under fire

Chapter 962 Little things in the mountains

Chapter 962 Little things in the mountains
The mountain road is steep, going up and down from time to time.

middle of the line.

Xiao Hongying pulled the backpack of the soldier in front, and walked carefully on the mountain path that was only wide for one person.

From time to time, he turned around and muttered to Hu Yi behind him: "Fox, why don't you talk?"

Hu Yi's narrow eyes kept scanning the sides of the mountain road, as if he didn't listen to her.

"I think you're thinking too much. The Israeli army is different from the Eighth Route Army. It sticks to orders. We are developing base areas behind enemy lines. We have a mass base."

"En." Hu Yi didn't notice the little girl's words at all, which actually represented a very high level of consciousness, and the brows were still full of deep worry.

"Did you know that the friendly army lacks a mass base, so it lacks the most basic source of intelligence. What kind of goods are those rangers? They can't solve this problem, and sooner or later they will be defeated by the enemy one by one. Are you talking about it?

"Hey, are you thinking about vixen again?"

"Are you thinking about Aunt Zhou? What a trouble, you should squeak." Xiao Hongying suddenly stopped because the soldiers in front stopped.

Hu Yi directly bumped into it.

The little girl screamed strangely: "Hey, hey, dead fox, I said you really don't have long eyes?"

The news from the front came quickly: "There is a mountain wall ahead, and Company Commander Ma said, let's find a flat place to rest for a while and replenish our strength."

There are not many really flat places on the mountain road, all of which are reserved for the stretcher team carrying the wounded.

Fortunately, before departure, all the seriously wounded were handed over to the division and transferred away. The two dozen devils at the station, because they were all pretending to be devils, fought more and less, and the arrangement was proper. Three people were sacrificed and more than a dozen wounded. The battle damage was not great .

Since entering the mountain, everyone in the team has a different mood.

After winning battles in a row, after receiving the order to rest, he put down the bicycle and the burden on his shoulders, sat down and rubbed his shoulders and legs.

Talking and laughing heartlessly.

The most discussed topic among the veterans was bragging about how many devils they had eliminated and sharing the thrills of the battle.

As for the elimination of a few puppet troops, I can only get a hum from my comrades-in-arms when I say it.
Even though the recruits have personally participated in the battle, they still listen to it with gusto.

More people still feel heavy, and they can't hide the grief of the sacrifice of their close brothers.

I didn't close my eyes for almost a night. Since it was a temporary rest, most people didn't seem to feel too sleepy after sitting down.

Carrying a rifle and hanging a buckler, the people who had been looking forward to it, finally believed what Hu Yi said.

"The shell gun with a range of only 50 meters is really useless when facing the enemy head-on, or the rifle is more reliable." The shell gun was casually thrown aside by the veteran.

"That's right, when you're fighting, you're holding a rifle, and you're wearing a pistol around your waist that you can't even fire. It's completely cumbersome."

"That's right, it's hard to get rid of shelled bullets, and those puppet soldiers don't have many bullets on them."

The recruit next to him was convinced.

They have all been on the battlefield. During this period of time, the fighting intensity is very high, and they seldom fight against the enemy at close range. They all think so subconsciously.

The soldiers who had been looking forward to the husks no longer seemed to envy the squad leaders with husk guns hanging around their waists.

After all, although a shell gun is very cool, it can't kill the enemy. What's the use?
Besides, is it important for him to save his life if he pulls the wind again?
Another reason why soldiers are not interested in shelling is that shelling bullets are difficult to deal with.

It's no wonder that the little devil has seized a lot of shell guns, but he never equips the devil's soldiers!

Unknowingly, old and new soldiers began to align their equipment with devils and even friendly forces.

The battle process experienced each time is different, causing the soldiers to have different understandings of the battle.

"...on the battlefield, less burdensome, more flexible, and more chances when fleeing for your life." In the middle of the team, lying on a stretcher, Wanbai was teaching experience to the soldiers who were carrying the stretcher. .

All he suffered were skin injuries, the point is, he sprained his ankle.
The one who carried the stretcher for him was a recruit from Tiansanqi Company. Sitting next to Wan's thin head, he was not convinced at all: "Then why does our platoon company leader always emphasize the need to practice bayonet fighting?"

"When you have enough bullets, fighting with the enemy's bayonet is purely out of your mind." Wan Bass, who didn't know the details of the Nine Battalion, shook his head on the stretcher and glanced at the top of his head.

"I think what you said is wrong. If you are in a village yard or a small alley in a city, and the terrain is complex, bayonets and pistols are better than rifles."

