under fire

Chapter 959

Chapter 959

After eating half a lunch box of porridge with meat and eating two steamed buns, Li Laosan was sitting quietly on the edge of the cliff.

He stared blankly at the bushes quietly turning green on the opposite mountain wall, and the even breathing of the juniors beside him was carried away by the mountain wind.

After living for 19 years, this is not the first time he has left his hometown, but he never expected that in just two days, he would follow the Eighth Route, who was almost a sworn enemy, into the mountain.

According to the old family, the current situation should be the word-of-mouth saying that going up the mountain is a bandit, or falling into the grass is a bandit?
Until now, I still feel excited!

He even had the chance to deal with the most powerful oriental devils on the plain!He even cut off a devil's head with his own hands, even the devil's wounded soldier who was killed bravely under the dirty face that hadn't been washed for thousands of years...

This bull can definitely blow for a lifetime...

When I used to take the train, I was used to being yelled at by people.

The railway policemen check their documents, check and salute rudely, and even be forcibly demanded by the railway policemen for money and goods.

But now, looking at the puppet soldiers guarding the station with guns, the puppet soldiers who have always been gods and blessings knelt on the ground and shivered
It didn't look pleasing to the eye and poked it directly.

It feels good to be called the eighth master.

That eight-way marksmanship named Tang Dagou is really good, every shot makes a hole, so you have to learn from him.

Mancang's little machine gun was really smooth, and he went down with a shuttle, regardless of whether you are a devil or a puppet army, they all died, although many people were still stabbed to death by bayonets in the end.

That guy named Li Xiang could know how to shoot artillery. Everyone said that the discipline of the soldiers was strict, and he was not allowed to be allowed to do this.

He couldn't help touching the shell gun on his waist again, it was even better than the guy on the waist of Company Commander Wu of the Security Force in the town.

Although the rifle on his back is quite old, according to the big dog, it's accurate enough. There must be three or four devils and puppet soldiers who died here, right?

If it is empty, sharpen the bayonet.

Little Junior Sister is not simple, she can shoot guns and throw grenades, she looks harmless to humans and animals, she is definitely a ruthless character, and she will practice three moves and two styles in the future
Thinking wrongly, she seemed to be doing well in the Eight Routes like that, not at all what she said was working as a coolie in the Eight Routes.

It seemed that even Commander Hu, who was as cold as a stone, had to give her face!
It seems good to be a soldier and eat imperial food.

So far, he didn't feel the heart palpitations that those new recruits felt after killing the enemy.
Born to be a soldier.
A group of soldiers of the national army walked down the mountain path slowly, with the front ones carrying food on their shoulders, the two behind them also carrying two boxes, and a sickly middle-aged man followed at the end.

Guo Tiezhu walked up to the old gangster Qi and cupped his hands: "Uncle Qi, brother, I have nothing else. I squeezed out some food, a box of grenades, and a box of bullets with [-] rounds. Please accept it."

"They are all my brothers, and I am not polite. If you have any difficulties in the future, ask someone to send a letter. The brother who can do it will definitely do it, and the brother who can't do it will help you find a way." After the old bandit Qi finished, he was proud Looking at Hu Yi who was sitting next to him wearing leggings, he turned his head and told Li Laosan who was thinking about life next to him: "Hurry up and pick up things!"

He was captured by the Ninth Battalion. He was two days ahead of the Daomen's Ninth Battalion, and directly instigated the next younger brother.

How could Guo Tiezhu think so many ways: "Hey, brothers all want to know how the other brothers in the guard are doing now."

Hu Yi, who was wearing leggings next to him, was taken aback. He also wanted to know.

"Hey, the brothers are all accompanying the young marshal, and live in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers. The cigarettes that the young marshal now smokes are all 100 yuan a pack. Don't worry, everyone."

Guo Tiezhu was overjoyed: "Then we can rest assured, after the little devil is beaten away, everyone will go to pick up the young commander."

Hu Yi heard black lines all over his head, isn't this what was published in the newspaper?
Even in the mountains, Guo Tiezhu should know about this.
But for Guo Tiezhu, this matter is not ordinary, what the newspaper said is likely to be rigged by the murderer, but hearing what the old bandit said with his own ears, the feeling is completely different.

The two chattered for a long time.

Hu Yi was bored, put on his leggings, and said calmly: "Let's go."

Guo Tiezhu was also unambiguous: "Since you have something to do, I won't force you to stay, brother. There are many forks in the mountain roads here, so it's not easy to walk. I will arrange two brothers to lead the way for you, and by the way, carry Big Brother Qi for me. A heartfelt brother."

The old gangster Qi clasped his fists: "There will be a period later."

