under fire

Chapter 969 Secret Front

Chapter 969 Secret Front
Officer Zheng solemnly introduced: "This is Commander Jing of the Temporary Fourth Division of the friendly army."

Hu Yi immediately understood, this identity. Could it be?

He didn't dare to ask more questions, so he quickly saluted: "Mr. Jing is good!"

Master Jing looked at Hu Yi and smiled: "Okay, we are all our own people. Since Team Leader Zheng thinks you are reliable, the situation is tense now, so let's make a long story short."

Officer Zheng asked Hu Yi directly: "What was the result of the trip to the district?"

Hearing what Officer Zheng said, he should be fully aware of this matter, and he might even be one of the planners, and he didn't treat Master Jing as an outsider. Thinking of this: "It should be regarded as completing the task assigned by the superior."

"Hehe, I think you can do it. I think you must have doubts about the arrangement of your superiors, right?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, but did not hide it: "There is a little bit."

Officer Zheng nodded: "This time, there is really no way to let you go there. The divisional combat troops have been transferred to Luxi, and there is a team with a secret mission in the organization to pass through the enemy-occupied area. We need a unit to attract the enemy's attention. , you understand what I mean?"

In fact, Hu Yi generally understood that entering the enemy-occupied area to clear the Huidao Gate was only a part of the plan. As for other matters, he didn't ask much, and directly changed the subject: "When we came back, we found another situation."

"You said."

"I found traces of the devil's advance team in the enemy-occupied area. If I guessed correctly, they should still be following us at this time."

"What are you talking about? Advance to the team?" Team leader Zheng jumped up from his chair: "Still following you? Damn it"

Master Jing quickly grabbed Officer Zheng: "Hey, don't break my desk."

Officer Zheng stood firm: "Tell me the details."

Hu Yi roughly explained what happened and his guess.

Officer Zheng slammed his fist on the table: "Hey, finally there is a chance for revenge, uh, where is the one you caught alive?"

"Watch in line."

"Give the person to me in a while, and charge some interest first."

Master Jing next to him frowned: "Wait, you said they followed you into the mountain?"

Hu Yi nodded.

"This is wrong. When you enter the mountains from the plain, you have to pass through Li Tietou's defense zone. Could it be that they can really fly?"

"According to the captives, it is said that they are pretending to be traders selling tobacco."

Team leader Zheng slammed his fist on the table again and looked at Master Jing: "Look, these guys actually did such outrageous things for money."

Master Jing's face darkened, he shook his head and smiled wryly: "You scolded well, but it's a pity that Commander Pang smokes opium. The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. As a deputy division commander, I am also powerless and can't stop repeatedly."

Group leader Zheng suppressed his anger: "I can't blame you for this matter. If you react too violently, this deputy division commander will not be able to continue."

There was a smirk on Master Jing's face: "Damn the advance team, as long as he dares to come to our defense area, he will definitely let him come and go."

Team leader Zheng turned his head to look at Hu Yi with a serious expression: "By the way, I asked Mr. Jing to invite you over today, and I have something else to tell you."

Hu Yi nodded: "Please speak."

Officer Zheng looked at Master Jing: "Under the massive attack of the devils, the Temporary Third Division and the Temporary Fourth Division have not persisted for three days. The previous plan needs to be adjusted."

Master Jing was a little embarrassed: "I think things shouldn't be that bad."

"The surname Sun deliberately let his superiors know through your mouth that he has no choice but to join the enemy. Since this matter is a foregone conclusion, we have to make a fuss about it."

"You said."

"If there is no accident, after you surrender to the enemy, the devil will definitely let you attack the base area aggressively, and the first one to bear the brunt is the independent regiment."

"I don't quite understand what you mean."

"It's very simple. When you lead a team to attack, there will definitely be little devils supervising the battle. Let's sing a good show for the little devils to turn bad things into good things."

"You mean, pretending, isn't this a long-awaited plan?"

"Don't interrupt, when you attack, try to bring as much food, grass and ammunition as possible, and throw them away as you go, and then we will arrange some of them to be captured by you. In this way, on the surface, you will lay down a larger area, but in fact , but these places will slowly be in our hands.”

"It's a good way. The Chongqing guy doesn't know, so he can only suffer from being dumb. Okay, you should quickly revise the plan and report to your superiors."

Team leader Zheng turned to look at Hu Yi: "Do you understand what we said?"

No matter how stupid Hu Yi was, he understood the stakes and nodded quickly.

