under fire

Chapter 952 Coupling

Chapter 952 Coupling
After a few explosions at the station, the gunfire gradually faded away.

The gunshots came and went quickly, which stunned the puppet soldiers who "recaptured" the blockade blockhouse on the west side of the station.

Did Tuba Road take down the station again, or did the imperial army wipe out Tuba Road?


A few minutes later, the platoon leader of the puppet army who reacted yelled for people to pass the blockade ditch and went to the west village to ask for reinforcements.

As for him at this time, he has to guard the gun tower, so don't be handed over by Tu Zuo again.

Should he go to the train station to see? He didn't have that thought at all. Anyway, the gunfire stopped. Either the imperial army was finished or Tuba Road was wiped out!
"Girl, what are you doing..." Hu Yi saw the little girl covered in dust, and led a group of people from the Taoist sect to fight towards the station building.

"See if there are any good things at the train station..." Xiao Hongying waved her hand while holding a shell gun.

Everyone in the Taoist sect picked up the equipment on the devil's corpse, and the soldiers around were silent, only Ma Liang leaned against the corner and covered his mouth happily.

Li Xiang threw two grenades to the girl: "There is nothing good, this is your meeting gift."

"A mortar, no bargaining is allowed..." The little girl completely ignored Li Xiang who was in a daze.

Ma Liang next to him was stunned for a moment, and waved to the darkness next to him: "Send me a machine gun...three shell guns..."

"Three? Are you being too stingy?"

"Get lost, you bastard..." Ma Liang said with a dark face, "Ten more rifles...choose the ones that are good."

The devils and puppet troops in the village clamored and assembled, and the torches began to illuminate the dilapidated village.

In the north of the village, in a ditch more than a mile away, three figures were lying in the ditch, staring wide-eyed.

A black figure slipped to Tian Sanqi's side from the east: "Company Commander, there's another fight at the station."

Tian Sanqi was a little nervous: "Is it the battalion commander?"

"I don't know. Er Xiong went to the station to scout, and he probably will be back in a while."

The armed staff next to him whispered: "Company Commander Tian, ​​the rooster has crowed three times. It's almost dawn. We have to retreat as planned."

Tian Sanqi was a little dissatisfied: "It's you who asked us to respond. You have been guarding here for two consecutive days without even seeing anyone. The gun was just fired. You asked me to withdraw?"

"Don't get angry at me, this is the arrangement of the superior, you just follow the order!"

"Wait and talk..." I really don't understand, so many people are arranged to nest next to the railway, and no one knows who is connected.
"Several teams are scattered around to respond, and the enemy in the village seems to be going to reinforce. You can just wait..." Seeing that Tian Sanqi didn't move at all, the member of the work team had to change his mind.

"Order, all go to the east of the village to set up an ambush. The devil wants to reinforce the train station, but there is no door."

Two dark figures ran across the open field towards the blocking ditch in the east of the village.

A large group of people behind began to rush to both sides of the road.

Not long after, a squad of devils and half a puppet company came out of the village in shadows with torches on their hands.

The soldiers ambushing in the dark began to feel nervous and terrified.

A few recruits were so nervous that they started to sweat. This time, they met devils again. The little devils are really powerful, so it's no wonder they weren't nervous.

The veterans didn't react too much. It's not that they are not nervous, but that they are in an ambush now, and only they can fight the devils. It's too late to be excited about such a good thing!
Tian Sanqi stared at the target, and gave an order early: "Two machine guns are ready, and each will fire a clip in a while. The gauge of the [-]-[-] rifle is set to [-]. First, hit the devils. The others have bayonets on their [-] rifles, so they must not shoot."

The two machine guns rattled and entered the ready-to-fire state, and the bolt of the [-]th cover rattled sporadically, and the bayonet hanging on the vertical scale of the weapon was checked...

The enemy's leading troops approached at a trot. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, at about 100 meters, the firing order was issued.

In the darkness before dawn, a Czech-style crisp rattle sounded in the wilderness, followed by rifle fire.