The team slowly circled to the west halfway up the mountain.

When he couldn't see any more people, Guo Tiezhu's face changed suddenly, and he told the two subordinates next to him: "You follow up later, and you must find out where they are staying."

A middle-aged man walked out of the team: "I can confirm that the dagger belongs to the guards, but there is no one named Qi in the guards."

"Perhaps he joined later."

"Hehe, how could the members of the Young Marshal's guard leave the Young Marshal?"

"Should we send someone to destroy them?" Guo Tiezhu couldn't help but feel a little moved when he thought that these Tuba roads were still carrying dozens of bicycles.

"No, I think of someone."


"The one named Hu."

"That guy with a dead face?"

"Yes, that guy seems to be from the [-]th Machine Gun Battalion."

"When I first met him, he said that he had voted for Eight Routes as a staff officer."

"Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations. They and the rest of them are all dead. Let's let them go this time."

"Should I arrest him and ask about [-]?"

"No, everyone knows about them."

"The officers have said that as long as the [-] people are alive, even if they voted for the devils, their lives must be saved."

"A division is basically out, it's no wonder they."

"Okay, although we live in the cracks, it's better than them without parents and mothers."

"That's why you sent them the ammo?"

"Hehe, I didn't send it. I will hold a drill tomorrow and report the consumption of ammunition."

A figure ran up the mountain road in the east: "Report. Tuan Zuo"

"what's up?"

"Uh, Yu Jingsan sent someone to deliver the goods to the commander again."

"The same is true for the commander, but it happened to be stained with heavy smoke. Just accept the goods, and don't make a fuss for everyone to know."

"Hey, there is no one else here."

"What about them?"

"It's right behind. Well, there."

"The leader waved his hand to Guo Tiezhu: "You handle this matter.

After finishing speaking, he turned to walk up the cottage.

Two black-faced young men stood in front of Guo Tiezhu with red faces, and one of them cupped his hands: "Director Guo, please stay safe."

"Hehe, who is this?"

"Uh, this is Brother Gao."

"Didn't you just deliver a batch a few days ago, why are you here again today?"

"This is a new product. Shopkeeper Yu told me that it must be delivered by hand."

"Okay then, I still have something to do, so walk carefully by yourself.

Watching the two leave, the soldier next to him who was going to chase after the Ninth Battalion hurriedly asked, "Director, should we follow the Eighth Route?"

"Forget it, we've already gone to the two brothers." Guo Tiezhu had a weird smile on his face: "These two guys, it's best to fall into the hands of Ba Lu."

"Ah, but, if the Commander runs out of cigarettes, blame him."

"What's so strange? Can he die if he doesn't smoke for a day?" Guo Tiezhu didn't take it seriously at all: "This dog surnamed Yu borrowed our road to transport the smoke and soil to the west, and he ran more and more frequently. Hehe, one day I free my hand and grab him."

"However, he paid us the road money every time."

"You know what a fart, how much is that? He eats meat and I drink porridge?"

A soldier looked at Director Guo: "I said, is it because these two guys didn't honor you today?"


The soldier who reported the letter next to him quickly took out a thick stack of tickets from his pocket: "I'm not that long-eyed character, there are a lot of people here, he gave it to me earlier, saying that it was for my brother to buy cigarettes and smoke." drink."

Guo Tiezhu took it: "If we weren't really poor, who would want to do these immoral things."

"That's right, that guy surnamed Jiang wants us to contribute, but he doesn't give us any money. I stay in the mountains every day, and I don't see the smell of meat for ten and a half months."

"Come on, we can still eat white flour steamed buns, unlike those eight-way people who eat twice a day and are full of porridge with wild vegetables."

"That's right, the guy surnamed Hu didn't know if his brain was trapped by the door, but he threw himself into the eighth lane. Just thinking about that congee makes me want to vomit."

Guo Tiezhu suddenly said: "Did they say when the goods will cross the border?"

"It said it was after dark today."

"Crossing mountains and mountains in the middle of the night. These guys are really not afraid of death in order to make money for the country."

"Hey, don't we just make a small fortune along with it? This time, can you let the brothers go down the mountain to have some fun?"

"Okay, you can go to the head of the group and get a warrant."

"Look for the head of the regiment, why don't he shoot me on the spot?"

"That's right, Director, I won't take you to play like this."

"Get out now"

Several soldiers finally fled.

Li Laosan didn't carry the food, and fell at the back of the team to act as a guard for the rear team.

Hey, big dog, how much do you get paid a month as an eight-way street?

The big dog froze for a moment, that’s right, it’s been a long time since I’ve been paid
(End of this chapter)

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