under fire

Chapter 958

Chapter 958
Eight Mile Camp.

Teams of devils and puppet troops tossed back and forth, almost turning the town upside down, but still found nothing!
The ghost lieutenant with a dark face stood opposite the leader of Zhan Zhan Jing's traitor, Wu Hexiu, on the hole in the west gate of the town.

The lieutenant looked angry: "These rats must still be in town."

Wu Hexiu, the dog traitor, quickly put on a smiling face: "You can rest assured, as long as they are still in town, I will definitely catch them!"

Don't worry?
"Hehe." The lieutenant took a look at this man, really thinking that he didn't understand Chinese?It seems that this loyalty is not very reliable.

On the road outside the town, the horn of the car that came to pick them up blew three more times.

"Shigenobu's judgment is really accurate." Second lieutenant Guizi ran up the tower quickly, bowed in front of the lieutenant, and said, "The warriors have all boarded the car."

"Let's go!" The lieutenant no longer hesitated, turned and walked down the city gate: "I didn't catch a few insignificant mice, and it's getting more and more interesting."

Quickly drilled out of the city gate and got into the cabs of the cars that had started.

The wheels of the car began to turn slowly, and in the carriage, the exhausted devils swayed to and fro and slept next to each other.

Looking at the convoy going away, Wu Hexiu spat hard on the ground: "Damn you bastard..."

He let out a long sigh of relief. He lost his army yesterday, and just after the telephone line was repaired in the middle of the night, he received a call from his father. Although the elder brother strictly banned smoking in the jurisdiction, he did not prohibit the business of tobacco and soil.

It is obviously a sad thing to fight the dead, and the eight roads are too abominable, kill or bury!So many people who have lost their lives have to be buried, and the settlement allowance and pension are indispensable, and money is needed for everything, who would work hard without money?Therefore, business must be done.

At dawn, these devils who came out of nowhere suddenly surrounded the town, and then searched the town all morning!
As for who they're after... Dog Traitors have been in the dark until now.

I only know to find three men and one woman...

The less trouble, the better!
A crack in the wall on the side of the street, a pair of big eyes were looking at the puppet soldiers coming and going on the street through the crack.

The walls are laminated.

Shi Cheng emptied half of the pot of water in one breath and belched.

Li Xiaolian looked away from the crack in the wall, a little dissatisfied: "Can you save it?"

Shi Chengruo looked out nonchalantly: "Either fill the kettle full, or empty it"


"Because it will beep when the half-pot of water is halfway."

Hurrah... There was a sound of footsteps in the street.

A certain cricket's footsteps stopped when it came to the crack of the wall, and a voice seemed to be talking to itself: "The devil is gone, you can leave when it gets dark."

"You find a way to prepare four more bicycles for us."

"Hehe, if I can get four bicycles, I still need to be a puppet army with the surname Wu"

"Then you arrange for us to leave now."

"I said Senior Sister, how can I have that ability?"

"How did you swear to the Celestial Master?"

"Okay, I'm leaning against the wall now, you can stab me."

"You bastard..."

"It's strange that the security forces are lifting their guards... Wait, the opportunity has come. The Wu family's caravan escorted a batch of goods out of the west gate. There are six bicycles in the escort team. With your skills, you can go over the wall separately from the north. It should be no problem…"

After half an hour.

Five people appeared outside the town, and Li Xiaolian rolled her eyes: "In the future, you'd better not mess with these traitors!"

A man in his thirties frowned: "I'll send you here, be careful, I'm going back..."

"You still go back to work with that traitor!"

The man looked lonely: "I won't go back... Will my whole family starve to death?"

Li Xiaolian said suddenly: "Hey, I heard that you participated in the Eighth Route before."

"So what?" The man stopped here, thinking about the past. A few years ago, he was also an eight-way man. Although he was poor, he could see hope. There is no hope, thinking of this, he said: "The surname Wu is going to join the devils, and those of us who are small soldiers have no choice but to survive."

Shi Cheng's eyes lit up next to him: "Hey, do you still want to be the Eighth Route?"

"Of course I do, Balu really thinks for the common people." The man suddenly became vigilant: "What do you mean?"

"That. I'm Balu!"

The man smiled sinisterly: "Tch, if the senior sister was not here today, I would arrest you now to claim ten oceans."

"How can you be like this? Fighting against Eighth Road will not end well."

"Hey, Senior Sister, yesterday you sent someone to send a message saying that Eight Routes killed Senior Uncle?"

