under fire

Chapter 947 Trap

Chapter 947 Trap
The train station is not big.

To the west of the station, there is a low wall with barbed wire fences on it.

More than a hundred meters away from the wall, a blockade ditch with a depth of two feet extends north and south, with no end in sight.

To the west of the station building, beside the blockade ditch, stands a blockhouse.

Next to the gun tower is a log suspension bridge that has been torn up as usual.

The station building on the second floor is a little bigger, and there is a long warehouse next to it along the railway.

At the end of the warehouse is a carbon house to fuel the train, and a water tower to add water.

There is a simple sentry tower not far from the north of the water tower.

Other than that, nothing else.

The puppet army on the sentry tower had been watching the team coming back from the east. Seeing the Taijun walking towards the sentry tower, he poked his head out and shouted loudly: "Hello Taijun, the third row and the second shift are on duty, but they are not lazy."

The "Taijun" under the dim light raised his hand as an answer, and after reaching the bottom of the watchtower, he climbed up the stairs directly to the watchtower
The puppet soldiers who control the top do not even dare to show their spirits, and they don't know which way these princes will play.
Maybe Taijun wants to climb to a high place to have a look?

I pray in my heart, Taijun, don't slip your hand down, and then you will have too much to eat and walk around.

After a few minutes.

The puppet sentry on the top of the sentinel was replaced by the imperial army!
There was no gunfire, only the smell of blood.

Even the smell of blood is slowly fading away.

The electric lights at the station are a little weird.

Hu Yi took out his pocket watch to check the time quickly, and then put it away.

The rifle on his back slid down his shoulders, and he held it in his hand, feeling the cold barrel and the handguard with a little warmth.

A large group of people at the station did not get anything at all.

There was nothing but coal and water, and sleepers piled in the clearing.

Captain Geng came to Hu Yi and didn't say much: "There is a foreign company run by the Railway Guard in the town. The shopkeeper of the foreign company is a devil officer who was injured and retired on the battlefield. The other shareholder of the foreign company is the An County Garrison.

Foreign firms bring in foreign goods and sell them at high prices, and then transport coal, grain and other materials to the port for loading and shipping away, sucking the blood of the common people.

Those businessmen who made a fortune in the country used to rely on the railway to transport the grain they received out. In the past two years of severe drought, the devils let these businessmen encourage the people in the county to use most of the land to grow opium, and then brought food from other places. Transport grain to the disaster area and sell it at a high price”

Before he finished speaking, Ma Liang ran over, his tone tense: "Brother, the situation is wrong, there are only three devils in the station!"

Hu Yi's complexion changed: "Li Xiang caught his tongue and said there were twelve devils, so figure out where the other nine are?"

"Everyone in the station was arrested by us, and they all said they didn't know."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Assemble the team immediately and leave here!"

The correspondent next to him immediately blew his whistle, and then ran to the guard team behind.

Hu Yi had a bad feeling in his heart. Coming from the east, the journey went smoothly.

When approaching the railway line, except for the scattered pioneers arranged by Ma Liang to catch a dozen and a half children, there was not even a shadow of an enemy.
Even the devils thought that the security situation in the occupied area was very good, but they didn't even encounter a single patrol team, which was completely unreasonable!

Hu Yi suddenly had a feeling of waiting for the storm!Seeing the black figures running concentratedly towards the station building from all the dark places of the station, the sound of chaotic footsteps seemed to make his heart tremble.

The rails can't be removed at all, and the railway is about to be blown up. Jiuying doesn't have much explosives at all, so it can't afford it!
Unexpectedly, it doesn't seem easy to destroy it.
Hu Yi's scalp was numb, could it be that he was ambushed by the enemy?

Towne County Railway Station.

The locomotive of the armored train sprayed out white mist from time to time, covering the entire train with three carriages converted into ordinary carriages in the mist.

On the train, a squadron of more than 200 devils was already on standby.

Always ready to go.

In front of the plane, the devil captain who led the team had a livid face: "...this is playing tricks on the imperial soldiers!"

Opposite the captain, a young man in black looked calm: "You can call the headquarters to verify now, but before that, please execute the order! Please!"

"Do you know how long we've been preparing?"

"I'm sorry, you don't have to say these words to me! My order is that you can't go south now."

"Bage, that group of Balu killed half of the warriors in my squadron."

"Even if you die under his hands, this order cannot be changed."

About three miles west of Changgou Railway Station.

the village.

Second Lieutenant Guizi stood on the roof, his lungs about to explode.

In the village behind him, there was a mass of dark figures.

The warriors of the empire have been keeping vigil in this area for half a month, and now, the intelligence department actually took an order from the headquarters and asked him to let this group of daring people leave!

The second lieutenant looked in the direction of the train station and growled in a low voice: "You let us give up such a good opportunity to encircle and annihilate this gang?"

Next to him, the man in black's tone was as cold as Night Breeze's: "This is an order from the headquarters."


"You are not qualified to know why, as an imperial soldier, you only need to obey orders now."

The second lieutenant suppressed the anger in his heart and reminded himself to be calm, must be calm, the headquarters must have bigger moves.

Five miles north of the village.

Tian Sanqi led the two platoons under him, hiding in the dark and waiting anxiously: "Didn't you say that the battalion commander and the others would cross the blockade before dawn? Why is there no movement yet?"

The divisional traffic officer was also puzzled: "The superior arranged for us to respond, there should be no mistake. Maybe they encountered the devil patrol and changed the route?"

"You are in charge of reconnaissance and intelligence, do you have the nerve to ask me?"

The traffic officer had no choice but to guess: "They crossed the railway line, and they will definitely fight with the devils. This night, they didn't even hear a gunshot. This is too strange."

Tian Sanqi thought for a while: "We have caught so many enemy eyeliners, we must leave the railway line before dawn, otherwise the enemy will find that these eyeliners have not returned to report on time after dawn, and will definitely search extensively."

Slap. Gunshots suddenly shattered the tranquility of the night.

The place where the gun was fired was to block the ditchside gun tower west of Changgou Station, followed by two screams.

Zhang Damin was followed by two soldiers, ran out of the station, and went directly to Captain Geng: "Captain Geng, the situation is not good, the train going south did not come!"

"No train? What do you mean?"

Zhang Damin looked serious: "I just thought of a problem. The devils may have spotted your tracks and stopped the train going south!"

"Those ghosts at the station can't just disappear!"

"They must have got some orders."

"Then why did they leave three ghosts to die?"

"I went to see it just now. The three devils you killed were originally wounded soldiers sent from the west. They are going to take the train to An County tomorrow."

If you go west, you will probably enter the devil's ambush, Hu Yi didn't hesitate: "Turn around immediately, go east!"

Team Geng next to him was stunned for a moment: "No, the division forces you to cross the cordon tonight."

Luo Fugui's voice came faintly: "Grandma's, don't we just pass the blockade now? We have completed the task of partitioning, and we can't go back without an order from the partition."

Captain Geng was dumbfounded. Is this really the case with the order from the division?

The original meaning of the partition was to allow the Ninth Battalion to pass through the blockade, apparently to attract the attention of the devils.

But the Ninth Battalion is now going to kill a carbine, and the division's goal of transferring the devils away has obviously not been achieved.

The train station is full of one-story houses, and it is impossible to burn the station to the ground like the devils.

Almost all the ones that could be moved were carried away, and the heavy ones were dug directly into the ground after crossing the blockade.

Half an hour later, the dispersed team disappeared under the moonlight towards the east.

Some brothers may ask, why is it repeated?Against version D

(End of this chapter)

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