"Remember, no one can know about this except Captain Lu and your political commissar. According to the analysis of the current situation, after the New Fifth Army surrenders to the enemy, the little devil is likely to let the Temporary Fourth Division attack your Ninth Battalion base. You When you go back, do you know what to do?
Hu Yi nodded and smiled wryly: "This seems too big."

Master Jing said solemnly: "Don't be mother-in-law, since you are the commander of the Ninth Battalion, you should be very clear about the position of the teacher's finger. When you go back, get ready quickly. I will arrange someone to pinch off your tail."

Hu Yi reminded: "I suggest not to underestimate the devil's advance team."

"Hehe, thank you for your reminder."

They are all smart people, needless to say, Team Leader Zheng looked at Mr. Jing: "Hey, our natal family has come to your territory, so why don't we have some decent greetings?"

"What are you talking about? I'll arrange for people to go to the warehouse in a while, but the quartermaster is the commander's confidant. Guns are not easy to handle, and they can't be taken away on mountain roads. It's not a problem to get some ammunition and supplies. "

"Okay, nothing else, let's do it like this." Team leader Zheng ended the conversation of the three of them directly.

mountain pass.

The platoon leader of the gendarmerie team who saw him off pulled Hu Yi aside, and said in a harsh tone, "Your actions today are very inappropriate. Fortunately, the division commander is not here today, so I won't say more. My name is Yang Wen. I will enter our defense area and let the outside Just call the guard post and call the gendarmerie to find me, and our people will answer the phone."

Hu Yi nodded: "I understand."

"Remember, don't go past the third division's defense area temporarily, and move quickly. Before dawn tomorrow, you must leave this mountainous area to the west." Speaking of this, Plato Leader Yang took out a piece of paper while no one was paying attention: " This is Master Jing's warrant, destroy it immediately when you leave the defense zone."

Hu Yi nodded: "Don't worry."

"Okay then, I won't say more, take care"

Until the team, led by two national army soldiers, left the friendly army division headquarters for almost ten miles.

Hu Yi was still thinking.

Obviously, Commander Jing is not someone who developed from a friendly army in the organization at all, and the organization should have arranged him to the New Fifth Army long ago.

The old base of the New Fifth Army was originally the Northwest Army. After coming out in the early years, warlords fought among warlords. They wanted to go back to their hometown in the Northwest, but they were beaten up by the Ma brothers. Commander Sun even became a bare-bones commander.

Later, with the help of Yan Laoxi, the team was regrouped.

It seems that at that time, the organization arranged for Master Jing to infiltrate the New Fifth Army.

Logically speaking, it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp for someone surnamed Sun to make a comeback.

If nothing else happened, he must know the details of Mr. Jing!

In other words, these things should be secrets that only the top leaders of the Eighth Route Army can know.

Hu Yi couldn't figure out why Team Leader Zheng let him know this secret!
After all, he is a battalion commander of a low-class regiment, and he shouldn't be at all.

The one in Chongqing wanted Commander Sun to join the enemy, and the Eighth Route Army could never stop it. Therefore, the superiors could only use this relationship to make a fuss.

The more you know, the heavier the burden on you.

It's too complicated, and I can't help but have some headaches.

Xiao Hongying followed Hu Yi, and after being silent for a while, she finally asked, "Fox, they really don't have guns with scopes?"

Hu Yi seemed to be still thinking about something, and he didn't turn his head: "I checked, and there is indeed no one in the warehouse."

Xiao Hongying really wanted to ask Hu Yi what kind of people she had met, but when Hu Yi came out from the friendly army headquarters with ammunition, her expression was not quite right: "Hey, you have been listless, what happened? thing?"

"It's nothing." Hu Yi's voice was a little absent-minded.

Xiao Hongying was a little proud: "Hey, we heard from their sentries that the friendly troops withdrew after only fighting for three days."

"Hmm..." Hu Yi was still thinking about something on his mind.

"I see that they seem to be packing their things, and they seem to be preparing to retreat to the mountains."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and the newly established reconnaissance platoon got false news. It seems that it is necessary to remind the little girl. After clearing his mind, he suddenly turned his head and lowered his voice: "They are going to enter the plain."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Hongying didn't turn the corner in her mind: "You said they were going to counterattack and enter the plain? You can really say that."

"You are the platoon leader now, you should learn to analyze independently." Hu Yi's voice seemed to become calm.

(End of this chapter)

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