As soon as the gun rang, all the devils in the first squad lay on the ground, bullets whistling above their heads, the sergeant raised his head, followed the gunshot and noticed the darkness a hundred meters away, and couldn't help laughing.

He laughs and plays these old routines, shooting from such a distance in the dark, the hit is completely dependent, and it is purely a dream to hit himself!
Hearing the sound of the gunshots, it has been basically judged that there are two Czech machine guns and more than 30 [-] rifles, and the firepower is not weak!
After guarding the railway blockade for many years, I finally encountered Tuba Road with barely decent firepower.

Each of the two machine guns fired a magazine and immediately misfired...

Looks like something to play with!Sergeant Cao raised his hand and pointed to the left and right, and his subordinates immediately spread out into the darkness...

As for the gunfire at the train station, the second lieutenant is stationed in person, who dares to stroke the beard of the imperial army?
This kind of thing has been encountered many times before, which time did not Tubalu return home?

Suddenly attacked, the puppet soldiers who had just left the village reacted no slower than the devils, and the ground was covered in darkness.

The puppet army is rejoicing that the imperial army is at the front, and the Eight Route Army even used machine guns. I don't know how the imperial army suffered.
A few seconds later, Tian Sanqi continued to growl: "Listen well, don't shoot, the devil can't hit us in the ditch, we must wait for the devil to approach, greet him with a pistol, and then charge."

The devils formed up, the light machine gun immediately covered fire, and the crooked handle began to ring.

The bullet hit the ground with a puff, and as soon as the trajectory passed, Tian Sanqi immediately waved: "Kill that machine gun!"

More than a dozen rifles quietly pointed at the flames of the Devil's machine gun, and a voice was extremely excited: "Fight!"

Then, a dozen fingers pulled the trigger of the rifle.

The sound of gunfire was loud and loud, and it was not difficult to hide from the machine gun in the dark. As long as you avoided the regular trajectory of the machine gun, it would be easier to hit the enemy's machine gun.

The so-called killing the master with random punches, no matter how powerful a lion is, it can't match the hyenas in numbers.

The machine gun is dumb...

It is a golden rule to change a place with one shot. After one shot, the group of machine gunners immediately shrank their heads.

The devil fought back fiercely, and all the bullets missed.

The Devil's Two Wings Assault Team, taking advantage of Tubalu's shooting, saw that there seemed to be not many people in the dark, more than ten.

Is it true that the imperial army is made of mud?

A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps quickly approached the Eighth Route position.

Seven or eight grenades flew into the air.

Stepping back 30 meters, the man from the work team was full of black lines: "I said Company Commander Tian, ​​these little devils have already been killed, why don't you order to open fire?"

"Why are you in a hurry, wait until the little devil throws a wave of grenades before hitting his mother."

The person in the work team was a little confused, unable to understand the situation at all, waiting to be bombed by a grenade?What is Company Commander Tian doing?
Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, you have to see your own appetite, if the little devil is so easy to deal with, does the division still need your reinforcements?
In the face of the devil's attack, the best way should be to retreat!

Boom. Boom. Boom.
As expected, the grenades thrown by the devil exploded one after another, brightening the night sky with flashes.

The bombing point seems to be quite far away, Company Commander Tian... God and man!

The devils attacking on the two wings were a little confused. From the flash, it seemed that the throwing distance of the grenade seemed to be a little closer. How could the eighth road be behind the bombing point?

The fan-shaped eight roads were not in the ditch that was shot just now, and they were all lying in the wilderness.
The leader of the first class soldier was out of his wits, because fifty or sixty guns were pointed at him!

Subconsciously raised the gun, pointed it at a shadow and pulled the trigger.

"Fire!" Tian Sanqi's voice suddenly sounded, and he paused: "Bayonet is ready, no one will be left alive. Send all these devils who came to die to his grandma's house."

Da da da.
Da da da.
This time, the machine guns and rifles were fully fired, and the more than ten outflanking devils had no idea that these idiots were actually playing tricks under their noses.

When did Tubalu dare to fight against the imperial army?
 Start...half a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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