under fire

Chapter 960 The mind of the robber

Chapter 960 The mind of the robber

On the desolate road, the bicycle creaked westward, followed by three mule-drawn wagons.

The leading mule cart was pulling the goods, and the two mule carts behind each had seven people sitting there, no more than twenty.

Along the way, they talked enthusiastically about how the security forces showed great power yesterday and defeated the guerrillas in one fell swoop. The guerrillas all ran eastward, passing dilapidated villages from time to time, and greeting the security forces stationed along the way.

Walking in the model law and order area in broad daylight, there is no need to worry about small thieves daring to come out and cause trouble.

People have no windfalls to get rich, horses have no night grass to be fat, and in troubled times, life is like a mustard, but there are blind people who want to gamble. The robbers composed of idle hooligans, bandits, bullies, and scoundrels, although they can't talk about fighting power, people make money. Dead birds die for food, and once they succeed, they will be able to eat and drink without worrying about food, and even salted fish will turn over.

The man with the dead bird turned to the sky, and the man with the horse face showed a ferocious face, and he cheered up his subordinates from time to time: "Today is the time for the brothers to stand up. When they get close, I will throw a grenade to kill them first, and then everyone will open fire together."

This has been done more or less in the past, but this time the target is the Wu family caravan. If the news leaks out, they will either die or die.

The robbers ambushing on the side of the road began to feel nervous.

Fortunately, there is an internal response this time, and the delivery route and time have been made clear.

The cargo team that was supposed to show up last night didn't show up until noon the next day.

The horse-faced man is also very helpless, the gangsters' den has long been closed, so many brothers have already come, if they don't do this, they won't even have food to go back, maybe they will starve to death here.

If you don't do it, you have to do it!If you come by surprise, there is still a great chance of success!

Ma Lian had previously let go of the guerrillas who were ambushing ambushes twice, and this time the ambush directly followed the example... copy it.

The guerrillas are strictly controlled, so how can I be happy doing it alone? Unfortunately, this world is not peaceful. Rich families have high walls and protected courtyards. .
It's a real failure to be a man, being a bandit is so happy that you don't even have anything to eat!

As for this time, it was the idea of ​​some nimble subordinates. Since those big players are not easy to fight, then they will be robbed.

Anyway, everyone is a robbery, so just make a big one, one that can be eaten for three years at a time!

As for the fact that it is not easy to run after the robbery in broad daylight, the brothers are starving to death, so why not care so much.

On the east road, a few black figures appeared indistinctly, followed by three large vehicles, constantly approaching.

"Brother, here we come"

"You're the only one with eyes? Don't talk too much about your mother, just hide it now."

"It seems that there is trouble. There must be more than a dozen of them. Can we beat them?" The voice trembled with fear.

"You're just kidding around with grenades and guns. You son of a bitch told you to shut up, are you deaf?"

"Put your crows down, you're so fucking calm!" the horse-faced man urged again, his heart pounding out of the horse's mouth.

The convoy was more than a mile away, and the hearts of all the bandits were sweating.

Although he hadn't fought any decent battles, what he was holding was not a firestick.

Perhaps because of the sudden arrival of the devils, the time was delayed, and the speed of the car and the cart were not slow.

The horse-faced man shoved his fingers into the grenade and fire ring with trembling fingers.

I kept scolding the other party's ancestors in my heart, how could they be so divided, there were only two grenades in total, how could this be blown up?
The distance was less than 50 meters, and the pull ring was finally torn off, and the fuse squeaked.

He swung his arm round and threw the grenade out.

Turning his head and taking a look, the little leader of his subordinates didn't seem to throw it away at all, and secretly applauded in his heart, it seems that his subordinates are planning to blow up the cart behind!

The plainclothes team members who were advancing quickly to a distance of about 30 meters saw something whirling and smoking flying towards them. They didn't know that someone had thrown a grenade.

Terrified to death, he fell directly into a roadside ditch.

The one behind whose sight was blocked was about to sneer when an iron-wood guy hit him directly on the bridge of the nose
The handlebars were tilted twice, and he fell directly to the ground. Just then, seeing the smoking man in front of him, he was so frightened that he rolled and crawled to the side of the road.

There was a loud noise, and the grenade of unknown origin was obviously not made in the border area, and it exploded into pieces.

