my ears from time to time, hitting the edge of the ditch with a puffing sound.

The bullets fired seemed to have eyes. Li Gang even guessed that as long as he showed his face for a little longer, the little devil would definitely drill a hole in his forehead.

The bullets on his body are limited, as it is now, there is no way to fight for a long time.

The two of them couldn't shoot out the bullets in the gun at the same time, who knows if the devils will charge up directly in the gap between the bullets?

In desperation, Li Gang finally understood what those soldiers often said: kill one to earn money, kill two to earn one.

There is no way to escape. When a person is completely desperate, the sense of fear from the bottom of his heart will be reduced. Anyway, if he is dead, he will pull an enemy to his back.

Because there is no point in running away!

Therefore, Li Gang decided not to run away.

He has just practiced martial arts and is bolder than ordinary people, so his thinking is different from many people. When faced with such a desperate situation, more people choose to surrender.

Li Gang's body was pressed against the ditch wall again, and he raised his rifle to blind the devil in the darkness again.

The little devil who is advancing in the wilderness does not advance directly, but jumps left and right and occasionally shoots a shot. It seems that it is not easy for the bullets fired in motion to hit the target, but the bullets always hit the target!

A distance of 30 meters, if you move forward in a straight line, it will only take three to five seconds!

But the devil doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

Li Gang heard it very clearly, the devil seemed to be screaming something.

He didn't know that the content of the second lieutenant's Niaoyu was not complicated: catch alive.

Otherwise, the little devil threw a grenade over, and Li Gang and the two of them went to the west in the morning!

Li Gang lying in the ditch may be really bad at shooting.

After emptying two magazines in a row, he didn't even get a single hair from the devils who were close at hand!
Feeling aggrieved: "My mother doesn't believe that I can't hit you"

Another five bullets were fired one after another, and the devil was still alive and kicking.

When I pulled the trigger again, I found that the magazine was empty.

The two bullets directly hit the soil in front of him, splashing a large amount of soil debris.

Quickly shrunk his head, moved two steps sideways, took out the bullet and pressed it into the magazine while trembling.

The gunshots rang out for a long time.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, less than 20 meters. The strange thing is that no one hits the other.

Such a close range. How could the shooting skills of the elites be so poor?
Even if Li Gang only has one ear, the little devil can shoot two holes in that ear under the moonlight night
The elites seem to be playing a game: "Whoever gets hit this time, wash the socks of the whole team for a month"

"These stupid Chinese, they don't know what shooting is"

"Hey, you two be careful, the bullets don't have eyes, so don't capsize in the gutter"

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? As long as he shows his head, I will hit his ear
Li Gang finally understood that the opponent never gave him a chance to aim.
Hearing the other party's mocking voice with a weird tone, Li Gang was aggrieved.

After practicing martial arts for many years, the most familiar thing is the action routines!
He stared wide-eyed and probed to see the pattern of the devil's attack.

This time he didn't shoot, and soon found a clue.

Immediately yelled to the junior brother next to him: "That little devil runs five steps to the left, then he will definitely take three steps to the right, then three steps to the left, and then five steps to the right"

"No wonder. The two devils at the back cover and shoot, and the bullets can always pass through the gap between these devils." The young man emptied the magazine and shrank his head.

"As long as you hit his next position in advance, I will see where he will go"

The attacking devil had already sensed that his opponent was a complete rookie, so he had no intention of rushing directly.

The distance between the two sides is less than 15 meters, and it is meaningless to rush left and right, and it is very likely to be fooled!

It's okay to be proud, but don't be careless!

The two devils running in the front jumped directly into the ditch, and the two devils next to them immediately lay down on the ground and raised their heads to shoot.

The devils who are covering in the back are outflanking from the two wings
The devil's tactics are that simple.
I thought it would be a bargain if I discovered the movement rules of devils.
As a result, the devil seemed to have discovered his thoughts and didn't give him this chance at all.

Li Gang emptied the magazine again, and the devils in the ditch were already approaching
Touch it again, and the bullet is gone.
Li Gang was shocked: "Hey, do you still have bullets?"

"Except for two rounds in the gun. Gone"

In this situation, the two had no choice but to back away. Li Gang threw the gun behind his back and drew out the big knife on his back.

"Brother, I don't think something is right."


