under fire

Chapter 957

Chapter 957
The middle-aged man patted the ashes on his hands and walked around the pot.

I received countless blank stares: Can't you go to the side to take pictures?

It's very impolite to wait around other people's pots for food.

But everyone's eyes were on the big iron pot.

Even the black-faced old Qin's eyes became gentle when he saw the fire burning by the stove
The superior has been emphasizing frugality, and eating meat is obviously against the spirit of the superior. The middle-aged man looked at Su Qing: "Hey, I said Captain Su, who are you?"

Su Qing's face remained unchanged: "A few pigs were seized from the enemy a few days ago, you came from a long way, just in time, let's have dinner with you."

"The common people starve to death countless times, it's not good to do this."

"Don't worry, the superior has approved this matter."

"Approved by superiors?" The middle-aged man suddenly realized that something was wrong, it should be specially prepared for them by the independent group!

Thinking of this, I immediately shook my head: "We can't eat it!"

"Don't worry, the people nearby also have a share..."

Lao Zhou, who left from the pot, warmly greeted the team to sit down on the spot: "Why are you so polite? You have traveled so far, we can still afford this meal."

run so far?The middle-aged man's eyes became sharp, and he looked at Su Qing and lowered his voice: "Do you know our mission?"

Su Qing said calmly: "You should know that most of the routine information in the Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area enters the mountains through us, and everyone is a person who understands..."

"Do you know Chief Lin?" The middle-aged man lowered his voice.

"Sorry, I can't answer your question." Su Qing was startled.

"Then I won't be polite." The middle-aged man nodded, sat down at the table brought out by the puppet army, picked up the bowl just out of the pot, no matter whether the chopsticks were clean, a few pieces of meat went straight into his stomach: "I haven't eaten meat for a long time It’s even more comfortable than the Chinese New Year meal!”

"Don't worry, there are more, just enough." Lao Qin patted the ashes on his hands.

"You can play better than me, I can eat a whole pot by myself!"

"Two more mo" Pang Lao Zhou put a basket on the table.

"It seems that the development of your base area has come a long way ahead of us, so you have to teach us some experience."

Old Zhou babbled: "Nowadays it doesn't rain, everyone is opening up wasteland at the foot of the mountain where there is water, and they can grow some crops... If you want to eat meat, you have to find devils!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man raised his finger to the man who was squatting by the turret, drinking broth and talking birdsong, and asked, "Devils? Who are they?"

This is a secret, Lao Zhou didn't speak, and turned to look at Su Qing at the table.

In the division, the Volunteer Army is not a secret, and the division has to publicize it on a large scale.

Su Qing thought for a while: "This is the Chaoguo Volunteer Army, the pork... It was originally drawn to them by the superiors, you are lucky."

"So I'm so lucky?" The middle-aged man laughed at himself and fumbled in his pocket: "I didn't bring any money."

Lao Qin was speechless. "Look at what you said. If we take your money, how will we see people in the future?"

"What's your name?"

"The acting instructor of the Nine Camps called me Lao Qin."

"Ninth Battalion? Uh, except for your battalion commander, almost all of you are here. It seems that this gun tower has really been taken?"

Su Qing put down the soup bowl and explained: "The devils are short of troops, and the defenders of the artillery towers are the puppet soldiers of the North Korean army who were forced by the devils. The superior An Yiyongjun persuaded them to surrender, and successfully took down several artillery towers."

"I see. It seems that this blockhouse was really opened by your family." The middle-aged man joked.

"On the surface, they continued to guard the gun towers, secretly making it easier for materials entering the mountain to pass through the blockade."

The middle-aged man said with emotion: "It used to take ten days and a half months to cross Pinghan Road to enter the mountain. Last night, I walked more than half of it. I was wondering why the underground traffic line suddenly became smooth."

"We have received news that a large number of people from the Devil's Intelligence Department are operating on the plains, and the superior judged that their target is probably you." Su Qing paused after saying this: "The task you perform is important, and the division is given to you The horses are ready."