As soon as the traitors on the three bicycles behind put their feet on the ground, the shrapnel smashed into their bodies.

"Hit" the horse-faced man pulled out the only shell gun in the team, and fired at the traitor who fell on the side of the road.

Holding the old sleeve, the bird gun immediately emerged from the ditch and aimed at the target that was close at hand.

More than a dozen archers half leaned out, nodding their arrows and bending their bows into a full moon.
The three who had been bitten by the shrapnel received several bullets and dozens of iron sand before they could fall down.

The three who fell on the side of the road were even more unlucky, with arrows shot in their backs and faces.
The distance of nearly 30 meters is not small for this group of pure rabble robbers.

Although there was no one commanding the robbers who were showing off their momentum, the rifles shot forward, and the feathered arrows pierced people, and they were very busy pouring gunpowder into the gunpowder and stuffing iron sand.

The man next to him with a big knife screamed loudly and rushed out of the ditch and ran straight forward.

In less than a minute, the first six traitors screamed incessantly.
Including those injured by the grenade. It seems that one is not dead.
The three mule carts at the back finally stopped 50 meters away, and six of them jumped off each of the carts.

Hold the quick pull bolt of the rifle and shoot the gun.

Twelve people dared to attack because this batch of goods was really important.

The four black-clothed men who took out their shell guns lowered the nose of the machine and ran forward, firing while running. At this time, they didn't care whether they could hit the target.

The key is to see that the other party looks like a refugee dressed as a gangster, with only a dozen rifles, and only one shell gun, and the others are swords and bows!

Although the traitors are not strong in combat, even the Eighth Route Army guerrillas had to detour when they saw them on the plains, bullying these little thieves, there is no pressure at all!
Even if there are more people on the other side than on your side, in front of the gun, how many people are there for you?

If there are many people, it must be used, and the little devil has already been sent back to his hometown!

The people who were hiding in the ditch also gave up and rushed out.

The two sides approached and shot at each other
The gunshots were screaming, the bullets were roaring, and there was a puffing sound when they entered the flesh.

On the robber's side, guns, knives and bows were raised, and some people fell down.

Obviously, the traitors have the upper hand.

As the distance approached, the sound of the bowstring hummed incessantly.

A feathered arrow hit a traitor in the chest.

Immediately afterwards, another feathered arrow pierced the left eye of another traitor who was holding a pistol and was pressing bullets into the gun.

As soon as the horse's face hidden by one of his subordinates was pressed into the bullet, he raised his gun and shot at the traitor who charged too close.

Although the shell gun made by his Han factory in 16 years has long been worn out and inaccurate, the distance between the two sides is now less than ten meters.

Continuous fire knocked down three of the riflemen, and the gun was aimed again at the traitor who jumped into the roadside and was about to press bullets into the pistol.

The last bullet came out of the chamber and hit the unlucky guy smoothly.
The Broadsword Team ran the fastest and had already charged into the rest of the traitor crowd. The one who ran in the front raised his knife and cut off the traitor with the gun at his wrist.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the remaining few dared to pester them, so they turned around and ran back.

A robber panicked and fired a shot.
Unfortunately, he forgot to put iron sand
The four people left behind finally turned the mule cart around.

Start to run back slowly
Stabbing people with a big knife is actually not a good way. In the early spring, they are not wearing thin clothes, and they can’t stab them at all. If the head is cut off and the ground is not dead, he has to hide. If the knife is caught by a bone, he may have to kill himself The big knife hit a gap directly.
The one holding the bow and arrow came quickly, one arrow at a time, but it was also a pity that the wounded screamed even more horribly when the arrow was shot down.
People who have never been on the battlefield may shake their hands even if they want to kill a chicken. During the New Year's Day, three or five strong men who kill pigs have nothing to do with pigs. You can't really chop with a knife, can you?

After a while, the strange screams gradually decreased.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, his subordinates began to pick up guns, pull ammunition, and search the corpses. Ma Lian was so anxious that he pressed the last three bullets into the gun, and shouted to his subordinates: "Hurry up and chase the fleeing mule cart."

Listening to the gunshots from the west, Li Xiaolian frowned slightly: "Let's hurry up, let's take a detour."

Shi Cheng set up the awning: "How about, let's join in the fun."

(End of this chapter)

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