under fire

Chapter 946 Jiangbei Traffic Team

Chapter 946 Jiangbei Traffic Team
"Then quickly put the drawbridge."

A voice came from behind the puppet army holding the searchlight rotating bracket on the top of the gun tower.

The puppet army scolded: "Hey, it's not my business to put the suspension bridge, you tell me there's a fart for it?"

"I didn't talk to you again." The voice behind continued: "Hey...the light didn't see a fire, why is it so bright?"

"This is an electric light, electric light, do you know what an electric light is?" The puppet soldier began to show off proudly, and suddenly thought of something: "Are you new here? You don't even know electricity?"

"Hey, I really don't know, but Li Ying should know."

"Ideal? What is an ideal?"

"I'm not a thing." A black figure climbed to the top of the gun tower from the hole in the stairs and asked, "Why don't you do anything?"

"I haven't figured out how the light is on, let him live for a while"

No matter how stupid the puppet army is, they also understand what happened now: "Baye please forgive me. The younger one has an eighty-year-old mother, and the younger one has a younger brother."

"Hey, hey, let me say, can you use a new word?"

"I have a certificate of returning to the War of Resistance." The puppet army finally remembered that before the Chinese New Year, the old mother at home gave him a piece of paper, which is said to be able to save his life when he encounters the Eighth Route Army.

"Hey, company commander, why do we meet...all these guys every time, and they all have certificates?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Li Xiang picked up the rifle next to the puppet army and looked at it: "Tell me, how many devils and puppet soldiers are there in the station? It's okay if you don't tell, there are people who want to talk about it below."

The puppet army is very smart. If you don't say it is a stick now, if you don't say it, you will die!
Quickly count with your fingers... the bamboo tube pours the beans: "there were more than 30 half teams of the imperial army at the station, and more than 20 went out last night. The remaining ones plus the instructors total... twelve, and the remaining imperial army... 20 There are more than 30 people, and there are more than [-] station masters and engineering departments in the station, and there are some coolies who stayed at the station and did not leave.”

Li Xiang nodded, turned around and went down the gun tower.

The soldiers on the top of the turret were still complaining: "I think these two devils bully the common people more ruthlessly than the devils. I really don't know why the superiors issued certificates to them."

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I have been standing guard here and guarding the gun tower, and I have never bullied the folks," the puppet army quickly explained.

"I'm talking here, you have to interrupt, do you still have the face to say that you don't bully the folks?" The soldier said angrily.

"Ah? I'm not here to save my life." The puppet army hurriedly dropped the searchlight in his hand, and knelt down directly. What kind of man has gold under his knees? Don't go down, Ba Ye, please raise your hand and give me a way to survive."

"Get up, continue to turn the searchlight, if I am satisfied, I will let you die."

"Thank you Ba Ye for not killing me, and I will give you a longevity tablet when I turn back." The puppet army operated the searchlight again.

"Have a look at the station with your searchlights."

The second floor of the gun tower.

A dozen or so confused and puppet soldiers were killed by sharp bayonets in their sleep, and their mouths were covered with painful gasps and screams.

Protruding eyes, dilated pupils, convulsed hands and feet, body curled up into a ball.
The lights in the blockhouse were turned on.

A curious baby pulled it again, and the light went out.

Pull again, the light turns on: "This thing is interesting. Unfortunately, it is a little worse than Hao Yun's car light"

Captain Geng was speechless: "I said, can you stop playing with that thing and clean the battlefield first?"

"Tch, the heavy machine gun was lifted up by Li Xiang's men, and all the bullets were taken away by them. There are only these broken rifles left, which are not as good as the old ones. All the valuables on the puppet army were touched by mules. bare"

"Hey, there are so many good things, don't you feel tempted at all?"

"The battalion commander said, if we can win the station, we can have whatever we want."

Captain Geng was speechless: "What he said is true? I want a plane, do you have it?"

"That's not sure"

Ma Liang led the people to the suspension bridge of the blockade beside the ditch.

"The gun tower has been resolved, the telephone line has not been cut for the time being, and there are two puppet troops who are still cooperative." The soldier reported to Ma Liang while meditating in his heart. Those sleeping did not say that he would cooperate.

"Good job!" Ma Liang nodded.

