under fire

Chapter 963

Chapter 963
It gets dark early in spring.

Well, it's not dark yet, but it's coming soon.

No one thought too much about the situation reported by Li Laosan, and the soldiers walked more and more easily.

According to the two friendly soldiers who carried the old Qi bandit, there was an old temple halfway up the mountain five miles ahead.

Just arrived at the camp early, and had a good night's sleep.

The broken Li Laosan and Tang Dagou were lying in the bushes.

The big dog held the binoculars he had borrowed from Luo Fugui and hadn't returned, and was looking down the mountain behind him.

Li Laosan looked bored: "Hey! Those two guys are still carrying bedding rolls. They are probably doing business. They should have just come over after we entered the mountain. What are you looking for? Let's go!"

Tang Dagou didn't immediately respond to Li Laosan's yelling, he lay down on the spot and continued to watch for a while, then got up: "It's a devil!"

"What?" Li Laosan next to him took the telescope and looked at it for a long time, still puzzled: "You mean those two guys?"

As he walked, the big dog put the binoculars returned by Li Laosan into his pocket: "How dare you watch our tails, and kill them later."

This made Li Laosan a little confused for a while. Although he doesn't understand military affairs, he still has basic analysis ability: "There are friendly troops stationed at the mountain pass. They must be inspected when they come over, right? There is no such thing as the road we are taking. Seeing a fork in the road, how could it be a devil?"

"I said he is, what the hell he is."

Li Laosan didn't understand why, so he stared: "Tell me about it."

The big dog stopped and looked back for a while: "Why don't you see them several times, stop and write something on the mountain wall?"

"What's so strange about this?" Li Laosan hurriedly threw away the stone flakes he was scratching on the mountain wall, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Didn't you notice they shit in the woods?"

"What does this mean? You've also shit on the side of the road, I said. Can you be quicker, mother-in-law and mother-in-law are endless"

"What the hell is one of them not wearing pants, with a loincloth on his ass!"

"What, what you said is true?" Li Laosan pulled out the big knife on his shoulder, froze for a moment, inserted the knife back, and pulled the rifle on his back: "If I don't kill them, their surname is not Li."

No one knows about devils wearing loincloths.

The big dog's dirty face that hasn't been washed in 800 years has rarely become serious: "Don't worry, Mr. Hu said that there are devils watching us. I didn't believe it before, but it seems that this is really what happened."

"The two devils dared to follow us into the mountain. It's not difficult to kill them. I can't figure out one thing. How did they pass the inspection of the Yamaguchi National Army?"

Li Laosan thought for a while: "It's easy to pass through the national army's defense line, just pay for it."

The big dog was stunned for a moment: "Impossible, the inspection is very strict."

"Hehe, then you see that they are strict with ordinary people, and you don't even know about this? You, a spy, seem to be at this level." Li Laosan sneered.

He dared to say that because the big dog was really nice to him!In just one day, the two actually started calling each other brothers.

The big dog treats him well because he thinks this guy has a personality similar to his dead brother: Lengtouqing!

Can work hard!

The big dog rarely cared about Li Laosan's ridicule: "I am a battlefield scout, who has nothing to play with those recruits who are standing guard and inspecting."

"Then you just watch here, I run fast, I'll report to Chief Hu first?"

"No, it's getting dark soon. The person who Ma Liang arranged to change the guard should wait for us in front and go back together."

In the dilapidated old temple, the cleaning soldiers made a mess of smoke.

Seeing Dagou and Li Laosan coming back, several backbones immediately surrounded them.

The big dog's eyes widened: "Hey, Mr. Hu."

Hu Yi sighed deeply: "What's the situation with those two people behind?"

"They are probably devils!"

"What did you say?" Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "Aren't they the people sent by the friendly army to follow me?"

"No, one of the last two is a devil." Tang Dagou said his guess.

Hu Yi felt that the matter was a little serious, and immediately said to Li Laosan next to him: "Go to the front quickly, let one of the two carrying the old bandit find a place to hide, and wait for the two behind to pass by his hiding place." , go back and report."

The big dog guessed: "Could it be that Guo Tiezhu and the others have voted for the devils?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "No, if they have defected to the enemy now, there is a shortage of manpower on the Devil's Plain, so it is impossible for them to live in this place where the birds don't shit. Besides, it is even more impossible for them to let us leave like this."

"What if they want to cast a long line to catch big fish?"

Ma Liang who was next to him interjected: "We are big fish! Last year, when we raided, the Eighth Route Army of the devils had already figured out all the garrisons. Their current target is the friendly army in the south."

The big dog continued: "I mean, what if it's the advancing team?"

"You don't even think about it, they paid such a high price to find us." Ma Liang was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that they really want to find out the secret service team?"

The big dog has now become an intelligence analysis expert: "Hehe, I think the possibility is very high."

In front of Hu Yi, Big Dog didn't even say a mantra.

He even began to follow Hu Yi's thinking to analyze, although the analysis was not in-depth.

But just because the big dog has no culture, he saw the direction right away.

Hu Yi judged for a while: "Since they can follow all the way, either there are spies in our team, or the little devil has extraordinary tracking ability."

"Will the spies be that old bandit Qi?" Tian Sanqi lowered his voice.

Ma Liang, who was next to him, immediately shook his head, and said in a low voice, "I think there should be no spies in the team, because the devils found our whereabouts in Baidaokou Town, and then chased us all the way. If the old bandit Qi was a spy, the devils would not go Baidaokou Town, but went directly to the south to join the devils and puppet troops in Baliying, and directly attacked us."

Luo Fugui said: "It's useless to say so much. If you arrest the two devils behind, won't you understand it at the first trial?"

"You can speak bird language?"

"Damn it, if they can pass the outpost at the friendly army's mountain pass, they will definitely speak our words."

"What are you mumbling about? I heard that the little devil's bones are extremely hard, and he won't say anything even if he dies." The old bandit Qi who was not far away shook his head with his ears pricked up.

Go, go, what's the matter with you?Tian Sanqi was upset.

Everyone discussed for a long time, but they were not sure whether to capture those two guys.

In the mountains, there was no difficulty in catching these two guys.

Just arrange a few people to hide by the side of the road, wait for the two to come over, and catch the turtle directly.

The old bandit Qi was not idle: "I said, are you stupid? Since the people were put into the mountain by our friendly army, wouldn't it be fine if we brought them to the friendly army?"

Luo Fugui's eyes lit up: "Dog eats dog! Hey, this is really a good idea."

The remaining friendly soldier who led the way had his face flushed, but unfortunately he was so soft-spoken that he couldn't get angry.

Tian Sanqi gave the prisoner a blank look: "Then how do we go back to the station?"

station?Old bandit Qi was stunned. I don't even know whether the door of your lair opens to the east or west. If you ask me about this, how do you answer it?
Ma Liang nodded instead: "If we can pass through the core defense zone of the friendly army, find a place to leave from another direction, and return to the garrison by taking a detour, I don't believe that his little devil has the ability to sneak into the core defense zone of the friendly army and find us."

The old bandit Qi continued to whisper: "Ma Liang is right, if you still can't get rid of these devils, I will take off the head now and use it as a chamber pot for you."

Tian Sanqi's face was dark: "I heard... your chest was injured? Can you lie there and be your audience?"

(End of this chapter)

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