In fact, in order to allow them to pass through the enemy-occupied area smoothly, the division even borrowed troops from the independent regiment to attack the front station in the east and west when the troops were insufficient.

Su Qing knew that no one in the independent group knew about it except the head and political commissar.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Hey, now the devils are sweeping up the friendly army on a large scale. The enemy's report said that the friendly army is likely to be ordered to surrender to the enemy and turn their guns against you..."

Su Qing nodded: "Our department has prepared a plan. If the friendly army is committed to resisting the Japanese, we will support him. If anyone joins the enemy and becomes a minion, we will destroy him!"

"At this time, the reactionaries are still playing tricks. It seems that the situation on your side is even more complicated." The middle-aged man slapped the table: "The development base of the independent group is good. If there is a chance, I will definitely meet your group." long!"

"You guys are doing a good job, too."

was praised for?The middle-aged man was a little dumbfounded: "We seem to be complimenting each other? The Eighth Route Army doesn't like this. By the way, is there a radio station?"

Su Qing shook his head: "The C-type regiment of the Independent Regiment has no radio station. Why do you ask this?"

"I have to report to my superiors that I'm safe."

Su Qing nodded: "I'll take you to the gun tower in a while, and call Qianzhi directly. There is a radio station in Qianzhi. If it meets the regulations, it should be forwarded."

"What? You still have a phone? Front finger? Where is it?"

Facing a series of questions, Su Qing shook her head: "Sorry, I have no comment!"

This is called impact. The middle-aged man was completely convinced and shook his head: "I am a commanding officer, and I am so ashamed and humiliated."

The captain next to the middle-aged man shook his head and touched the middle-aged man's forehead: "I said, are you drunk? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Get out, it seems that we have to re-evaluate the situation between us and the enemy." Turning around and seeing Su Qing who was next to him seemed to be hesitating, he quickly explained: "Hey, I said little comrade, what I said just now means that we are overestimated Little devil! Hehe, it’s a short distance of two thousand miles, and it’s been a month!"

You said this like a sea of ​​clouds and mountains, my commander?Su Qing was startled, and immediately understood that this person had an unusual identity: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Hey, look, when we left the mountain to the east in the early years, your independent regiment only had three companies, right? At that time, as soon as the enemy arrived, you had to leave the ruined temple and run away. Now it has developed into the plains , I heard from Secretary Zhao yesterday that you posted well, but I didn’t believe it at first.”

Lao Qin understood that the person in front of him was unusual, but he really couldn't understand: "Chief, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Hey, the strength of the little devil is declining now. This time I go back to the meeting. I have to prepare well so that some people who just want to keep their strength and secretly develop their bases will change their views on the current situation between the enemy and us."

Talk to smart people all the time!

The middle-aged man didn't say any more, and followed Su Qing into the blockhouse.

Soon, including Su Qing, all the people in the blockhouse were invited out.

Not long after, the guard poked his head out: "Captain Su, please answer the phone."

Su Qing walked into the blockhouse, hesitated for a moment, took the microphone from the middle-aged man: "Hello"

Su Qing stood at attention suddenly, raising her voice an octave: "Good morning, political commissar."



"Resolutely complete the task."

The middle-aged man snatched the phone: "Haha, let me tell you, we haven't seen each other for many years, I'll come to the wine station to find you, and you have the wine ready for me."

Su Qing's fair face flushed slightly, the person who answered the phone was not Commissar Ding!

The last time she was investigated, if the political commissar hadn't spoken, she might still be working in a civilian unit in the division now.

It may be the Women's Federation, or it may be a clothing factory, or it may be transferred to a remote place to do local work!
 * There were simultaneous frictions between the Fifteenth Division and the Shandong Column, between the main force and the local troops, between army cadres and local cadres, between the Eighth Route Army and the regular troops of the national army.

(End of this chapter)

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