under fire

Chapter 967 New 5th Army

Chapter 967

The team turned around a mountain pass again, and the continuous explosion of shells was faintly heard in the distance from the south to the north.

Even though he hadn't heard that characteristic roar for a long time, Hu Yi could still be sure that it was the sound of shells exploding from Type [-] infantry guns.

The team stopped in a mountain nest for a temporary rest.

Hu Yi frowned, held up the binoculars and turned it slowly. After looking for a long time, he saw gray-brown mountains and mountains, and he couldn't see anything.

He can be sure that it is definitely not the sound of a grenade exploding, most likely, although the Type [-] infantry artillery is firing.

The current location is within the friendly defense zone, but there is still a great risk. No one knows how long the friendly frontline troops can last!
As for Guo Tiezhu, Shankou's friendly army, Hu Yi felt that this man was unreliable. He was clearly the chief of military supplies but served as the commander!

Even if the chief officer of the army is not there, the person in charge of military supplies should not come to receive the Ninth Battalion. There must be a big problem in the process.

The matter of the friendly army, even if it is unreasonable, has nothing to do with him.

The one from Chongqing is really shameless, playing despicable and shameless tricks in private for his own selfishness.

What is the difference between going directly to the enemy without firing a single shot and the boneless Nanjing puppet government?
People always want face, and no one wants to be scolded by Chinese people.

At present, the two sides are still fighting, which shows that not everyone is willing to surrender to the enemy as a traitor.

At least one has to fight a bloody battle with the devils before surrendering. This process should take a long time, and it cannot be completely completed within ten days and a half month.

Therefore, there should be no risk for the time being if we continue westward.

It is necessary to leave the outer defense line of the friendly army as soon as possible and enter the rear deep defense zone as soon as possible!
Ma Liang next to him had already laid out a map. On the map, Taihang Mountain protruded nearly a hundred miles to the east, and the north and south sides of the mountain were hilly areas.

Ma Liang roughly drew two circles on the map: "Brother, the location of the explosion sound from the north should be the friendly army position that I saw when I came back from the friendly army exchange last time."

Hu Yi handed the telescope to the observer next to him, and turned his head: "The situation is not optimistic, we must leave here as soon as possible."

The strong wind whipped up yellowed dust everywhere, and the devils' heavy machine guns and mortar positions were noisy.

The battlefield stretched for dozens of miles, and the defending side confronted the attacking side through small hill positions one after another.

The shells continued to explode on the mountain, and before the smoke had time to spread, the new black smoke rose violently again, one after another, like covering the sky and the sun.

A little far behind, the devils were busy around the [-] infantry guns on the high ground near the gun emplacements, and the devil observers huddled obscenely behind the observation mirror, yelling loudly, trying to report the shooting parameters.

The devil who operated the gun kept adjusting the height angle, and [-]mm high-explosive shells were stuffed into the short barrel,

Boom. Boom. Boom.
The cannon body trembled as if it was about to jump up, and a cloud of smoke billowed out from the muzzle. Under the sun, it was impossible to see where the shells landed, and they didn't care about the shooting effect at all.

Scenes like this are everywhere.

There was no decent resistance on the other side. If it weren't for the resistance army taking advantage of their geographical advantages, they would have killed all those cowards long ago.

On the humble mountain bag.

Resistance Front Command.

Using the depression of the mountain, logs were built on the top surface, thick soil was laid, and camouflage nets were pulled around.

A large group of people surrounded a round-faced soldier under the age of 40 in a long gray trench coat.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, behind the round-faced soldier, a middle-aged man looked anxious: "Mr. Jing, you hurry back to the command post, as long as I'm here."

Master Jing put down the binoculars: "The devils are attacking fiercely, hold on for another day, and withdraw to the second line of defense tomorrow night."

"Teacher, don't worry, it will be fine for another three days..."

"Persist for three days? At that time, you will be the only commander left?"

"Hey, that's what I said, this little devil is really fucking pissy. Fortunately, our New Fifth Army is well prepared this time."

"How about the casualties?"

"Less than 200 died, more than [-] were slightly or seriously injured"

call out.
Gunpowder smoke and dust filled the headquarters in an instant, and another [-]mm high-explosive bomb exploded outside the headquarters.

Master Jing, who was thrown to the ground, got up and patted his dusty gray military uniform: "The little devils are really powerful in shelling, you have to be careful, as long as everyone's formation is not chaotic, they won't be able to fight for a while."