With a group of "fake devils" whose military uniforms were full of holes, they walked silently to the railway in two columns.

The outline of the station has clearly appeared ahead.

At the sentry box at the north and south ends of the station, the puppet soldiers standing guard inside watched the imperial army come back, and hurried out of the sentry box to pay attention to the princes from a distance.

The imperial army crossed the railway, got on the platform, and then directly divided into three routes.

Ma Liang led five people to the south, Luo Fugui led the big dog to the north, and Hu Yi led the remaining "Imperial Association Army" directly to the station.

"Hello Taijun!" The puppet soldiers hurriedly saluted outside the guard box.

"You have worked hard." Ma Liang's voice was weird.

"Ah?" The puppet army was stunned on the spot. Firstly, this one was a bit unfamiliar, and secondly, this one could speak Chinese. Under the dim light, it seemed that he didn't even wear a shirt under his uniform?
"You short-lived dog 'ah' fart!" The four people next to Ma Liang immediately stepped forward, two confronted one, handed over their guns, strangled the neck and stabbed the knife.

"Ah" the puppet army struggled.

Hearing the strange cry, several railway workers in the duty room on the second floor of the station were a little puzzled. They opened the window and looked out. Before they could ask, they saw more than [-] figures walking from the platform.

The imperial army in front and the puppet army in the back.

Almost downstairs, the jingle said: "I'm Kayli?"

"His great aunt." A voice below answered jingle.

During the conversation between the two, the one who answered walked out of the range of light emitted by the electric lights on the platform, and walked towards the dim stairs.

The confused man didn't care until Captain Geng walked up to the second floor and broke into the duty room.

This man suddenly realized that the person standing in front of him was a stranger, and the princes following behind him seemed to know none of them.

There are holes in the tattered military uniform!
Coupled with the disheveled attire, it is definitely not the imperial army stationed in the station!


However, this person is not stupid after working at the station for so long, so he immediately changed to Chinese and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

Captain Geng found that the soldier behind him had raised his bayonet, and reached out to stop him: "Hehe, did you see that?"

This one is not stupid, who knows if these people were sent by the imperial army deliberately to test the loyalty of the station staff?
He didn't dare to respond rashly: "Hey, I made porridge in the house, why don't you eat some?"

Looking at the bayonet from the corner of his eyes, under the moonlight, the blood on the blade has not yet solidified
"Don't bother you." Captain Geng smiled: "To tell you the truth, the armed task force of the Eighth Route Army Division, have you heard of it?"

"I have admired your name for a long time, and it is like thunder." The deputy station chief replied cautiously.

"What's your name?"

"My surname is Zhang, I don't know what you can do for me?"

Captain Geng suddenly said, "Can you take off your hat?"

Deputy Station Master Zhang froze for a moment, his expression changed drastically: "If I remember correctly, your captain's surname is Yu, right?"

"Hello, my surname is Geng, the deputy captain of the Armed Task Force!"

"Hello, Zhang Damin, Liaison Officer of the [-]th Team of the Jiangbei Traffic Corps."

"I really didn't see it"

Zhang Damin hesitated for a moment: "I can't say anything about the matter above, but we have the same goal as your Eighth Route Army, both to destroy the railway."

Captain Geng's tone was cold: "As far as I know, the devils aggressively attacked your defense area south of the Yellow River, but you seem to have done nothing during this time."

Zhang Damin was a little embarrassed: "Everyone is tacit about this matter, you are very clear about the plans of the higher-ups, how can we be the masters of this matter!"

This chapter is over.

Most people know about the Railway Guerrillas, but, I'm sure, not many of you know that there's another king bomb: the Railway Wrecking Squad!

See the author's statement below for details.

 From September 38 to July 9, the National Revolutionary Army established a special task force, headed by Liu Wensong. When the number was the largest, the railway destruction team had more than 45 people, and it blew up more than 7 Japanese locomotives and more than 2000 railway steel bridges. It destroyed more than 1690 miles of steel rails and killed and wounded more than 110 Japanese soldiers, effectively cooperating with the anti-Japanese struggle on the frontal battlefield.

  During the eight years, more than 200 team members died, but there is no way to count the premature deaths due to injuries...

  Data source, Henan Provincial Archives.

(End of this chapter)

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