under fire

Chapter 937 Complex

Chapter 937 Complex
The moonlight is hazy.

The silent night is not peaceful.

With a plop, Ma Liang jumped into the ditch and saw Hu Yi's blurred figure in the ditch: "Brother, 31 people were sacrificed, leaving the whole squad to sacrifice."

"Where are the other people?" Hu Yi put down his binoculars, his face was calm, and under the moonlit night, he could hardly see anything in the distance except the fire.

"Later Captain Geng came with the divisional cavalry and took away all the wounded. Wang Xiaosan and the old bandit were crushed under the collapsed wall and escaped. They didn't want to leave"

Hu Yi directly asked the key point: "Have you figured out the origin of these devils?"

"When we arrived at Jiujianfang, the devils and puppet troops had already left. These devils are not simple."

"What do you mean?" Hu Yi frowned.

Ma Liang quickly guessed himself: "Advancing team! I guess these devils are probably advancing team!"

"Why do you say that?" Hu Yi was taken aback for a moment. The advance teams usually operate in the base areas of the Eighth Route Army or the national defense areas.

"The devils who fought in the morning all wore rubber shoes. The devils who entered Baidaokou Town, I heard from the work team, all wore military boots. I also saw in the nine rooms that the enemy left behind all were military boots. Footprints, it must be a group."

"Wearing a pair of shoes can have something to do with the advance team?" Luo Fugui felt cold in his heart. Even Boss Hu almost died in their hands. What a powerful existence that was, he immediately emerged from the darkness: " Ma Liang, don’t you guys also wear devil’s military boots?”

"Captain Geng knows devils very well. He said that devils did wear military boots a few years ago. Devils seem to have become poorer in the past two years. Except for officials, most of them wear rubber shoes." Ma Liang paused for a while. .

Luo Fugui immediately answered the question: "You mean the devil and his grandma are also divided into three or six or nine classes?"

Ma Liang, who was interrupted continuously, ignored the troublesome bear, looked at Hu Yi and continued to analyze: "We made such a big commotion at Baliying, these little devils don't seem to care at all, this is the first, the second, nine There were only a few wounded soldiers in the room, but the devils went to war for nearly two hours. This is unreasonable. Later, the little devils also did not go south, but went directly north to Baidaokou. The most important thing is that almost all these devils can speak Chinese.”

Luo Fugui continued to interject: "Maybe the little devils don't know we're in the south, or maybe they're very reassured by the puppet troops in the Bali Battalion."

"Can you shut up? This is serious business." Ma Liang frowned: The devil went to Baidaokou, and the work team left by the division came to report that the little devil was looking for a big footprint and a small footprint to follow their marching route. I think their target is likely to be a mule. Small footprints, I guess it should be a girl! "

The goal is yourself?Luo Fugui, who didn't intend to speak again, immediately opened his mouth with wide eyes: "What did you say?"

"I said you probably became the target of the little devil!" Ma Liang gave this guy a white look.

Luo Fugui was stunned, his ugly eyes widened, and he began to think wildly.

How could the devil's target be himself, Ma Liang must be talking nonsense, there are so many big footprints
Not good, does the little devil know that I am rich?

Hu Yi didn't interrupt Luo Fugui's nonsense with Ma Liang, thinking carefully.

The devils are not far from the north, and they may draw south at any time. At this time, guessing the origin of these devils is not of much practical significance. Everything depends on action.

Besides, it was the task of the divisional armed task force to find out the details of this group of devils.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Ma Liang, "Where are Captain Ma Liang Geng and the others?"

"He took a team member to the town to investigate the situation of the devils, and it is estimated that there will be news in a while."

Knowing that he might be targeted by devils, Luo Fugui began to pay attention to the conversation between Hu Yi and Ma Liang, and immediately interrupted when he heard the two talking: "Haven't all the devils come out? Are you still spying?"

Ma Liang suddenly changed the subject: "Where is the girl?"

Luo Fugui raised his finger and pointed to the direction of the grave: "The people from the Taoist sect are in front."

Ma Liang nodded: "I always feel that something is wrong. This devil is looking for little footprints, will he keep chasing the girl's footprints?"

It was about whether he would become the target of the devil, Luo Fugui immediately said, "Didn't I also come out of the town last night?"

"Did you walk last night?"

"I'm riding a bicycle. The girl has been with the Taoist people. It just happened to come out from here, so what should I do now?"

Ma Liang suggested: "This black light is blind. Do you want to grab your tongue?"