"Well, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. In case the bullets run out, or the commander forcibly orders to stand firm regardless of the life and death of the soldiers, it can still come in handy at this time."

"Our battalion commander will not ignore our lives!"

"All right, all right, tell me first, when did you fight in the city?"

"Hey, I really haven't fought in the city, so that's all I'm saying, is it similar to street fighting in the village?" The soldier asked curiously.

"It's almost the same. The houses are densely packed in the city. You have to judge first. Those places are strategic places. Forget it, you country bumpkin, I don't bother to tell you."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I'm too lazy to listen." The soldier's saliva splashed all over his face when he spoke.

"Just talk about it" followed by another platoon leader carrying a stretcher, who was the first to fight through the county with Hu Yi
A group of veterans sat around Hu Yi, forming a group of their own, talking about different topics.

When the team is large, it is naturally divided into ranks, officers and soldiers are equal. Well, I was wrong.

"...Hey. The big eight-grain rifle of the friendly army is really good. You don't need to pull the bolt. If I can have one, I will take it to Meixian County tomorrow."

"Oh, what's the point of Duanxian County? If I have that gun, I'll go directly to destroy the devil's Anxian Airport."

"Look at you, you two idiots have never seen the devil's cannon."

The two recruits who brought water from the side eavesdropped on the old soldier's conversation, and asked their companions curiously: "Didn't we get two when we ambushed the little devil? Li Xiang even needs three people to carry that big guy on his back to walk, isn't it big enough? "

The person next to him muttered deeply: "I see, we dare not attack the devil's airport. I guess, the devils guarding the aircraft guns must be carrying cannons."

These words reached the ears of Hu Yi, who was sitting on the ground beside him, and almost swallowed water.

What crime did I do to bring out such a bunch of idiots.
It seems that the cultural learning of the soldiers must be strengthened, and the two hundred and five men under him must have a deeper understanding of the enemy's weapons and equipment.

When studying at the Anti-Japanese University, the instructors made sense. Efforts to improve the cultural level of the soldiers are actually the fastest way to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Even if the battle process is blown for three days and three nights, it will not be finished.

If we talk too much about the battle process, we will naturally talk about the comrades-in-arms who died heroically during the battle.

At the beginning, each of them tried to pretend that they didn't take the sacrifices of their comrades seriously. As a sob started, some people in the team began to call the names of the sacrificed comrades from time to time, telling each other about the good times of their comrades.

".Hmmmm. You idiot, we agreed to beat the little devil back to his hometown, so you just walked away. Hmmmm. Don't worry, I will be a machine gunner in the future. If I don't kill all those little devils, I will have no face to come to see you. .”

A recruit from the sub-division rolled down his face with tears, and murmured: "Yao, you can rest assured to accompany the patriarch. From now on, your wife will be my wife, your son will be my son, and your wife will be my wife." "

Next to him was a soldier from the division, who raised his hand and slapped the guy awake: "What are you talking about? You're thinking about Yao's mother-in-law, are you still human?"

The one who was beaten was not convinced: "When he left, there is no strong laborer in the family. The three generations of his family are all women and children, and they all have to starve to death. Or, you go to support his old mother and die? Raise his son."

"Uh, don't be ashamed of yourself here. Company Commander Ma has already said that we have a Women's Rescue Society at Eighth Road, and we will organize the masses to help each other with martyrs and military families. Yao's family is now a martyr, and his family's field has Eighth Road to help. There are still rations for a month”

Hu Yi quietly listened to the words of the recruits behind him.

When Lao Qin was not here, he occasionally heard about these things, but he never paid much attention to them.

He finally understood that the reason why the Eighth Route Army is equipped with instructors and battalion instructors is that in addition to fighting, there are more tasks to be done at ordinary times.

Whether it is the arrangement of the soldiers who have to be discharged after being injured, or the usual literacy education and ideological work for the soldiers, the workload is actually very heavy.

Although, Lao Qin's ideological education is not very reliable
"Report, I found two sneaky guys behind." Li Laosan rushed to Hu Yi from the crowded mountain road on the ground.

People can't help but gasp, there is a steep cliff next to it, and the cliff is more than ten meters high. Although it is a gentle slope, if you fall into the strange rocks and bushes, you will be disabled if you don't die.

And this one, among the densely packed crowd on the narrow mountain road, kept jumping and walking like the wind.

There was a lot of scolding.

This chapter is over.

A thousand days and nights, thank you brothers for your support and love.
Recommend a good friend's book on unstable balance, it is very good: "The Reckless Heroes of the Anti-Japanese War"

(End of this chapter)

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