Shi Cheng was taken aback, and quickly explained: "There was a misunderstanding, and it was the reactionaries who did it."

Li Xiaolian shook her head: "It was the hands of the Rangers, the second senior brother was seriously injured, these devils killed all our relatives, this hatred is irreconcilable"

The middle-aged man had a dark face: "I told the second senior brother before, don't get too close to those people, he still doesn't believe it, why did he provoke devils again?"

"It's a long story. Take some time to go to Baidaomen to help take care of my father's funeral."

The man was startled: "What do you want to do?"

"Even if these little devils go to the ends of the earth, I will find them out!"


Changgou Station.

The steam locomotive panted heavily, and a military column slowly stopped.

A group of devils jumped out of the carriage and carried the wooden box down.

The coolies at the station were driven away, so they didn't get the job of moving goods.

Two men in black walked out of the station.

Shigenobu looked at the skull logo on the box and frowned and asked, "Is it useful?"

The lame officer next to him smiled: "In the mountains, you are likely to encounter some difficulties that you cannot conquer with your body, and it will help you remove all obstacles."

"Well, thank you for your kindness."

"You don't have to thank me, this is the latest flamethrower from the Empire... Now the weather is dry, if used properly, it can reach a small team... If it weren't for my legs, we might still be able to fight side by side."

"Hehe, thank you very much for telling me so much information about the mountains."

"It's the only value I can still have."

"No, as an instructor, you can go to the intelligence department and continue to serve the empire."

"I want to ask you to take care of something"

Shigenobu was stunned for a moment: "Please tell me."

"There is a little girl in the eight roads, if you catch her, I hope you can give her to me..."

"Do you have a photo?"

"No, only portraits!" Kamikawa Chiba carefully took out a piece of paper.

Shigenobu looked at the portrait of the two braids on his head: "It's so small, you..."

"Don't get it wrong, if there are no accidents, she should be the legendary Yizhimei!"

"Well, it's getting more and more interesting..."

"Hehe, Shigenobu-kun, I wish you all the best." After Uekawa finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the train. The two devils above stretched out their hands to pull him. He pushed away the devil's hands, grabbed the edge of the carriage, and flipped inside quickly.

Bang Dang, the carriage door closed.

Phew. Pfft. The train wheels turned slowly.

deserted village.

A group of people dressed in various styles were lying or squatting on the roof, basking in the sun.

There was silence all around.

A man in black couldn't help muttering: "Brother, will they go this way?"

The horse-faced man with two guns stuck in his waist had a dark face: "How many times have I told you, the first thing to do is to be calm"

"Didn't you just say that the first thing to do is to be bold and dark?"

"Just now, now is now"

A gray-clothed man next to him suddenly yelled strangely: "Here we come."

After a commotion, more than a dozen people with guns on their backs and knives wrapped in white scarves emerged from the village.

The horse-faced man stood on the roof, proudly yelling at the people below: "Brothers, the guy surnamed Wu has made a lot of money in the past two years, let's do his job, and he will have nothing to worry about in the future."

Several bandits immediately booed: "I don't worry about food and clothing."

"Can marry a wife"

"Hey, I heard that this batch of goods was requested by Head Wang of Beibian County. Didn't we offend both sides by doing this?"

"You know what, we pretended to be guerrillas of the national army, who knew we did it? I'm ugly, if the word leaks out, don't blame me for killing his whole family and prying his [-]th generation ancestral grave."

Bandits continued to emerge from every corner of the village.

The leader of his subordinates followed arrogantly: "That's right, everyone has taken advantage of it. If anyone talks nonsense, I will be the first to spare him!"

"Hey, there are quite a few of them, can we beat them?"

"Hey, the guerrillas just had a big fight with them yesterday, maybe they ran away as soon as the gun was fired."

"That's not right, the Eighth Route fought with them yesterday, why don't we pretend to be the Eighth Route guerrillas."

"What do you know, how can the Three Guns and the Eighth Route Army compare with us? We have many gunmen, and anyone with a discerning eye will know that we are not the Eighth Route Army! Besides, that baby Wu himself is from the Eighth Route Army. If we inquire about it, won't we be exposed?"

"Brother is still considerate..."

"It makes sense"

"Listen to my order in a while. As soon as my gun is fired, everyone will surround them and beat them to death. If no one is left alive, the dead will have to be stabbed twice."

"it is good"

"Brother, it's not easy to survive, this surnamed Wu has a lot of people under him..."

"So what if there are many others, I just need to have more people than him now!"

(End of this chapter)

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