under fire

Chapter 968 Friendly Defense Zone

Chapter 968 Friendly Defense Zone
The sound of guns and guns on the battlefield gradually faded away.

Somewhere on the front line of the national army, the disgraced head of the regiment was a little bit reluctant: "I've been digging a position for more than half a year, and if I don't want it, I don't want it. If I beat him for another day, at least one brigade of little devils will be killed."

The staff officer next to him put down the phone and gave the head a blank look: "Don't brag there, we only have more than 1000 people, and you can only beat the devil to see the devil."

The head of the regiment ignored the staff's eyes, pulled off the Japanese-style steel helmet on top of his head, and slammed it on the table: "Damn it, those guys in the mountains have a favorable terrain, and they can't stop the little devil?"

The staff officer shook his head: "The devils have already bypassed our position and attacked the two wings of our defense line from the mountains. All the departments are retreating. If we don't leave, we will be alone. It will be too late if we want to leave!"

"Those cowards above are useless in this battle."

The staff officer was speechless, and it was hard to answer: "Commander, hurry up and order."

The head of the regiment put the helmet with the yellow five stars on the front worn away to reveal the true color of steel on his head again, and ordered the orderly next to him: "Order, all departments retreat as planned."

On the battlefield amidst the gunpowder, the resisting team is beginning to retreat in an orderly manner.

At least one thing is certain, the team runs much faster when retreating than when entering the position.

three hours later.

The Ninth Battalion and his party reconnaissance all the way from the mountains on the south side of the battle zone, and continued westward.

Er Diazi looked at the cliff in front of him: "After passing that cliff, you will enter the New Fifth Army Defense Zone. I can only send you here."

"Fuck, it's not interesting for you to go back. Director Guo asked you to carry Qi. Uncle Qi, you have to send it to the ground, don't you?" Are you here to scout the real and the false? If there are ready-made people who don't use it, are you stupid?

"What you said seems to make sense. That's fine. Hey, you have to teach me how to shoot a gun in the future."

"no problem."

The outer defense line of the New Five Armies.

Fortifications were built on the edge of the cliff.

Because there are friendly troops defending in the east, it is rare to see people here.

A captain and officer showed his head above the cliff fortifications, watching the eight-way team coming from the east, carrying bicycles and running all over the mountain?Feeling a little unbelievable: "Who?"

Er Diao shouted in front: "Don't you have eyes, my own!
"Number." The team coming from the friendly defense area should not be the enemy. The friendly army has already called in advance to report, but there should be some identification procedures.

"I belong to the [-]th Division, and they are the Ninth Battalion of the Eighth Route Independent Regiment!"


"Friendly troops passed by our defense area, and I will send them over. How the hell do I know your password."

The captain curled his lips: "As long as you can prove your identities, there is no problem."

Hu Yi looked at the gangster-like captain, not wanting to waste time: "Please inform the Eighth Route Army liaison officer at your division headquarters."

Hearing this tone, it seemed that he knew someone from the headquarters. The captain hesitated for a moment: "You guys came at a really bad time. The commanders are all on the front line."

Er Diazi wanted to show off in front of Ba Lu: "Young Luo Suo, how can you know about the headquarters? Hurry up and call, you can't afford to miss it."

Seeing this man talking arrogantly, the captain restrained a lot: "You guys wait here for me to call and ask."

Xiao Hongying asked curiously beside him: "Fox, do you know the people in their headquarters?"

Hu Yi shook his head and lowered his voice: "When we left, Captain Geng told me that if you want to pass through the New Fifth Army Defense Zone, if you have to, go directly to the liaison officer arranged by the Eighth Route Army at their division headquarters, or detour."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask."

Not long after, the captain appeared on the cliff again: "I said, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like Balu?"

"Did you call at all?"

"As I said above, since you said you are the Eighth Route Independent Group and need to verify your identity, I have three questions for you to answer."

"Don't dawdle, if you fart, let it go."

"First, the name of the monitor of the cooking squad of the Independent Regiment?"

"Uncle Niu"

The last name is correct, but the first name is wrong, the captain said with a dark face: "Say the full name"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know Uncle Niu's full name, so he turned his head to the back: "Girl."

Xiao Hongying hurried to the front: "Hey, Niu Dazhuang."

The captain froze for a moment: "You are?"

Xiao Hongying stared wide-eyed: "This is the second question?"

"Uh, of course not, tell me the name of the place where the second company defense area of ​​the independent regiment is located."

Whether it is the second company or the second battalion of Xiao Hongying in the "Sanjiaji", it may be a question set up in the past to identify the identities of friendly troops.

The captain nodded: "Tell me the names of three of the first five members of the Independence Regiment's Ninth Squad."

"Ma Liang, mule, runny nose, fox...and me."

"You're only right about one thing."

"The name of the mule is Luo Fugui, and the name of the runny nose is Liu Jianqiang." Xiao Hongying immediately came to her senses. It seems that this liaison officer should know the independent group very well.

The captain looked at the questions and answers he had recorded, there should be no problem, and a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, come up quickly, someone from your independent group is on our side."

"Someone from the Independent Regiment is on the side of the friendly army? Who is it?"

"Hehe, don't ask me, I don't know."

And if someone pretends to be an independent regiment, it is unlikely that they will know all these things, and if they enter the friendly defense zone, they can be identified face to face at any time.

A group of people began to climb up the cliff.

Even after verifying their identities, the defenders on the cliff still did not take their guard lightly. Taking advantage of the favorable location, they hid in various places and poked out their guns.

The captain standing on the edge of the cliff looked at the second urine: "Brother, remember, the little devil is attacking aggressively, and the fourth division's defense line has shrunk into the mountain for the time being. After entering the defense area, you must follow the designated route."

"When did the little devil make a move?" Hu Yi walked to the side of the captain and stopped.

"The night before yesterday." Seeing that these people were well-equipped for running in the mountains, the captain put away his thoughts: "Brother, do you have any cigarettes?"

Hu Yi nodded to the half-immortal behind him.

Banxian directly took off a backpack from the soldier next to him and threw it to him.

The captain ordered to the side soldiers: "You two, first take them to the second line of defense to verify their identities, and then take them around the battlefield, be careful not to run around."

The headquarters of the friendly army division that used the mountain temple as a disguise.

Master Jing, who had just returned, frowned as he looked at the team coming up the mountain road below.

His subordinates reported that the Eight Routes directly called the representatives of the Eight Routes in his headquarters, which made him a little confused about what was going on in the middle.

Therefore, even though he was very busy on the battlefield, he still decided to meet the people from the Eighth Route in person first.

Fortunately, the team came up very quickly.

A squad of gendarmes "detained" Hu Yi and brought the big dog to the outside of the mountain temple.

Master Jing looked at Hu Yi: "What's your surname?"

Hu Yi replied very slowly: "Miangui, surnamed Li, Zhang Guan Li Dai Zhang."

This answer is a bit strange, and most people will think that there is a problem with this statement. Is the surname Li or Zhang?

"Hehe, you can't even tell whether your surname is Zhang or Li?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake just now, my surname is Li."

"Which Lee?"

Hu Yi lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear: "Dawn of dawn."

"Follow me." Master Jing nodded.

The two walked into the lounge next to the headquarters.

Master Jing threw out a cigarette, Hu Yi took it and put it behind his ear.

"You said you are... an independent group?"


Master Jing nodded: "Hehe, let me show you an acquaintance."

The people sitting in the room looked back at Hu Yi with a smile on their faces: "Commander Hu, long time no see."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "Group Leader Zheng? Why are you here?"

"Haha, why can't I be here?"

(End of this chapter)

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