"What's the point of grabbing the tongue and killing this group of devils?" Luo Fugui immediately sneered: "You have to figure it out, this is a squadron of more than 200 devils. Is it really as easy as catching chickens?"

Ma Liang ignored this guy: "I and Li Xiang brought mortars, hit them twice, and then caught the top soldiers from the devil?"

Hu Yi neither agreed nor opposed: "Where is Li Xiang?"

"In the back, when he was preparing for the wounded to leave, the company commander Zhang of the division arrived with Captain Geng."

Luo Fugui: "Company Commander Zhang? Who is that? The matter is getting more and more complicated."

Rambling around for a while.

The observers at the side began to shout: "The devil's brigade has arrived near the tomb, and the people from the Daomen have retreated."

Luo Fugui immediately came to his senses, hurriedly put the magazine in his pocket, and yelled: "Don't be dazed, pack up your things and run away!"

Not long after, Xiao Hongying emerged from the darkness.

Hu Yi turned his face and looked at the little girl covered in dust: "I said, can you stop making trouble?"

"Hey, I'm going to go first." After finishing speaking, he directly pulled Luo Fugui aside who was ready to run away at any time.

"What are you going to do?" Luo Fugui was wary.

"That. Daoist people are willing to join the Eighth Route Army. There are many of them and relatives. My father died and has not been buried yet."

"Wait. Your father? Isn't your father dead? Where did you get your father from?"

"Don't interrupt"

That Li Laosan's old mother is blind. Li Shiliu's father has a broken leg."

"The people who dare to love this sect are all surnamed Li? He is still disabled. He is blind and has a broken leg and cares about my shit. Don't complain to me, just tell me that it is useful." Xiong was trembling in his heart. It was clearly an idea to hit him with money.

"I was thinking, when we leave, we have to deal with their troubles."

"What future troubles are called worries about the future!"

"Hey, do you still understand idioms?"

"Hey, hey, I said don't touch your hands, the money is not with me"

"Where did it go?"

"I exchanged it with Li Huanzhang for gold bars."

"What about the gold bars?"

"Li Huanzhang said...hasn't replaced it yet."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, that's not right, we met Li Huanzhang a few days ago, and we searched for it in the past two days? "

"What search... don't talk nonsense, it was seized to warn you, I will give you 500 yuan, if there is more."

"Three thousand."

"Six hundred."

"Two thousand and five."

"Seven hundred."

"Two thousand, one more penny less, my aunt will scratch your skin right now." Xiao Hongying stretched out her hand.

"One thousand, do you want to love..."

The mule just wanted to leave this fatal place as soon as possible, so he directly took out a thick stack of tightly bound banknotes from his pocket, and handed it to Xiao Hongying: "This is all the family property."

"Oh, you think I'm an idiot"

Shoucai Xiong was angry: "I warn you, don't push yourself too far."

There are devils in the north, and everyone is in fear.

Li Gang was covered in blood, his left shoulder was wrapped in a bandage, and he sat on the ground feeling distraught. He went with him to attack the five devils, and he came back alone.

If Li Xiaolian hadn't brought the two senior brothers over, he probably wouldn't have been able to come back.

A group of people gathered around.

A young man was shouting: "Hey, let's hit the grenade directly on the face of the chasing ghost, and then there was a loud bang, and the ghost was directly blown into scum."

"Can grenades blow people into scum? You can really blow them up"

"If you don't believe me, you can go and see it now!"

"There are so many devils, you tell me to watch now, do you want to kill me?"

"Don't interrupt the other two devils who still want to chase, Lao Tzu"

"Can you show some face? If it wasn't for the little junior sister who brought two eight-way guns and one shot, and directly put those two devils over, you might have returned to the west now."

Xiao Hongying emerged from the darkness, walked up to Li Xiaolian, and handed over a cloth bag: "Here is a 1000 yuan devil's military ticket, let's deal with my father's funeral first..."

"Where did it come from? So much?" Li Xiaolian was a little moved. 1000 yuan may not be a big deal to those landlords and gentry, but it is still a lot of wealth to the poor people of Taoism.

"That's all for now, if it's not enough, I'll find a way..." Xiao Hongying actually didn't know whether 1000 yuan was more or less.

Li Xiaolian was not polite, she turned around and handed the money to Martial Uncle Zhao who escaped from the dead next to her: "I'll leave it to my Uncle Zhao for the affairs behind my father..."

(End of this chapter)

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