"Hurry up and go back, I'll call you if there's anything wrong." The head of the regiment who just got up from the ground fanned the air with his military cap, trying to see the situation of the headquarters clearly.

"I'll go to other positions to see, and I must remember to keep the phone open."

"There are people in the position, so don't worry," the head of the group hurriedly saluted and promised.

"Don't care about the temporary gain or loss of the position. If you can't do anything, immediately retreat to the west into the mountains. You have to understand the commander's temper. What he wants is for everyone to live, do you understand?"


Soon, Commander Jing led the guards and staff out of the headquarters, and rushed along the traffic trench filled with gunpowder smoke.

From time to time, shells exploded on the ground, setting off a burst of muddy rain, and a group of people with arms wrapped in white sleeves and faces as dirty as the bottom of a pot carried stretchers and ran in the traffic trench.


"Thanks for your hard work..." and "You must persevere." Master Jing yelled amidst the sound of gunfire, and continued to comfort the wounded on the stretcher.

A soldier rushed in front of Commander Jing, shouting loudly: "Report, the headquarters is sending an urgent call, ordering all departments to retreat immediately."

"What did you say?" Master Jing was stunned for a moment. It had only been three days since the battle started. At this time, he had already reached the foot of the mountain. If he retreated again, he would have to enter the mountain.

"The little devil has broken through the defense lines on both wings of our army, and the headquarters is arranging to transport strategic materials to the mountains."

"Okay, I understand, pass the order immediately." Master Jing nodded with a dark face.

It is not an easy task for tens of thousands of people to enter the mountain. Once the troops enter the mountain, they can only break up their defenses and are completely beaten.

And once the troops disperse, it will be very difficult to gather and fight out of the mountain.

call out.
A shell roared again.

The observer screamed strangely.

A splash of mud rain.

The medical soldier who was carrying the stretcher was raised high, and one arm was far away from his body. The medical soldier didn't even have time to snort and didn't move.

The people next to him quickly got up and stepped forward, threw the still alive person onto the stretcher, and ran back while bandaging.

On the front line of the position, a voice shouted hoarsely: "Brothers, hold on! The little devil is about to come up..."

Immediately afterwards, several Czechs began to emerge, firing fiercely outside the position, and in an instant, a machine gunner fell to the side.

The deputy shooter immediately stepped forward: "I'm fucking your ancestor, little devil, come on!"

Da da da.
At this time, there is no need for burst shooting at all, and the magazine is empty in a few seconds.

The deputy shooter pulled the machine gun back into the trench, took the magazine handed over by the ammunition man next to him, and quickly replaced it.

A machine gun position was found again, the machine gun protruded outwards, and the head was attached to the butt of the gun, and then emerged out of the trench.

Da da da.
The assistant shooter was very smart, and immediately shrank his head after two short bursts.

Not surprisingly, several bullets whizzed past his head just now.

"There is a sharpshooter." The deputy shooter shouted: "Where did the observer observer die? Hurry up and inform the mortar, and knock out the three devils who are stacked together. The little devil is hiding behind the corpse."

Tom. Tom.
Two mortar shells fired successively
The shock wave shook violently, and the four corpses were blown up into the air, even where the corpses of the three little devils were standing.

In the dense bullet rain, no screams could be heard at all, and the dead were corpses. The final result was just a small line of death in a certain place in a certain year and a certain month on the back of each roster.

The devil is trying to break through from the front, and has already scored within 100 meters.

The bullets covered by the firepower of the [-] Artillery, mortars and even grenades, heavy machine guns and light machine guns flew towards the positions like rain.

Shells were roaring, the ground was shaking, gunpowder smoke was billowing, and people were blasted out of the trenches from time to time.

The bullets hit the trench mound with a puffing sound, raising clouds of dust.

The attacking devil infantry, with their cats on their waists and holding their rifles, fired at the soldiers in the trenches, and almost every step forward, some people fell down.

The deputy shooter finished two bursts again, then retreated into the trench, and a grenade grenade smashed into the trench as if it had eyes, and the shock wave spread violently in the trench.

The mud flew across the sky, filled with gunpowder smoke, and the mud rained all over the sky, hitting the bloody face holding the machine gun.

The cool air in the trenches turned into hot wind.

The health soldiers waiting in the trench immediately stepped forward, probed their noses and touched their chests. If there were any survivors, someone would immediately carry them away.

The dead are out of control for the time being.

The machine gun on the ground was ripped away by another person, who kept pulling the machine gun to check whether it could continue to work.
"I'm fucking your ancestor, little devil, come on" is just that one sentence, repeated over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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