under fire

Chapter 953

Chapter 953

The twelve attacking subordinates are estimated to be more or less auspicious!

Seeing that the three men of the machine gun team around him died, one was injured and two were injured, Sergeant Cao was dumbfounded.

Didn't these cowards just run away?Sergeant Cao was furious, and ordered Niaoyu of the Imperial Association Army behind him: "Attack all, and destroy Tubalu!"

It's a pity that the puppet soldiers don't seem to understand the birdsong.

A blind platoon leader asked puzzledly: "The imperial army asked us to attack."

"I'm deaf, did the imperial army let us attack?" The false platoon leader is not stupid, he follows the devil instructor every day, and if he wants to say a bird's language, how is it possible?

"He said let's all attack"

"On the tip of your ears." The false platoon leader was helpless, and turned to look at the subordinates beside him: "Did you hear that?"

"did not hear"

"There are gunshots everywhere, who can hear it?"

"Is your kid suffering from kidney failure?"

"I clearly heard that?" The one who didn't have long eyes shook his head: "If we don't attack, the imperial army will blame us, and no one will be cured."

When the puppet soldiers next to the pseudo-platoon leader heard that this damn thing was going to be bad, they immediately raised their guns and pulled the trigger on the back of the sergeant in front: "In this way, no one will blame you."

"Hey, what you're doing is going to destroy the Nine Clans." The short-eyed one trembled in fright: "I have to report a letter to the imperial army. Ah."

A puppet soldier drew out his bayonet: "Is this guy brought back?"

"Fart, the company commander just arranged for him to join our platoon yesterday. It is said that he is a graduate of a military academy and knows a lot. He became the squad leader as soon as he came here. His monthly salary is one yuan more than everyone else. What's the point?" sound.

"Company Commander Tian, ​​the enemy is fighting among themselves and seems to have retreated to the village."

"Clean the battlefield." After Tian Sanqi finished speaking, he stood up, led a dozen soldiers, and walked forward for a certain distance into the darkness.

After a while, Tian Sanqi slowly put down his rifle, and shouted in the direction of the village: "Tian Sanqi, the Ninth Camp of the Independent Regiment, owes you a favor."

"Tch, I'll see you guys hit each other in the future."

"Leave those corpses behind."

At the machine gun position, the dead body of the devil disappeared.

But the crooked light machine gun was still there intact, with four Japanese-style bullet boxes, a dozen heavy bullet bags, and twenty hand grenades left beside it.

Xiao Hongying looked at the corpse in black on the second floor: "Why is this guy with the second lieutenant Devil?"

"I probably haven't seen this one before." Zhang Damin shook his head, tore off the corpse's clothes, found a document from the corpse, and frowned: "Special Higher Police Department?"

Xiao Hongying stared wide-eyed, and asked curiously: "What is a particularly tall policeman, that little devil also has to go to class?"

not educated!Zhang Damin's head was full of black lines: "The Special Advanced Police Department is equivalent to the little devil's intelligence department."

Xiao Hongying became interested: "Hey, tell me in detail?"

"That... Special Higher Police Section, referred to as the Special High Section, is affiliated to the Devil's Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its main activities are in the three northeastern provinces, arresting rebels and collecting intelligence."

Xiao Hongying suddenly thought of the gendarmerie in Mei County: "What about the devil's gendarmerie?"

"The devils attacked aggressively. Of course, they had to collect intelligence in advance. Later, the devil's military intelligence department was short-staffed, so the military police, which were supposed to maintain military discipline, were also assigned to the intelligence department."

Hu Yi, who had just gone up to the second floor, suddenly said, "No, according to what you mean, there is no one in the devil's army with special advanced courses?"

Zhang Damin nodded: "It's absolutely true, the Super High School is a secret police organization directly under the Ministry of the Interior, and has nothing to do with the military."

"What's going on with this guy appearing here?"

"It may be that the military has some difficult things that they can't handle, so they seconded people from the special high school to help. You have to be clear, the little devil is completely different from our system. The Ministry of the Interior and the military completely ignore each other. This time the military Putting down your body and lowering your face to ask people from the super high class to help, it seems that things are definitely not easy."

Xiao Hongying curled her lips at Hu Yi, and said a few words silently.

Hu Yi understands what the girl means: we are being targeted by devils
Suddenly to the north came the rumble of a train on the tracks
The soldiers on the sentry post in the distance shouted: "Hey, Battalion Commander, a train is coming!
Hu Yi turned to look at Zhang Damin: "What's going on?"

Zhang Damin smiled: "The devils are afraid that we will destroy the railway, so they will send armored vehicles to run on the railway at dawn every day, and then the passenger and freight trains will follow."

"Can you make them stop?"

Zhang Damin smiled bitterly: "Hasn't Company Commander Luo already dug up the railway embankment?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, not one of his subordinates could worry, so he thought for a while and asked, "Such a big thing happened, do you want to stay with us or stay?"

"Go with you? Hehe, it's boring. You will tie me up later."

"If the devil suspects, you may lose your life."