"The little devil seems to have been shooting at the bottom of the ditch."

This kind of thing has been seen a lot in Jianghu, and Li Laosan immediately realized that the little devil had no good intentions: "No, they want to hurt our legs and catch them alive."

"It seems to be like this! We can't hit them. I have nothing to say. I'll just say that the little devil's shooting skills are not as good as the security forces in the town!"

"Don't be wordy, hurry up and prepare your hand. Thunder, it really doesn't work, let's fight with them."

"Hey, I don't have a grenade"

"What do you say?"

"I originally got one, but it was snatched away by Li Laosan."

The two squatted in a depression in the ditch speechless, Li Gang clutched the only grenade in his hand.

It's a pity that after tossing for a long time, he couldn't find the matchlock
When Xiao Hongying was explaining how to use the grenade to the Daoist group, Li Gang was arranging for the Daoist disciples to carry the injured brother away.

Unfortunately, he just didn't hear that part.
The voices of the conversation between the two were not low, and the devil was close at hand.

Immediately understanding that one of these two only had two bullets, he was immediately relieved: "Listen, the people on the other side, you are surrounded by the imperial army, put down your weapons and surrender, the imperial army will leave you a way out."

A certain devil began to persuade him to surrender when he was half-baked.

After a long while, no one responded in the dark ditch under the moonlight.
The sergeant lying on the ground uttered a bird cry.

The six devils slowly shrank and approached the place where the two spoke last.

Li Gang tossed and tossed for a long time, finally dialed out the insurance, he was startled and shouted in a hurry: "I went out to fight with the devils, when the explosion sounds, you run west, don't look back"

Said far, jumped out of the ditch directly.

Since it is very unfortunate this time, then I will embrace a devil and die together!
Not even a big knife!

When he came out in the dark night, he startled the approaching devils, and the three devils rushed to fight.
The devil at the front stabbed Li Gang in the chest with a bayonet.

Li Gang's idea was very simple, he was afraid that the devil would shoot, and he would not even have the chance to die with the devil. Seeing the little devil playing with his best cold weapon, he accelerated on the spot, swung his forearm and pulled out the bright bayonet under the faint moonlight.

Like a ghost, he bullied himself and ran directly into the devil's arms.

At the same time, he dodged the bayonet stabbed by another devil next to him.

The ghost who was hit saw clearly the grenade Li Gang was holding in his hand, and immediately shouted in desperation: "There are grenades, dodge."

The two hit the ground and rolled, and the elite among the elite stopped, just wanting to push Li Gang away.

Unexpectedly, the big hand on the opposite side pinched his neck.

A click.
The two devils who heard their companions screaming "grenade" lay on the ground and waited.

The earth-shaking explosion sound did not resound for a long time.

Is this to play?

Obviously, the elite on the ground was fooled by the person who came out of the darkness.

The two devils counted to five, and then to seven, without hesitation, they immediately got up and rushed towards the two entangled shadows
The one in the ditch who was ready to run at any time was covering his ears, and he didn't hear the explosion for a long time.

He couldn't help raising his head slightly, but he saw that the two devils seemed to be rushing in the same direction as the senior brother who had gone out just now.
If you don't run now, when will you wait?

Immediately got up and spread his legs and ran westward in the ditch.

Pass directly in front of the two devils who have outflanked the edge of the ditch
The two devils who came back to their senses immediately raised their guns.

The bullet hit the fleeing man directly in the back
The black shadow suddenly fell forward.

The two devils got up immediately after pulling the bolt.
It seems that the hope of capturing this living person is basically shattered.

Suddenly, he noticed that a black shadow suddenly appeared a little far away in the ditch.

The two devils quickly turned their guns.

It's a pity that Sombra's hand has already started to flash.

clap clap clap.
Luzi shot gunshots quickly.

Five bullets in a row directly knocked down the two devils holding rifles.

The muzzle of the rifle in the devil's hand shook, and the bullets fired slightly deviated from the target, making him feel lonely.

The two elites are careless!
I didn't expect that there were still people on the edge of the encirclement!

And the one in that hand turned out to be an automatic weapon!
The flash of the gun's muzzle illuminated a black suit, with an exquisite figure like Xiaolian Li.

Bullets from the Devil's rifle whizzed by, and the curling air brushed against her ears and scattered them.

(End of this chapter)

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