Zhang Damin shook his head: "The little devil is short of people, he has nothing to do with us"

"Okay then, be careful then."

"Hehe, although our camps are different, we have the same goal. I suggest that you should withdraw now."

Ma Liang next to him interjected: "The train overturned, it would be a pity not to kill a few devils."

"You'd better get rid of this idea. As for the guys on you, it may be okay to fight against the devil's armored vehicle patrol car, but you have to face the devil's armored train. Yu Ting, six mountain guns and two heavy guns. When armored trains patrol, there will usually be armored patrol cars in front of them to clear the way, and their speed will not be very fast. Even if you dig the roadbed, you will at most let the front The armored patrol car just derailed."

The group of people could not help but gasp.

Unexpectedly, after a whole night of tossing and taking down the train station, I realized that there was still nothing I could do about the devil's armored train.

Zhang Damin added: "Without heavy firepower or a large amount of explosives, the idea of ​​attacking an armored train is purely courting death!"

Ma Liang tore off the map that was hung on the wall after Second Lieutenant Guizi came back, handed it to the soldier next to him to fold it, and walked up to Zhang Damin: "Can you make more cluster grenades?"

"Of course!" Zhang Damin smiled: "However, you can hear it."

Hu Yi nodded beside him: "It's really useless, unless there are explosives."

Luo Fugui looked at the soldier who was putting stones on the dirty quilt, and couldn't help but sigh: "This thing. His grandma is really evil, even a grenade can't help him."

Wan Baxi yawned: "Hey, I have to find a way to get some explosives from that turtle son surnamed Zhang, and blow up the devil's train directly to the sky!"

"Blow up to the sky?" Luo Fugui's eyes widened: "How much explosives do you need?"

"I heard that there is a kind of high-explosive one, which is so powerful that ten catties can overturn a bridge."

"Forget it, but the surname Zhang clearly looks down on us."

"It's not his fault. These days, as long as you get involved with us, you may lose your head at any time."

"His grandma's dog looks down on people, so it doesn't fall into our hands?"

"I said, it's almost dawn, we've captured two groups of patrols, it's useless to stay here any longer"

"Then let's go and find Boss Hu."

Tian Sanqi, who was carrying a sharp rifle and a dazzling bayonet, stood in front of Hu Yi: "Hey."

Before Hu Yi could speak, a voice beside him teased lazily: "Grandma, I really thought you ran away with Gao Yidao."



The morning sun gradually illuminates the land of the plain.

The sky turns from white to red.

The station is reflected in the morning glow, indicating that today is another good weather.

Unfortunately, rain should be called good weather.

The station had already returned to calm, and the phone rang non-stop, but unfortunately, no one answered it.

On the railway, a patrol slowly swayed towards the station.

The soldiers who had worked hard all night turned their heads to look in the direction of the train station.

The rising sun is hope.

"Why don't you let me take that phone away?"

"If the phone is taken away, the little devil must not send a patrol team over first?"

"Everyone is tied up by us, so they can't answer the phone?"

"I told you that the devil patrol team will come at dawn, and they will be released, and then the staff at the train station will make two more safety calls. The little devil's train has been stopped in the middle of the night, so he has to hurry up. come over?"

"so troublesome"

"Ge Laozi, it's up to you to ask yourself, okay?"

On the railway to the north of the station.

The first armored car with four iron wheels rushed out of the rails, fell down and rolled over with a bang, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

The armored train following behind slammed on the brakes, and stopped slowly amidst the harsh metal friction sound.

The soldiers reflected in the morning glow were a little disappointed. The legendary train overturned situation was not seen.

It's seven or eight miles away, and it's covered by a station building, so where can I see it!
The vanguard walking in the front suddenly waved his hands.

The observers in the team behind immediately roared: "There is a situation!"

The dispirited soldiers who hadn't slept all night fell to the ground with a crash.

A team of more than ten people came down from the mountain, looking for cover even more awkwardly.

Branches were still wrapped around the dark green helmet.

Hu Yi held up his binoculars and looked towards the mountainside from a distance.

After a while, I finally saw clearly, the dark green military uniform.

hell, central army
Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, mantissa 5031, Su people read books, angry 尐, mantissa 3962 brothers for giving rewards, thanks to brothers who voted for recommendations every day, thanked deserters who voted for monthly votes, desperately trying to add an update.

There is a preview of the next episode in the comments.

 Regarding the terrain, there is a mountainous area (National Army defense area) not far to the west of Changgou Railway Station south of Tangyin.

  Forecast: 1. The battle between the national army and the advance team is about to kick off. This is the key point.

  2. Who is Secretary Zhao, please don't pursue it.

  3. The big operation is to transport the gold team to cross the border and leave it to Su Qing.

  4. The political commissar of the division went to Hua County for research in June, and everyone has the final say on whether to write this.

  5. Because when I first wrote the first two hundred chapters, it was just for the sake of nausea, so it was very watery, and it is being revised. Brothers who read the original version can see the revised version. By the way, deserters are welcome to give advice.

(End of this chapter)

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